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Another big thanks to MoonyEater for editing! 

Hope ya'll enjoy this, I worked hard.


 Tubbo sighed heavily. His head fell forward with a loud thud against the oakwood desk. A few papers fluttered slightly from his sudden movements, but he paid them no mind.

The young president gazed longingly at the window that displayed the morning's first lights. It wasn't as beautiful as a sunset, in his opinion. He'd seen hundreds in his short life, and so, Tubbo thought his verdict was a valid one. He closed his eyes before lifting his head from the wood and rubbing his throbbing eyes.

"Rough night?" A voice sounded from the doorway. Tubbo's hazy blue eyes rested upon Fundy's form as the fox leaned against the door's frame. Tubbo nodded and covered his mouth as a large yawn escaped it. He leaned back to stretch and winced when his back cracked at the movement.

"What are you doing here?" Tubbo tilted his head as he looked back to the older male. Fundy looked to the ground almost as if he was ashamed, causing the brunette to frown in confusion.

"What, I can't come and check on you?" The man defended, and Tubbo shook his head quickly.

"No, that's not it," He retorted and stood from his chair. "I haven't seen you in a while," Tubbo decided to direct the conversation elsewhere.

"I've been busy."

"I'm sure," Tubbo nodded and approached Fundy. He passed him and moved into the hallway. Fundy followed a few paces behind him. "Things have been quite hectic lately," Fundy let out a short burst of laughter, causing the younger to smile softly.

"You can say that again."

Silence befell upon them as they kept a steady pace through the halls, but Tubbo could sense Fundy's apprehension and anxiety. He stopped and faced the fox with a worried frown and creased forehead. Fundy slowed to a stop wearing a guarded expression adding to Tubbo's worry.

"Did you want to tell me something?"

Fundy hesitated, his tail twitching behind him, before steeling himself and meeting Tubbo's eyes fully. Tubbo stared back with a small frown, and Fundy took that moment to really look at the young boy. It saddened him to no end once he realized why it felt wrong to look at Tubbo. The boy's eyes, which were usually bright baby blue, had dulled to a stormy gray decorated with heavy bags beneath his eyes formed over many sleepless nights. His eyes held a deep and buried sorrow that Fundy knew the wars had caused. Tubbo's playful and fun attitude had been replaced by a thick air of grim exhaustion that no sixteen-year-old should have surrounding them.

This wasn't the Tubbo that Fundy knew. This wasn't the small boy who'd followed Tommy everywhere the other had gone. This wasn't the boy who had proved to be just as meddlesome and mischievous as any other child his age but had so easily been able to evade punishment when he formed his innocent mask.

This was a young teenager that held the burden of an entire nation upon his shoulders. And along with the mistakes of its people. Deep down inside, Fundy blamed himself for that. He was supposed to have looked out for Tubbo and Tommy as well. It's what his father would've wanted.

But he'd failed.

Fundy realized Tubbo had begun to squirm under his gaze and realized he'd yet to reply.

"Are you okay?" He finally brought himself to ask. Tubbo blinked his wide eyes in confusion as if he hadn't expected that to be the fox's question.

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