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Got bored, so I posted early. Hope you enjoy.

possible TW for panic attacks

It's dark.

No, he just can't see.

He needs to open his eyes. It's dangerous. He shouldn't be lying on the ground like this.

His head hurts.


Why does it hurt? What happened?

He can't remember.

I can't remember.


Why can't I remember...?

He opens his eyes and is met with the sight of the trees covering him from the night sky. He doesn't know where he is but he doesn't feel safe and that must be bad.


He rolls to his side and winces at the pain that flares up in his torso at the sudden action. He gasps at the pain and struggles to keep himself from faceplanting into the grass below. He manages to shakily hold himself by his elbows and looks around slowly when he hears it.


His body tenses with fear. He knows he needs to move, run, to hide from whatever threat is approaching but his body won't listen. He can't move.

The footsteps near closer and he can't do anything as the figure walks toward him, only stopping just above him. He can't see them for a moment as their silhouette covers the dim moonlight. He squints in the dark at them and waits for his eyes to adjust with bated breath. He realizes quickly how close they are just as he's able to make out a few key features. With labored breathing he manages to shove them away giving himself enough time to scramble to his feet and dart through the forest.

He runs. He keeps running, for how long he doesn't know. He's vaguely aware of pushing himself through some purple mass and the heat, unbearable heat that tugs at his bones and threatens to take him under.

He keeps running. He runs until the air is cool again. There isn't anywhere to hide to he rushes into yet another treeline and blends into the forestry. He knows he still isn't safe but collapses anyway. He heaves in the air as if it's his first time breathing in the substance.

His head hurts. It hurts so much. His arms wrap around his middle once again hissing at the pain around that area.

It's silent but he can still hear the person's footsteps. He's terrified. He can't remember being this scared of something. His fear doubles when realizes again he can't remember anything. The footsteps come closer and his head snaps up, coming eye to eye with the same figure. He's not sure if he's seen anything like it but he knows somehow it wants him dead.

It comes closer and he runs with only the brief flash of orange in the corner of his eye to tell him he narrowly escaped what could have been an untimely death.


Dream didn't care where he ran only knowing he needed to get away and fast. After escaping the house he darted down the path pushing past a few people in the way. He didn't both looking at them knowing already he wouldn't remember him. His eyes scanned over his surroundings realizing despite the many buildings there wasn't much cover. So, he ran to the only place he found he could trust so far.

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