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"What the hell was that?" Quackity asked with a small huff as he stared at the still-open door.

George followed his gaze while biting his lip and hugged his middle. When they'd arrived at the scene he could sense the fear as clear as the oxygen surrounding them. Ranboo had been panicked for a reason unknown to them until Sapnap had demanded to Fundy and Quackity where Dream was. The hybrid shakily told them he'd run out the door and then the raven-haired teen was gone. George was grateful, he didn't think he'd been able to face their friend.

Not after what he'd done.

"That's what we'd like to know as well," Tubbo answered, glancing over his shoulders at the other two men. Fundy's ears lowered and he looked away rubbing at his arms prompting the others' attention to divert to him. Tubbo lowered himself to the ground and sat next to Ranboo who leaned heavily on him with lidded eyes that stared ahead at nothing. George shot the taller a concerned glance to which Tubbo replied with a reassuring smile and dismissive wave of his hand for his friend. The president returned his gaze to Fundy and the hybrid looked about ready to crumble under their stares.

"Fundy, what the hell's going on, man?" Quackity asked in a surprisingly quiet tone. The fox sighed heavily and closed his eyes for a moment. They reopened and he looked to the floor.

"He remembered something," Fundy stated and the beanie-clad man scoffed.

"Yeah, no shit. That doesn't explain why he bolted like a fucking rabbit," He returned with a gesture to the door. "Surprised he didn't tear the door off when he left,"

"What did he remember?" Tubbo cut off the other before he could continue.

"He didn't say," Fundy answered with a conflicted expression. George frowned and glanced at the door again.

"He was scared," The brunette spoke up, startling the others. George gripped his arms in an almost bruising grip but he let the pain ground him. "He wouldn't have run otherwise," He told them. "What set him off?"

"He saw Fundy," Ranboo's voice croaked out softly. The older snapped his eyes to the seated hybrid and waited for him to elaborate. Tubbo looked at the other with a worried frown but Ranboo continued despite his obvious exhaustion. "I was watching him the whole time..." He mumbled and blinked slowly. "He was pretty nervous when he heard them but he got all...," He licked his lips and hesitated. "Tense," He decided on and continued gradually. "When they walked in, he stood up and looked..."

"Ready to fight?" Quackity supplied and the other nodded with a small hum.

"He looked like he was expecting some kind of attack..."

"He felt threatened," George summarized, and Ranboo nodded again causing the older to frown.

"I scared him..." Fundy muttered and clenched his fists.

"He wouldn't have reacted that way unless he remembered something involving Fundy specifically," Tubbo pointed out, and George narrowed his eyes before looking at Fundy.

"Fundy did you..." Quackity trailed off with an astonished expression. "Did you do something...?" Fundy's form went rigid and his eyes narrowed as he met the other's eyes.

"No," He denied hotly and looked in George's direction next. "I'm not the one who did anything," The fox spat.

"Let's not talk about this now," Tubbo advised, noticing the tensions quickly rising and raised his hands in a placating gesture from where he still sat while glancing worriedly at Ranboo. The hybrid nodded silently in agreement, his heterochromia eyes flitting between the older males. Quackity looked reluctant by agreed but nodded reluctantly all the same. George cast another look to Fundy but sighed heavily and looked to the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

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