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This is something I thought I'd try out. It might not line up with what most of you know about the SMP's plotline so far but I'm still slightly new I guess.

My friends encouraged me to do this and helped a lot so I went for it.

Hope you enjoy! ~


Tommy hated being alone.

He hated it more than anything. So, it made sense when they used it against him.

Nothing bothered him more than the ringing in his ears the silence brought. Not to mention the loneliness that came with it. That was what hurt him the most.

He'd have given nearly anything to go back home. Nearly, being a keyword, anything. But he would have never wanted the company of the likes of him.


Tommy huddled near his fire, poking at it with a stick while wearing a somber expression. The day had been somewhat successful. He'd managed to scrounge up enough food for a few days as well as gather more supplies. It had been a while since he'd taken the time to sit down and relax as he opted to keep himself busy should he be left alone with his thoughts. But today was a good enough day, and he was merely tired enough to fall asleep without any complications.

Sleep had been ridiculously hard to come by the past few days, so it wasn't a surprise Tommy didn't make it back inside the tent before he slumped over and fell into a fitful slumber.

His dreams were thankfully void of his fears and mistakes, but his shallow doze is broken from the sudden snap of a twig followed by a soft curse. Tommy shot into a sitting position with a startled mumble but quickly quieted himself and peeked over the log he'd been laying against. His wide eyes scanned the dark area, but he didn't see anything, nor did another sound ring out.

Tommy swallowed thickly and slowly crawled back to his tent to grab a weapon. Millions of thoughts buzzed in his skull, but one stood out.

He was not afraid.

He'd done scarier things than this. He'd gone through the Nether for heaven's sake and survived too! This shouldn't be a problem.

But all those times he'd hadn't been alone. Someone was always with him. To help him, fight with him, or were just there for the hell of it. This time though, he'd be walking into danger by himself. That was what wiggled at him in the back of his mind.

Tommy set his jaw and shoved his thoughts away to deal with on a later date, opting to focus on the problem at hand. He held his sword in front of him as he made his way closer to the treeline. No noises came from the forest, but Tommy would preferably not take any chances and moved even closer towards the area he heard the sound emit from.

Something shuffled, and a short gasp followed, causing Tommy to flinch at the noise but pushed onward. He faintly wondered just what the creature would be. He highly doubted it would be a person considering it had been months since anyone had even thought about coming to see him. Tommy couldn't find it in himself to blame them, though.

A few more steps closer, and Tommy could barely pick up on the sound of ragged breathing. He frowned at how painfilled they sounded as he took another step forward. The sound grew louder as he drew ever nearer.

Then he smelt it; the heavy irony scent brought by nothing good. His fear spiked, and a sick feeling sunk into his gut, nearly keeping him rooted in place. Someone was injured that much was obvious, and he couldn't dismiss the worry accumulating in his chest. So, with great effort, Tommy took another cautious step and peered around a tree.

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