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I really like this chapter so I hope you all feel the same! Thanks again for reading!

Tommy sighed as he flopped onto the couch with a dull thump. He was exhausted, to say the least. Tubbo had insisted he and Dream wash up a bit before the meeting, and Tommy had no complaints about that. After taking a long shower and contemplating his life while enjoying the warm water, Tommy waited in Tubbo's living room.

The blonde stared at the ceiling of the quaint house. He remembered when he helped Tubbo build it back when the other first arrived at the once small village. Tommy's mind wandered to more early memories of simpler times, happier times.

Tommy sighed again softly and rubbed tiredly at his eyes, and yawned. His muddled mind finally realized how tired his body was. All those restless nights seemed to have finally caught up to him. He was suddenly aware of his sore muscles and aching joints. Tommy chuckled as he could mentally hear his friends call him an old man. His eyelids felt so heavy, and he didn't bother fighting the lulling pull of sleep. Surely, Tubbo would understand his exhaustion.

Tommy allowed himself to fall asleep and was soon snoring softly on the couch.


Ranboo felt guilty for being curious instead of worried when Tubbo informed him about Dream, as well as Tommy's newly appointed citizenship. While he was very excited for his friend to have been able to come back home, his mind continued to think back to how Tubbo's expression looked when he spoke to him.

Ranboo had been told, as well as Fundy and Quackity, to keep this problem on the down-low until Tubbo could address it suitably. The young president had sent the hybrid to check on Tommy and Dream while he went to meet up with Sapnap and George to presumably inform them of their friend's sudden condition. Ranboo felt once again slightly guilty for being relieved, only slightly, of course.

The tall teen paused on the wooden porch. How should he go about this? Ranboo took a deep breath and forced himself to think carefully, knowing full well that one wrong move could be fatal in some way. Mismatched eyes closed as Ranboo recalled how he felt during his episodes. He remembered how frustrated he felt when he had to be told something that he should easily remember. How patronizing it felt despite knowing his friends were only trying to help.

Maybe this was why Tubbo sent him to check on them.

Ranboo squared his shoulders and stepped up to the door before carefully twisting the doorknob and entering. The young male continued to take breaths, which he counted in his mind, to keep his head steady on his goal as he rounded the corner and stopped at the living room's threshold.

Tommy was snoring loudly with his arm thrown lazily over his eyes while he slept and his legs hanging haphazardly off the couch's side. Ranboo allowed himself to smile softly at the mess of limbs that was his friend. It seemed he would be able to thank Tommy after all.

A quiet rustle of someone shifting caught Ranboo's attention and his eyes darted to the smaller couch where Dream sat, looking in his direction. Ranboo took in his appearance, noting how he had never seen the older male without his familiar jacket that had been abandoned, leaving him in a tight black turtleneck. His mask, however, was still covering his face leaving the empty smile to stare at him in place of where his eyes should be underneath.

Ranboo couldn't tell if he was actually looking at him but smiled nonetheless as he stepped into the living fully. If Dream hadn't been looking at him before, he certainly was now as Ranboo could feel his eyes on his person as he lowered into the only chair in the room. Ranboo took into account how tense Dream was looking, almost ready to bolt should he need to. He also continued to look between Tommy and him, and Ranboo wondered if he was debated if it was safe to leave Tommy behind. The hybrid was surprised at the subtle act, wondering how Dream must see Tommy now if what Tubbo had told was correct. Dream stared at him expectantly, and Ranboo realized he must've been silent for too long.

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