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I'm proud to say that I'm learning a lot and getting the hang of following the train wreck of a plotline for this shit. And since I'm getting familiar with more of the characters you can expect more of them to appear as the story goes on!

Enjoy the chapter! ~

Tommy sifted through the food he had stashed away the day before, all while mumbling to himself. He was frustrated. What he was frustrated with was hard to say. He honestly was not too keen on Dream recovering his memories if he was being honest, but that was more for the safety of himself rather than being selfish. Well, that's what he told himself anyway.

But selfish desires aside, Tommy wished to know what exactly happened. It made his head hurt merely trying to think about all the possible ways Dream could have gotten injured in such a way. His head hurt because, well, there just weren't many things he could come up with that could do such a thing.

The young blonde grunted as he slammed the chest's lid shut with more force than necessary. He stood up with his arms full of bread and dried meat. As much as he wanted answers, Tommy knew he wouldn't be getting any anytime soon. He cursed himself for not being a patient person. But then again, he'd never been a patient person, to begin with.

Tommy exited the tent and opened his mouth to call for the others but stopped when he noticed them staring at each other while in the midst of what looked to be quite the conversation of importance. Tommy could barely catch a few words but quickly looked away. He felt as if he was intruding on something private. The blonde teen heaved a heavy sigh, releasing his arms' load onto a large stone nearby. He dusted off his hands while shooting the pair a glance. He turned away, deciding a walk wouldn't be such a bad thing at the moment.

Tommy kept his eyes trained on the upturned dirt that smoothed out where his feet pressed into it. The young man forced his mind to become calm and empty as he knew the moment he went back, his anger and frustrations would overtake his mind once again. Tommy wished to relish in this peaceful moment while he could.

He thought about his life  before . He thought of warm hugs and just as cozy beds tucked inside homely houses. He thought of his friends and all the good times he'd shared with them.

Tommy didn't allow sadness to taint the bright images flowing through his mind's eyes. He reveled in the warmth they brought, letting it sink deep into his weary bones.

He thought about sunsets spent sitting on a wooden bench. He thought about sliding in his vinyl disks into a jukebox and closing his eyes as the tune drifted over him. He thought of chatting away about random nonsense with Tubbo.

Tommy felt a lump begin to form in his throat but swallowed around it stubbornly. Blue eyes stayed dry as they resolutely stared ahead.

Tommy thought about his best friend. He thought about all the silly situations they got into together, he thought about the fights they pulled each other through, he remembered laughter and happiness, anger and shouting, tears, and sorrow.

Before he'd realized it, Tommy had managed to walk to the Nether Portal that posed as an exit to his place of damnation. His blue eyes roamed along with the portal's edge before settling on the swirling mass of purple in the center.

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