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Dream stared down at his lap, his hidden eyes glazed over. Ranboo had been kind enough to take him back to Tubbo's house and thankfully didn't lecture him on leaving by himself. He probably wanted to leave that job to Tommy. Ranboo didn't push him and let him sort through his thoughts in silence only leaving once he was sure the man was steady enough to be alone.

Once the door clicked closed Dream immediately stood and made his way to the guest room Tubbo had set up for him. Sitting down at the desk and pulling his journal out with trembling hands. He fumbled around with the drawers before pulling out a quill and ink with a shaky sigh.

The ink-drenched quill hovered over the first page as Dream wracked his brain for a way to put his newly remembered experience into words. With a groan, he found it rather difficult to do so.

Despite not having the words of an esteemed poet, the former hunter began to quickly drag the stained quill across the paper. He hoped when he happened to look back on it, the words were somewhat comprehensible.


Ranboo sighed heavily as he closed the front door behind him. Was it a good idea to leave the amnesiac admin alone? Probably not, but the teenaged hybrid was grasping at straws here and was at his wit's end.

He didn't mind helping Dream, quite the opposite, despite everything that had happened in the past he found himself oddly willing. Maybe it was because of how similar their states of mind were? No, that didn't make any sense.

Ranboo sighed bitterly and began to walk briskly back towards the community house. Hopefully, Sapnap and George were there still. Maybe they could give him some helpful insight into whatever triggered Dream.

Ranboo didn't mind helping Dream with his memory issue, in fact, he'd reckon he was the best to understand where the older male was coming from. Helping Dream recover his memories wasn't the problem though. It was the panic that seemed to come with each recovered memory.

If there was one thing Ranboo was experienced with, it would have to be panic attacks. Having a few himself within a week only, he'd say he's confident enough to know how to deal with them. On his own, though. Not trusting many people does tend to lead to being alone most of the time, which, in itself was nothing new for the hybrid. He knew how to drag himself down from whatever storm had swept away his mind, granted some days were worse than others but he knew how to handle them nonetheless.

But handling his own anxiety was different than helping another cope with theirs. And it just so happened that twice now, he'd been one of the few people present during Dream's episodes. Seeing the normally strong man, be so vulnerable and scared was quite a sight, to say the least. It didn't help that his panic was, simply put, infectious. Just being near the waves of confusion and fear that rolled off of the masked man sent shivers down Ranboo's spine and caused his knees to grow weak.

The teen covered his face and groaned loudly as he came to a stop in the middle of the wooden pathway. He really was not cut out for this. With a deep sigh, he lifted his head in time to see Tubbo and Tommy both conversing with George and Sapnap in front of the community house. Without much delay, the lanky teen approached them.

Sapnap noticed him first and moved around both younger boys to meet Ranboo half-way with a near desperate look in his eyes. Instantly the anxious hybrid found out he was not going to be looking forward to this conversation.

"Where's Dream?" The older asked as the other three followed his lead and began approaching Ranboo as well. The two-toned male tried very hard to ignore the feeling of so many eyes on him and cleared his throat noisily before opening his mouth to speak.

An Abandoned Dream (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now