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"I don't understand," Fundy muttered with his eyes fixed on the slick surface of the rounded table. Quackity sat to his left while Ghostbur hovered on his right. Tubbo sat in front of them with a deep frown marring his features.

"What's there to not understand?" Tubbo asked wearily and ran a hand through his hair roughly while mentally cursing himself for his lack of sleep the night before. "I've explained everything Tommy's told me."

"And you expect us to believe it, just like that?" Quackity asked in exasperation. "How do we know he isn't just trying to pull something? For all, we know Tommy could be in on it as well," The dark-haired male accused.

"He's telling the truth," Ghostbur defended calmly, causing Fundy to look in his direction with furrowed brows.

"How do you know that for sure?" Quackity asked again while facing the ghost this time. Ghostbur didn't move to explain himself, only fiddling with a small stone in his grasp while humming a tune under his breath. Fundy scoffed and faced Tubbo once more.

"Tubbo," The hybrid sighed heavily as the teen's eyes focused on him. "I know we shouldn't be questioning your decisions, but we have no way of knowing this is legit. We have every right to be wary of keeping Dream in L'manburg," The brunette nodded along to Fundy's words as the older spoke.

"I never said you didn't," Tubbo leaned back in his chair and let his eyes close. His hand rose to rub his temple tiredly. God, he was so tired. "But, I'm sure that if you spoke to him yourself, you'd see it too,"

"Why'd you suddenly let Tommy come back?" Quackity asked suddenly, and Tubbo's eyes opened to see the older male staring him down with an intensity he was not comfortable with.


"Why now of all times, did you let him come back?" Quackity pointed a finger at Tubbo with narrowed eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see him, and all but you had no reason for doing so other than getting both him and Dream here," Fundy's brows rose in surprise at the other's words and he looked in Tubbo's direction as well for an explanation.

"What are you getting at?" Tubbo asked warily as his eyes narrowed and his posture took on an almost defensive stance.

"Why are you so willing to help him?" Fundy asked seemingly getting aboard Quackity's train of thought. "Even if he isn't lying we aren't obligated to help,"

"Fundy's right, you know," Quackity nodded. Tubbo's eyes flicked between the two older males with an expression akin to a cornered animal. "He's done nothing but cause shit for us! Tubbo, he started a fucking war with you guys for crying out loud!" The short man slammed a hand on the table harshly. Fundy flinched at the noise and his eyes flickered to Tubbo in silent worry.

"Quackity, we should be calm about this,"

"Tubbo, he deserved whatever happened to him!" The other continued. Tubbo's eyes were now downcast, his hands squeezing tightly together. Ghostbur watched on with a frown and tense shoulders, he wanted to comfort Tubbo but feared to gain the angry's male attention and therefore have the shouting directed at him instead. All three males' startled however when Tubbo shoved the chair back harshly causing a low screech to fill the moment of tense silence as he stood. His head was tilted downward causing his hair to shade his eyes, but his shaking shoulders portrayed his current emotions enough.

"Tubbo..." Ghostbur murmured but didn't move toward the teen despite obviously wanting to.

"You'd want someone to fucking help if it was you, wouldn't you?" Tubbo asked slowly and raised his eyes to meet the others. Neither of them spoke. "Wouldn't you?" Tubbo asked again, louder.

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