Chapter 9

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So, this isn't really a chapter. It's more like...a summary of the rest of the book. Let me explain. I kinda just lost my excitement to write a complete book, including this one in particular, but also just any book in general. I've been dreading updating for a while, and I figured that I should probably enjoy my writing, instead of just doing it because I felt an obligation. I'm sorry I let ya'll down. 😅 I hope this last little tid-bit of where the story would have gone will at least give everyone some closure. Also, I'll probably end my other book too. (Fanfictions just really aren't working out for me)

Marinette's plan was to tell Alya her identity as Ladybug. She only did this after Adrien got Plagg back, and got his permission to tell Alya his identity too.

Marinette gave Alya her Miraculous to keep permanently, and they began to ready for the battle they knew was coming, by also giving the Miraculous to those who had had them before. (Luka, Nino, Chloe, Kim, etc.)

Gabriel and Nathelie have been secretly collecting Miraculous' from around the world, then proceeded to gift many of them to some of their fellow eviL doErs. This explains why there haven't been any akumas lately.

Because of Adrien's self-isolation due to homeschooling, there was little time when he could sneak out to be Chat Noir, or just Adrien. Becuase of his inability to contact the outside world easily, he falls behind on plans to stop Hawkmoth. (Gabriel's intention, who at this point knows who Chat is, is to keep Adrien out of the battle by isolating him.)

Hawkmoth seeks out Master Fu and traps him, so he can't interfere with Hawkmoth's attack. He then steals the rest of the Miraculous from Master Fu, and expands his 'army.' The conversation with Nathelie and Gabriel in the last chapter was about this.

Hawkmoth himself wields three Miraculous, and plans to use them all when the time comes. 

The amount of time that has passed is about four days.

The ✨Marichat Fluff✨ that has happened within said four days...

Adrien sneaked out as Chat and planned to stroll back to Marinette's house with her, however, it started raining. Nevertheless, he arrives at school, and sees Marinette getting harassed by a couple boys, unable to escape becuase of the rainstorm. (I forgot to mention the umbrella Chat has brought.)

Chat rushed in and scared everyone off, bowed, and gave Marinette his umbrella, and they walked away together. Chat then proceeds to buy a cup of hot chocolate, and they sneak up to Marinette's balcony and drink hot chocolate under the little roof thingy up there and watch the rain patter against the floors. (this moment was heavily inspired by the cover 😅)

The second moment is late at night two days later. Chat sneaks out and while Marinette is admiring the night sky and listening to music, he surprises her. She turns off her music and they lay on the floor of her balcony and stargaze. 

The next day Hawkmoth puts the final stage of his plan into action.

He and his army attack Paris and slowly the good Miraculous holders are being beaten. The police is now attacking any Miraculous wielders they see becuase they can't tell the difference between the good guys and bad gays, that sorta stuff.

Despite Hawkmoth's wishes, Chat Noir is also fighting. Soon, Chat and Ladybug are the only two superheroes who haven't been defeated. They're forced to the Eiffel Tower, and there Hawkmoth plans to steal their Miraculous and make his one wish. (That is what happens when both the Black Cat Miraculous and the Ladybug Miraculous are held by the same person, right? IDK)

Hawkmoth is successful in stealing the two miraculous. However, the strain of three miraculous is already killing him, and when he attempts to add two of the most powerful miraculous ever created, it destroys him.

Basically his own pain, greed, and selfish ambition is what killed him. 

Eventually, Adrien figures out who Hawkmoth was, and is devastated, obviously. He grieves, and has conflicted emotions about his grief, becuase of how terrible a man Gabriel was. However, he learns that it's okay to grieve someone who raised him and knew him all his life. 

Becuase the identities of the Miraculous holders (to clear things up,  they didn't die, their Miraculous were simply taken and they were akumatized) are compromised, they all had to give them back to Master Fu, who was rescued after the battle. Adrien and Marinette retired and the book ends like this:

Adrien and Marinette could finally relax. It was all over. 

But lol, no it's nooot. I never planned for a sequel, but in the epilogue they're adults (without children, yet) and they see a new team of superheroes on the news, and smile at each other, becuase that's just the kinda thing that happens in superhero books. 

So, yeah. That's the most detailed draft of the rest of the book I've ever planned. I hope it did satisfy your curiosity for where the book would have gone. If you have any questions about any parts I forgot to include, feel free to point them out 😅 Thank you all so much for reading, if you got this far, and I'm happy that my book brought you some joy.

- the_bookgoddess

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