Chapter 7

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Author's Note

Hello! I have come back into the light! (AKA I'm off hiatus) I've been contemplating this for a while and was finally like, Heck, imma just do it already.  

So, it is with deepest pride, and greatest pleasure, that we welcome you tonight! And now, we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, as we proudly present, Chapter 7. (Did you get that reference? 😁)

- the book goddess

Adrien was sitting, huddled in a fuzzy blanket that Mari had brought him. His knees were tucked up to his chest and cookie crumbs were scattered on a plate sitting directly in front of him. His was staring at the floorboards of Mari's room, his dried tears no longer visible, though his nose was tinged pink and he was trembling slightly.

Mari's plate of cookies was sitting across from Adrien's, and none of them were touched, except for one, which had a single bite taken out of it. Mari's footsteps echoed across the floors, the muffled tapping of her feet making rhythmic beating against the wooden planks.

Unlike Adrien, Mari couldn't decide what to do. She would pace, then sit and take a bite of her cookie, glare at it, then glance at Adrien in disbelief, then frown and stand suddenly, only to sit back down, then stand to start pacing again.

It was making Adrien nervous. What is she thinking? How did she know I was Chat Noir? Why does she have cookies stashed in her room? And how are they warm? They must have been sitting in that container for a while. Then Adrien stopped himself. Why was he wondering about the cookies? There were much more important things to worry about. Like, for example, what on Earth were they going to do now?

Adrien told himself to stop. Just leave it be! You can worry about that later!


Nope. No. Not a chance. This was not happening. Adrien was not in her room, wrapped in her favorite blanket, eating all her cookies. And he was certainly not Chat Noir. But he is! Marinette's infuriating conscience insisted. You called him Chat! And he answered! Marinette scowled. Shut up! Stop talking! Out of all the things she expected to feel she did not expect to be angry.

Everything that had happened so far had not been favorable to Marinette. And then something happened that wasn't completely unfavorable, and she was angry about it. Well, just like she had been doing for the past three days, she would deal with it. Because Marinette decided she would finally get over herself and see the bigger picture. She cringed a little when she thought of the self-absorbed, swamp like state she had been in.

She was done with all that. She was going to be awake, and sharp. At attention. Not moping for herself, cornered up in her room, wishing she would just fade from existence. No more of that. Marinette thought, determined.

So, instead of despairing in her own hole of self-misery, she was pacing. Back and forth. And though she set her feet down angrily on the floor, they barely made any sound, and subconsciously she was counting them. Twenty-four, Twenty-five, Twenty-six... But what she was mostly focused on was the new information crowding her mind.

Just admit it, Chat and Adrien are the same person. And you are Ladybug. Which means... Marinette closed her eyes tight and grimaced. You rejected the same person twice. But you thought they were different people. And... wait a sec... Chat is Adrien. Chat has a crush on Ladybug... I'm Ladybug. Marinette stopped dead in her tracks. You've got to be kidding me.

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