Chapter 6

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Authors Note

Oke. Just so everyone knows in advance, savor this chapter. I'm going on hiatus. Why? Life, that's why. I will be checking in, but I won't be publishing any new chapters, sry! Thank you guys so much for reading this book, it really boosts my self-esteem to know that people read this voluntarily 😅. Now, read on my fellow humans!

Adrien was nervous. He knew his father had just arrived home, and when Adrien saw them from his bedroom window, it looked like Nathelie was reporting his behavior from the last couple of days. When Gabriel Agreste frowned and pressed his lips together disapprovingly, Adrien knew his father knew he had come home early. 

Gabriel lay his hand on Nathelie's shoulder reassuringly, and smiled. Then he glided up the steps and entered the huge mansion that he called his own. 

Adrien paced in anticipation for the knock on the door that would surely come. He waited a couple minutes, and then a couple more when it did not come. But finally, twenty minutes later, when Gabriel Agreste had yet to knock on his door, he opened it.

 His intent was to find his father and apologize for skipping school, but as he went to open the door, he found that his father was waiting outside, about to knock on the door himself. 

"Oh, you surprised me Adrien." Gabriel said, in the neutral tone he always spoke in. 

"I'm sorry father, I was coming to apologize to you." Adrien said, bowing his head. In respect or shame he did not know. 

"Adrien, don't apologize for trying to apologize." Gabriel criticized.

"Yes, father." 

"Now, is there something you would like to apologize for?" 

Adrien took a shaky breath. "Yes father." Still looking at his pristine, polished white shoes, he spoke again. "I would like to apologize for skipping school. I didn't feel well."

Gabriel frowned, and Adrien swore he was staring at Adrien's ring. His miraculous. Trying to act normal, he clasped his hands behind him, hiding his ring from view. Adrien thought he saw Gabriel squint at Adrien's guilty face, and for a second, something dark and malicious passed over him. But the moment passed quickly, and the silence ended. 

"Yes, yes. You do understand however, why I have decided that you will be homeschooling for the next two weeks." Gabriel said coldly. 

Adrien opened his mouth to argue, but realized it was pointless. The last time Adrien had tried to defy his father, he had failed. But then again, that was before Adrien's life had changed tremendously, and forever. 

"Yes, father." Adrien said glumly. Great. He thought. Now I don't get to see anyone. There's no way father will let me out, or let anyone in for that matter. How am I supposed to be Chat Noir if I can't even leave my house? 

With that, Gabriel walked away from Adrien, his polished shoes making small, haunting clicks on the floor of his silent mansion. 


Marinette was spinning on her chair, not doing anything else. Alya had left her house a hour ago for dinner, and now Marinette was left listening to her own sad thoughts. She mulled over her day and wondered how she was still coping. She didn't try to find the answer. In fact, the only thing she had been doing for the last hour was creating more questions. She hoped that nothing else came up, because she didn't think she could take it. 

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