Chapter 8

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Author's Note - Humans. Before we start, I just want to apologize for the drastic delay in updates, cause like... it's been months. 😅 Anyway, story!

It has been two days since Marinette and Adrien revealed their identities. Two days of patiently waiting for something to happen. Because in the last couple of days, actually, since Adrien had figured out Marinette's identity as Ladybug, akumas had ceased to appear. Just... poof. It made Marinette uneasy. Nothing dangerous every just stops being dangerous. Something has to stop it.

But that was not the only thing on Marinette's mind. She kept repeating the same questions to herself over and over again.

Will Master Fu figure out about this? 

What's he going to do if he figures out? 

What will Hawk Moth do? Where are the Akuma attacks? 


Is catastrophe inevidable? 


Adrien was sitting at the huge dining room table, as he did when he homeschooled. The last time he had left his house was two days ago, and he was overwhelmingly bored. And he couldn't be Chat Noir because Plagg had yet to come home. 

He wished he could see Mari. He wished he could walk through the halls of his school again. He wished his father would stop being overprotective and let him live his life. But no. He was stuck here, staring at the homework he was supposed to be doing. 

Out of the blue, he heard voices. Hushed voices. Adrien couldn't tell where they were coming from, except that they were close. 

"We're so close, we need to do it now, Gabriel."

Gabriel? Father? What are you talking about?

"No. He's too suspicious. We have to be patient."

"But now is the perfect time, he's not home!"

Who's not home?

"No." It sounded final. 

"Then... when?"


"How soon?"  The other person, who Adrien now recognized as Nathelie, mirrored his thoughts.

Gabriel sighed. "He's definitely increased security... I think the lack of Akumas is putting him on edge. It's putting the miraculous wearers on edge too."

"Why don't you-"

"Because, you never know who's listening." Gabriel hissed. 

Then there was silence, for so long Adrien thought they had left. But then,


"And the other thing?"

"...Two days. Does that satisfy you?"


And then Adrien heard their footsteps recede and finally took a breath.

"Looks like you have yourself in a predicament." 

Adrien jumped, and sprung up from his chair, whirling around. Then his eyes widened and his mouth dropped.  


A Marichat Story - @AverageWriter528's B-day Gift :)Where stories live. Discover now