Chapter 3

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Authors Note

Oke, I know you just want to read the friggin chapter, but lets all take a minute to fangirl over the way Chat is looking at Ladybug in this picture. (The one above) EEEE OHMEGOD IMSRY IJUSTCANT.

- the book goddess

Marinette sat in utter shock. This couldn't be happening. This was not happening. 

"Marinette!" Tikki squeaked.

Marinette slowly met Tikki's eyes, and she could tell Tikki saw obvious distress painted all over her. Her eyes were foggy, and at that moment, in her utter despair, they seemed to hold endless pits. She breathed heavily. It had been less than a day, and everyone already knew.

Tikki was taken aback at the look in Marinette's eyes. "Marinette? It will be okay! She didn't have any real proof. No pictures, that's just creepy, and she's the only witness! For all everyone knows, she could be lying for attention! 

"But..." Marinette said hoarsely. "She's not. She's not lying."

"But most people will think she is! Marinette I don't like secrets, but I understand why they exist, and it's wrong for someone who doesn't know why something's a secret to exploit it! What I'm trying to say is, everyone has secrets, and they have to tell them on their own terms, not someone else's."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Marinette whispered.

"It was wrong of her to do that, and... well, I can't say I would urge you to, but if you need to lie for the sake of keeping this a secret, I would understand."

Marinette stared at Tikki. "Y-you understand?" She croaked. 

Tikki's small lips tightened into a line. "Like I said, everyone has their secrets, and I've been alive for millennia."   

Marinette couldn't stop the smile that lifted her face. She started laughing softly to herself.

"Marinette? What is it?"

"I'm sorry." Marinette whispered. "You were so grim and, well, mysterious. I couldn't help but laugh. Your always so bright and cheery Tikki, it was weird." Marinette chuckled a little.

Tikki smiled. "I'm glad I made you laugh, and I agree with you, I don't know what came over me there!" Tikki giggled. 

Marinette stopped chuckling and turned serious again. "Oh God. My parents. I hope they didn't see that." Right on cue, Marinette's father called for her. 

"Marinette! Get down here!" He called. Marinette felt a flare of panic, still clouded by numbness though. What was she going to do?  Lie again. Marinette thought solemnly. She didn't want her parent's knowing just yet. After all, it had only been a day. 

"Tikki this is getting too big too quickly. I really don't understand. What are the odds that I am this unlucky?" Marinette whispered in despair. 

Tikki frowned. "Your not unlucky. Your strong! Marinette, I think the universe is testing you. I don't think it has anything to do with luck."

Marinette looked at Tikki, confusion obvious in her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, well, at least I think, it thinks you can handle it. The universe only tests people it believes to be strong."

"How do you know?"

"I don't." She said simply.

Marinette didn't respond, she had gone back into numbness, considering what Tikki had said. 

A Marichat Story - @AverageWriter528's B-day Gift :)Where stories live. Discover now