Chapter 5

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 For a while, Adrien hadn't let himself be mad at Mari.

But now he would.

He would let himself be mad, because Mari had played with his feelings.

And then, when he was finished with being mad, he would be the person Mari needed.

But right now, for once, he would be selfish. He would be the person he needed for a while.

He would let go of whatever he had been thinking a second earlier about trying again so soon.

And then, Adrien would do what he promised. He would stand by her. He would love her, and he would want to. Because everyone makes mistakes. Getting mad like this is probably a mistake. Adrien thought. Maybe kissing Mari had been a mistake. But then again, maybe Mari's rejection had also been a mistake.

He came back to the real world, and saw Mari eating her lunch, a peaceful, contented expression set on her face. For a second his anger deflated, she looked so innocent. At ease. Adrien couldn't bring himself to show his anger, so he turned away and stood.

When Mari asked Adrien if he was okay, Adrien waved it away and told Mari that he had to go. She frowned, showing her concern, which reminded Adrien, for some reason, about the video. Great, another reason to mope.

He sighed and walked away, willing himself not to speak to anyone, for fear of crying. 


Marinette had done it. She'd approached Adrien, and asked if they were still friends. He said they were, and Marinette genuinely believed him. But, then what was that burning fury that flashed on his face? She had doubts about it. It could have been a creation of her mind. It was such a quick instant. Marinette barely caught the change in his eyes. But what if it wasn't? 

Because then, that arose the question, what made him that mad? Surely it couldn't have been Marinette. he literally just forgave me! It wasn't me. No way. But then Adrien got up and left, muttering something about having to go.

Real specific Adrien. Marinette thought, snorting absentmindedly.

The thing was, in the back of her head, a voice was yelling at her to connect the dots. But she ignored it. Why? Because of  the sheer ridiculousness of what it was yelling. She wouldn't allow herself to think that. Much less admit her suspicions about who Adrien was and why he seemed to be mad.   

She wouldn't. Because it was impossible. There was no possible way  that she was right. Adrien was Adrien. And only Adrien. And he didn't have a girlfriend who kept bailing on him. 

Marinette cringed. She had really messed up with Chat. First she fell for Adrien, and then when she finally got up the courage to ask him, he denied her. And then she fell for Chat, and in turn denied him, and decided that she didn't like either of them. Much less love them. 

But back to the topic on hand, because Marinette couldn't handle the shame for too long when she thought about what she had done. 

I don't want to play with your feelings, Chat.

God. I already did. I messed with his feelings and now he's got to be furious with me.

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