Chapter 4

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Authors Note

Okay. This chapter took WAAAAY to long to write but I've been binge watching Riverdale so it's okay. Right? Right. But anyway, I hope you like it, spoilers, we are so close, I promise you. Marichat is coming soon! (Don't get your hopes up there isan't any in this chapter or the next, sry!)

- the book goddess

Adrien groaned and rolled over as the sun filtered in from the far wall, which was made of glass, naturally. He made himself get out of bed, but his thoughts from the moment he had struck consciousness were for solely one person. Mari. Last night. Another rejection. He felt heavy with loss, but he knew she needed time, and he would give all of it to her. He would be patient, and eventually, everything would settle into place. Right? 

He got ready and gave Plagg his cheese, before heading downstairs to eat his own breakfast. He entered the dining room, and as usual, his father was no where to be seen, so he had breakfast by himself. Again. The long, extravagant table was intimidating and Adrien often wished he could have company. And a smaller table. But when he did get to see his father, the thought never crossed his mind. 

Soon he finished his breakfast and walked to the car, where The Gorilla and Nathelie were waiting. He hopped in and stared out the window for most of the ride, his eyes following trees and animals along the way. When he reached his school, he waved goodbye to Nathelie and The Gorilla before striding up the stairs and walking to his classroom. He opened the door and found that he was one of the first people in class today, which he hoped redeemed his lateness from the day before.

He saw other students milling around in the classroom, and took a seat next to Nino. Behind him, the desk was empty, but Alya was there. She waved at Adrien and he waved back, but then focused on what Nino was saying.

"Anyway, what have you been up to dude? You haven't been talking a lot in the last couple weeks."

Adrien shrugged. "Not much. I have a photo-shoot in a couple days."

"Dude, what is it with all these photo-shoots lately?"

Adrien shrugged again. "I dunno. My father has been sending me on more and more recently."

That was not true.  Adrien had used photo-shoots as excuses to transform so many times now that even Nino was noticing it. Adrien needed to come up with a better lie some time. Nino brought up another topic, but Adrien wasn't listening. He was still thinking about Mari. Oh God, I totally forgot about that video... I hope she's okay.

Soon enough the girl consuming Adrien's thoughts walked through the doors. She seemed deep in concentration, and didn't notice Adrien staring at her, along with a couple other boys, which Adrien didn't notice. She sat softly behind him, and started up a whispered conversation with Alya, who laughed at something she said. But suddenly they grew quieter, and Adrien could almost see Mari's face fall in hopelessness. 

Adrien didn't mean to, but he found himself eavesdropping on their conversation. He only caught tidbits here and there however, and what he did hear made no sense. 

"Staring---Creepy---Dammit---Adrien!" Adrien straightened at the mention of his name. What were they saying about him? He leaned back causally, attempting to hear their conversation better. 

"It's awkward Alya! I can't just go talk to him, it's not that easy!" Mari whispered

"Girl! It is! You walk up to him and say 'Hey, we're good right? No hard feelings, friends again?' It's that easy Mari!"

"Alya, your confident. I'm not. There's a difference."

"But you can become confident! Come on! It will just get more and more awkward, might as well get it over with!" Alya argued. 

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