Chapter 2

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Marinette woke up to the sun shining brightly in her eyes, and rolled over to find the brightness of the sun replaced by a cat in a black suit. Marinette bolted up into a sitting position, the sun rising slowly in the sky. They had slept in. Great. Marinette thought. She looked over to see Chat, who had been snoring. She stood up. This was not good. It was at least 10:00 AM, and Chat had fallen asleep next to Marinette. Even that was weird to think about. The one person who loved her, she had rejected, and then all of a sudden she was slow dancing with him on her balcony and kissing him. What. The. Hell. Happened? She thought, clutching her scalp. If her parents came upstairs and saw that she was snuggling with Chat Noir... Oh God. She thought. She had to get him out of here.

She walked over to him and shook him lightly.

"Chat! Chat wake up! We slept in!" Marinette said, shaking him a little harder when he didn't wake up.

He moaned and rolled over, completely ignoring Marinette.

"CHAT WAKE UP OR ELSE!" Marinette shouted.

"There's my Ladybug." He mumbled.

Marinette smiled and rolled her eyes. "Chat come on! It's probably ten by now!"

He shot up. "Wait, WHaT?"

Marinette facepalmed. "Kitty get to school."

He scrambled to his feet and hugged Marinette, "Have a good day at school Bugaboo."

'Yeah, yeah. Now go!"


"Chat. GO."

"...Fine." He pouted, and turned away.

He glanced back at Marinette. "Can the kitty at least have a good luck kiss?"

Marinette rolled her eyes again but strode up to Chat and planted a kiss on his lips firmly. Chat turned to face Marinette fully and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer. Marinette broke the kiss.

"Okay kitty, now go to school." She whispered. 

Chat Noir let go of Marinette and strode over to the railing, Marinette following suit. Marinette leaned on the railing as Chat leapt off the balcony and onto another roof, slowly fading off into the distance.


Chat Noir sped off in the direction of his house, and the thought popped into his his mind that his father might be wondering where the hell Adrien had gone. But then Chat remembered he was on a business trip. Chat sped up, determined to get home, but was still sluggish from waking up only minutes earlier. And with Mari. Ladybug. His lady. The only thing in his life that made it worth living. Yeah, he loved his father, but he was never around. Sure, there were his friends, but they were still just friends. And for the longest time Chat thought Mari was just a friend. And Chat Noir smirked at that last thought, because for some reason the thought popped into his mind, that if he were in a TV show, all the Adrienette, LadyNoir, and Marichat shippers would have literally died every time Chat mentioned that Marinette was JuSt A fRiENd.

Chat shook the thought off and dropped off at his house, jumping in the window, de-transforming, and changing out of his clothes from the previous day. Adrien rushed downstairs, only to run into the Gorilla and Nathelie. The Gorilla stepped in front of Adrien, blocking his path out of the house. Nathelie looked at Adrien, and raised her eyebrows, the question of where he'd been obvious in her gaze.

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