Chapter 30

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Recap: Conor and Alina sort of had a "fling" when her and Chandler weren't on the best terms but now they're just friends because he found his mate who was the human, Catherine.


"Conor!" I scream.

The blood oozed down his face, neck, ripped up chest and legs. I had a feeling it wasn't his though. My stomach felt like it was twisting into knots at the sight of him. This was bad. Very bad.

I ran until I caught up with him. He looked awfully injured and ill.

"What happened?!" I shriek and he barely weases out his next words. He was about to faint at any moment.

"Chandler!!" I scream now hurriedly and I can hear his heavy feet coming down the stairs.

"Th- they took Catherine." He sobs, clutching his stomach, no doubt that it hurt like hell. I slung his arm around my shoulder and he shifted all his weight on me. All pounds of muscle. It was obvious he could barely walk anymore.

Chandler opened the door hastily and shock consumed his face when he saw this sight. This was the first time I've seen Chandler look at Conor with an expression other than hatred. Conor's eye lids were fluttering open and then closing slowly. Without hesitating, Chandler grabbed Conor's other arms and we both dragged him to the nearest couch. By now, the council members that were in Chandlers office had come down. They were beyond baffled at this scene.

"Hurry go call the pack doctor!" I told Chandler and he went to it instantly. I clutched Conor's hand to his heaving chest.

"You're going to be alright, everything's going to be okay." I whispered to him but he shook his head in defiance.

"No, they took Catherine!" He exclaimed, hurting him doing so.

"Who Conor, who took her?!"

"I- I don't know." He admits, "They raided our house wearing nothing but masks, jumped me, and took Catherine."

Within minutes the pack doctor came and she performed on him. Werewolves Typically heal quickly but this was much worse than a broken bone or something. It was as if someone had slashed his whole body with a knife. Repeatedly. I buried my head in Chandler's comforting chest. It pained me to see Conor like this, to hear is deathly screams. He should be alright but it won't be any time soon when he fully heals, the doctor later tells us.

Blocking the screams out, I started thinking about Catherine's kidnappers. Why would someone want to take sweet, innocent Catherine.

I came to the conclusion that it was Derek and his gang. But for what? What could he possibly want with Catherine, a human? And this had nothing to do with Conor. This was only his and Chandler's battle after all.

The night came quickly. Our pack doctor had finished up, leaving a bandaged up, Conor knocked out by medication on our couch.

"Thank you Glenda." I say to her as she heads out the house, tools in hand. She looks back at me with a gentle smile.

"It's my job, goodnight Luna."

I brush off the Luna part and close the door gently. When I turn around, I see Chandler sitting across from Conor on the other couch. He looked in deep concentration as he stared at Conor.

I motion for him to come upstairs and reluctantly he does so, glancing at Conor one last time.

"What're you thinking about?" I ask quietly, shutting the bedroom door behind him.

Chandler looks at me as if debating what to say. Debating to really tell me or not.

"I know Derek did this, I can feel it." He says angrily and I rest my hand on his arm to calm him. He does at my touch.

His Unwanted MateWhere stories live. Discover now