Chapter- 16

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Alina ~
I couldn't believe.. Chandler said he loved me. I wanted to scream in his face about how it took something tragic to happen for him to love me.
But I couldn't move.
Couldn't open my eyes.
Couldn't open my mouth.
Couldn't move a joint in my body.
Paralyzed, that's what I was.
After what seemed like forever, one night I just got soo... tired. I felt my body giving up. Like I was slowly shutting down.
A continuous beeping sound, beside my ear stopped and replaced it with a long note and wouldn't stop. I heard people, no doctors, come rushing in. There voices were rushed and worried as they gathered things.
I came to the conclusion that I was dying. This was it. I blocked them all out. If I was going to die, I was going to die in peace.
Suddenly, a small light appeared in the darkness that I was surrounded in. Was it.. heaven? I wanted to reach out to it, go see it. As I was striving to go to it, I actually took a step forward. Confused, I looked down to see legs, my legs. I reached out and saw my arms. But wait, how can I have a body in my mind...
Or maybe this isn't my mind anymore.
I peered deeper at the light. It was shaped in an oval and it was blinding white. Then it started closing. I ran to it. Ran through the darkness until I was close to the light but the oval was almost closed and I knew once it was, the light would be gone. At the last second that the oval was open, I threw my self into it.
And rolled onto a hard, marbled floor.
"Holy shit." I grumbled, rubbing my head as I got up.
"Um, you might not want to use that type of language here." It was just then I realized that a girl was standing in front of me. At that moment I started taking in my surroundings.
We were what looked to be like in a hallway. But everything was white. The walls were just like the floors, granite and white. There were no windows or anything else. Bland, was the word. I then turned to the girl, well more like a woman. She looked to be in her twenties. Her features are what makes her look like a little girl, I concluded. She had the same dark brown hair as I did but it framed her heart shaped face that naturally spiraled down her back. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were a calming yet vibrant blue. She was dainty for a woman, but tall and elegant in her short white dress and heels.
"Exactly, where is here?" I asked and she chuckled.
"Take a guess."
"Heaven?" I wondered and she looked like she knew something I didn't.
"Close enough."
"What's your name?"
"I don't have one." She says simply. I look at her questionably.
"Everyone has a name!" I joke but the woman didn't even smile.
"Well, I'm just going to call you... Bea." It was the first random thing that came to my mind. At the name, Bea finally smiled.
"That sounds pleasant."
"My name is-"
"-Alina, we know everything about you."
"Right, come along." Bea started walking down the long hallway, heels clinking.
As I was following her, I realized that I was still in my hospital gown and bare feet. We came to the end of the cold hallway, where there was a blank wall.
"Are we supposed to jump through this too?" I mocked and Bea ignored me, concentrated on the blank wall in front of us.
She picked up her manicured index finger and tapped it to the left of the wall. That spot then started glowing, gold. My eyes widened amazed. Bea dragged her finger down, making a spot and then up again to the right with another spot that lit up gold. She connected the first spot with the last and it created a glowing gold, upside down triangle. Bea pressed her palm in the middle and as if the marbled triangle were like a cut out, it swung out the wall leaving only the cut out triangle. There was some sort of room on the other side.
"Follow me." Bea instructed and I did so as she stepped through the triangle and into the other room.
The other room was filled with pictures or sculptures of baby angels. Everything was carved into gold other than few white features.
"Lucy!" Bea called and her voice echoed off the walls. A pair of running heels, similar to Bea's, were heading our way.
"I'm coming! I've been busy designing clothes for the new comers." She says out of breath as she reaches us. Lucy looks at Bea first, then me but back to Bea again, holding her gaze.
"Can you get her fitted please." Bea finally says, breaking the silence.
Lucy grabs me by my wrist gently and leads me to the other side of the room where Bea is blocked from my view. White colored clothes are laid out and Lucy starts rummaging through them.
"Slim figure.. Short torso but long legs.. ugh, Ah Ha!" She pulls out a pair of long silky pants and a fitted shirt. She throws them in my arms and I go change behind a curtain. I felt light in these clothes.
"Lucy, we're on a schedule!" I hear Bea call.
Lucy takes a look at me, nods in approval and brings me back to Bea who leads me down another hall.
"You didn't pay her." I point out.
"Everything here has no cost." Bea informs me and I look at her crazy. This place is amazing!
We go into another room but it's more cozy, with leather white couches and rugs. I'm getting worn out from going to all these places.
I do so, and make my self comfortable as Bea takes a seat in front of me. Her eyes fixate on me, and her hands fold together. I stare back uncomfortably, feeling that I'm about to be interrogated.
"Why do you think your here, Alina?"
"I'm dead. I mean, I am right?" I ask confused.
"Your halfway there."
"Yes, your in the halfway stage where your going to decide wether you want to stay here or go back to your old life."
"I want to stay here!" I'm quick to say. My decision has already been made.
"There's a difference on wanting something to go away, and taking your life."
"Well I know what I want." I say a little rude but hey, she's talking to me as if I were a child. Bea holds up both arms in defense.
"You have to think about what you would leave behind. Your friends, your family and mate." She says.
My stomach clenched at the thought of never seeing my family again but Chandler...? I hope he burns in hell for all I care.
"My so called Mate, is the reason why I'm here!" I practically yell. It takes Bea a while to respond.
"Not every relationship is perfect, but you have to at least try. You've given up."
I have, I mean who wouldn't have though?
"I see potential in Chandler. He will change but he'll need you there to help him."
How could she possibly know? Obviously she hast met Chandler.
"Since you want the life of heaven, I'll give you one day to experience it and then you'll make your finale decision." Bea explains and a soon as she says I'll experience heaven, my heart starts fluttering nervously.
She points to a long crystal door across from us.
"On the other side is heaven, you can go see for yourself."
Hastily, I get up off the couch and start walking towards the door.
"Oh and Alina?" Bea calls, and I turn my head.
"There are no werewolf's in heaven. Once you die, your wolf leaves your body forever. Just thought you should know." She tells me and my mouth drops open.
My wolf gone... forever? The other half of my soul is missing and I knew something wasn't complete. I'd be a human, I thought. I turned back around and went to the crystal door. Slowly, I opened the door and walked out.
I gasped at the sight. This was heaven.
What would be cement, were glass sidewalks. I looked down to see my reflection. Gardens filled with many varieties of blooming, colorful flowers and fruit. Vines were hung tightly on pillars that surrounded the beautiful garden. There were fountains. Looking up, there was a sky but it was a tinted orange, almost yellow color. People dressed in white were fluttering from place to place. Chatting with big bright smiles on their rosy faces. Everyone was so.. happy.
I heard a little girl's giggle close to me, and I looked to my side where a tree was. In the the tree was what I thought, a little girl. She had a nasty scar from her eyebrow, down to her chin. It didn't stop her from smiling as big as she could though. She giggled, and jumped down from the tree. I chuckled myself when her dress went flying up.
"Hello! I'm Grace." She greats me and I try hard not to look at her scar but it's hard since she has such a small face.
"Hi, My names Alina."
"That's a weird name!" She teases me and I stare down at her with my hands on my hips. When I pretend to look hurt, she giggles contagiously.
"Come on!" Grace grabs my hand and drags me where the group of people are.
They look back at me, some with easy going smiles and others who just stare at me. I feel a lump rising in my throat. Grace drops my hand as I join the group.
"This is Lana."
"Alina." I correct and the people greet me.
There was a bunch of old people, those were the happiest. The others weren't so much. It wasn't like they were angry though. Just gloomy..
Why didn't they have a choice to stay or go back?
"Hey, I'm Lizzy." A girl says next to me.
She looked to be about my age or maybe a little younger. Her Bangs covered up a huge gash that was on her forehead.
"Have you got situated in a room yet?" She asks me kindly.
"Ugh, no I haven't." I say and she moves her hand for me to follow her, and we start walking out the garden.
"Bye Lana!"
"It's Alina!" I laugh as we leave grace.
"She's cute hugh?" I say.
"Yeah, it's a tragedy what happened to her." Lizzy says dully.
"Is that why she has that huge scar?" I ask and she nods.
"She died in a car accident, went flying through the windshield and the rest of her family survived."
"As for me, I was a figure skater. I was doing my solo in front of hundreds of people, I tripped doing a spin and my head hit the Ice hard."
I squinted as I pictured the scene in my head.
"What about you?" Lizzy asks me.
The both of us don't say anything else as I follow through the meadows and gardens. A butterfly dances in my face and then leaves.
"It's so beautiful here." I say in awe and Lizzy nods agreeing.
Once the glass sidewalks come to an end, little white cottages are placed together almost like a neighborhood.
"I guess you can be my roommate." She says and we walk to the farthest house on the right.
The first thing I notice, is that there wasn't a door. Lizzy walks through it like its nothing. It was all one room. There were no beds, kitchen or a bathroom. Just a mirror and a one seated couch, purple tulips sit at the end of the room.
"How are we supposed to sleep?" I ask.
"We don't sleep, eat or use the bathroom. You don't feel the need to."
My eyes winded in shock. This is crazy!
"Also, We don't play games or socialize with any of the guys."
"Well what do you do for fun?" I grunt.
"Well there is one game we play, the compliment game. You go around giving people compliments." Lizzy's face smiles enthusiastically and I want to bang my head against the wall.
"And what's wrong with being around the guys?"
She shrugs.
"They say that we can't have a relationship with a guy because we have to stay pure since we're young."
I'm sure my face is in a scowl, because Lizzy pats my shoulder gently.
"After a while, you don't even notice they're here." She says.
A horn is blown from where we were before.
"It's time for bible study!" Lizzy says excitedly and starts rushing out the door. I try to keep up.
"What's bible study?" I ask even though I already knew. "We read the bible silly, and we do it everyday."
Everyday?! This is what the rest of my life is going to be like...?
Kids around our age or older gather around in a circle and plop down on the grass. I did take notice that the boys were separately on the other side and only few dared to sneak glances towards the girls. One of the oldest from the boys, went in the center of the circle, a bible in his hands.
I never went to church in my life. What if I didn't want to do this?
Lizzy whispered in my ear that the older guys name was Dane. Dane looked like the type of boy who would be on a Disney channel show. He was cute and had a preppy vibe to him. I was also informed that he was the only guy in the boys group that is allowed to socialize with the girls but only in public.
He took in some of the faces, including mine and paused. A strange expression crossed his flawless face.
"What's your name, I don't think I've quite met you yet?" He flashes me a cheeky smile. It got awkward being that everyone was watching me.
"Bless your soul." He tells me and starts reading the bible. He droned on and I started pondering about what he said.
'Bless your soul' Haven't heard that pick up line before. It was actually kinda creepy now that I think about it.
After what seems like thirty minutes, I couldn't listen any longer. I stand up, brushing the grass that I was picking off my pants. Everyone watches me and Dale stops abruptly, staring at me. His eyebrows furrow together.
"Alina, sit down." Lizzy says lightly.
"What are you doing?" Dale snaps at me.
"I think I'm going to check out the rest of this place, I'm not really feeling this bible read thing-"
"Sit down." He commands me. My mouth drops open and my eyebrow raises.
What. The. Hell. Oh wait I'm in heaven, let me rephrase that- What. The. Heaven. Is he talking to me? I know he's not talking to me.
"Excuse me, I don't have to listen to you."
I hear few gasps from our wide eyed audience and Dale glares at me.
"Our elders require you to listen to the bible, the story of where our god who was generous enough to let you live a second eternal life, and you wish to act in defiance against him..." Dale's voice raised and I had no clue what to say.
"Well then let me have a word with these elders." I couldn't stop the words from escaping my mouth.
Minutes later, I was brought to a white cemented building. The giant Steele doors opened, with no one on the other side.
That was paranormal...
I stepped inside and the the doors shut behind me. I was going to pee on myself, this was so freaky.
"Hello?" I called out and my voice echoed off the empty halls.
"Come in." A voice croaked coming from the room on my left.
I walked in, expecting to see Jesus himself but that wasn't the case. It was like a courtroom but very ancient men with starch white hair, sat behind desks of the rim of the room. They wore golden cloaks and sat all high and mighty, staring down at me. The elders.
"Alina wood?" One called out.
"Ugh yes, hi that would be me!" I manage to squeak out. One of them grunted.
"Heaven is a peaceful place, do you know why your here?" A guy with long silver hair asks me. I bite my lip and stare at my feet, nervously.
"I was destroying the peace but I believe I had a right to not be there if I wanted to!" I protest and they exchange glances with one another.
"This isn't America, Alina." One snapped.
Well I miss America, very much. I miss having my freedom, talking to guys.. eating, sleeping and not being so damn peaceful all the time! Something clicked in my head and I opened my mouth.
"Can I talk to Bea please?!" I ask them.
"I beg your pardon?"
Oh, I forgot that Bea didn't really have a name.
"The woman who brought me here?" I try and they finally got it.
Minutes later Bea arrives on the scene to rescue me.
"I'll be taking her from your care now head masters." She says politely and they nod.
We finally leave out the huge room and she takes me to the place we were when I first arrived. She looks at me smugly and I roll my eyes.
"I know what your going to say and You were right heaven isn't for me just yet." I concluded with a heavy sigh and she chuckles.
"Of course I'm right" Bea opens the white whole that I had to run through.
"I'm your Guardian angel, I know more about you then you even know."
"Guardian angel?"
Bea starts grinning.
"Yes, a guardian angel. It's a family member or relative that is assigned to watch out for you."
.. Wait, family member?
"We're related?" I gasp and she nods.
"I'm your older sister."
My mouth drops open and I look at her puzzled. I never had a sister that died- oh wait, I did now that I think of it. My mom and dad used to tell my brothers and I all the time that my mom lost her first baby in a car accident. ( if you read the first book, you'll understand ;)) That's why she doesn't have a name.. she was never even born.
"Oh my gosh..!" I embrace Bea in a hug
And she pats me awkwardly, probably never hugged someone in her life.
"But you have an actual family that loves you so much and that's why you also need to go." Bea says and I realize I have missed them. But there's that one person..
"But Chandler-"
"Give him time. I'm not saying to fully be committed to him but forgive him and make him work to earn your trust back."
I grunt in response. I could do that.. I guess. :/ Bea looks frantically to the portal.
"It'll be closing soon!" She says rushed.
"Then goodbye Bea." I give her one last hug.
"Goodbye Darling, hope I don't have to see you again for a very long time." She says and kisses my cheek lightly.
I turn around and stare at the portal as it starts to shrink. My old life awaits behind it. I exhale deeply, wave one last time at Bea and step through.
Heaven was gone.
Ik it's much different than what I normally write but I hope it was ok. *** this wasn't based on religion AT ALL I just basically made up a fake place "heaven". *** I also hope everyone liked how I put something from 'Mate?!.. I refuse' in it.
INSTAGRAM - Gabbyw00d
Xoxo, Gabby

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