Chapter- 11

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I will admit that I'm absolutely terrified to go to school today and see Chandler.
"Mom, I really am sick." I reasoned with my mom. Her eyebrow raised and her hand flung to my forehead. I waited for her response. She pulled back and rested her hands on her hips.
"Are you hungover?"
"Then you can go to school." She hit my butt on her way out.
Wacko.. I should've said yes, I thought as I headed out the door.
Chrissy was waiting for me in her car when I got in with a grunt. She had a Lizzy McGuire song blaring through the speakers.
"You have a good taste in music." I commented with a giggle.
"I found the cd under my bed, thought i'd hear it again." She says and starts driving.
"I wonder how Chandler reacted." I say nervously, watching the colorful trees pass by out the window.
"Don't tell me you pity him."
"I don't." I defended weakly.
"He deserved it."
"I know..." I didn't know what else to say so I shut my mouth and listened to the annoying yet catchy song. Chrissy starts chuckling to herself.
"What?" I asked confused.
"I- I just can't even imagine what his hair must look like." She says in between laughs.
"Like a freaking troll."
I remembered putting the green dye in his shampoo and I couldn't help but laugh also. Our previous tension was gone...
We pulled up at the school and I looked around anxiously for Chandler. I didn't see him anywhere.
"He's probably to chickened to come to school." Chrissy mumbles as we get out and Jax greets her with a kiss.
"I'll see you guys at lunch." I said to them and they both nodded in their kiss. Couples disgust me now...
Quickly I went through the halls until I got to my first class. No sign of Chandler. Throughout my class I couldn't keep still at all and I kept expecting Chandler to approach me but it never happened. I raised my hand to the teacher.
"Yes Alina?"
"Can I go to the restroom?"
"Is it an emergency?" He grumbled.
"She's been ansi in her seat for the past 30 min." Someone called out. I blushed slightly and the teacher nodded for me to go. I got up and grabbed my bag, heading down to the restroom. I heard footsteps behind me, but when I looked back, no one was there. Okay now I'm just getting paranoid...
I pushed the bathroom door opened and looked under the stalls to see if anyone was in them. There wasn't. I looked into the mirror and started applying more lipgloss to just do something with myself. I heard the door to the bathroom open and I starting putting my things away.
The next thing that happened.. happened so fast that I don't even know how to explain it...
Chandler came in the bathroom behind me. His hair was covered within a Beanie but I could see a green curl peeking through.
Smoothly, he pushes me against the bathroom wall and his hands wined up behind my back. I gasp surprised and Chandler snickers, starting to kiss my neck.
What was I doing?.. What was he doing?! I wanted to tell him to stop, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. I felt weak to my knees and I couldn't help but admit that I was enjoying this. Even though I shouldn't.
His kisses moved up my neck to the spot right under my ear and yet I was frozen in place, unable to move. I hated the effect he had on me.
"I loved the present you left me at my house." He whispered in my ear. My breathing faltered and I could hear my heartbeat through my ears.
"... And I love my new hair-"
He pulled back and narrowed his eyes at me. A grin spread across his face and I knew there was something wrong. I felt uneasy about this.
"- and I just hope you like yours too."
His hand that was behind my back, grabbed at my hair and I gasped.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled at him.
Chandler pulled out a pair of scissors and my eyes widened.
"No no no!!" I pleaded and he smirked in his own amusement. He jerked his hand to the back of my head with the scissors and cut through my long beautiful hair. Chandler dropped the scissors and ran out the bathroom laughing. I shrieked in horror as my hands went to where my hair was and I couldn't feel anything there. I turned to the mirror and my mouth dropped open.
My brown wavy hair went all the way down my back and now it was just an inch over my shoulders. The cut was so sloppy and the strands were different lengths.. overall a complete disaster.
I couldn't even bring myself to cry because I was in complete shock. I stared at the cluster of hair that surrounded my feet. Angrily, I picked it all up and put in the trash. I put my short mess into a bun and rushed out the bathroom, outside. I needed to leave but I didn't have my car because it was getting fixed, so I dialed my moms number. It took her a couple of rings for her to finally answer.
"Mom?" The sound of my voice was sad and scared, making her worried.
"Yeah Alina, what's wrong baby?"
"I need you to come get me please." My voice broke, but my mom didn't question it.
"Okay okay, I'm on my way." She says.
I hung up and waited on the side of the schools street curb until I saw her car coming down the road. As soon as I saw it, I jumped up and got in. I let my hair down sadly.
"Oh my god Alina, what happened?!" She asks concerned.
Should I tell her..? No.
"Ugh, I accidentally got gum caught up in my hair and Chrissy had to cut it out. She did a really bad job though." I put on a fake smile hoping my mom would believe me. She did and rubbed my leg assuringly.
"We'll make it look better I promise." She says trying to cheer me up. I nodded.
Truthfully, I wasn't even mad about my hair. I was mad because I let Chandler get to me, and my guard was completely down.
That, I will never let happen again.
I updated!! Whooooo
I've been trying so hard to update for you guys and I've been stressing about it so much lol. Hope y'all like it though! Let me know in the comments.
So I guys.. Im in a funk right now & need some advice. I sort of having feelings for my best friends ex and I think he might like me also... what should I do?!
But anyways... FLAPPY BIRD IS GONE. My life is over with... I still have the app & I will never delete it. ( my high score is 98 now.) it's become an addiction 😁
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Xoxo, Gabby

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