Chapter- 15

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Chandler's P.o.v
Alina went unconscious as soon as the paramedics came, and in the hospital she was rushed quickly into a room. I sat down in the waiting room, burying my head in my hands. Why do I always screw up! I hurt the people I love, I know that. That's why I rejected Alina, so she wouldn't get hurt. But now look where we are.
The reason why I slept with that girl was because she came on to me, and I was angry so I guess I just felt like I needed to to burn off the anger.
I couldn't believe she would do that though... well maybe I could. I've put her through so much stress and hurt. What kind of person am I? A fucked up one. Everything I did to her wasn't really me. It was the drugs I was taking, playing with my head and emotions and it did the same to Alina's. It wasn't fair, I know that. Just the thought of her dead, I can't even bring myself to it.
If she wakes up, i'll be a better man. For her. I'll stop dealing and taking drugs, smoking and sleeping with other girls. If she wakes up, I'll be right by her side till the very end and never hurt her again. I'll tell her everyday how beautiful she is with those big blue eyes and the pouty lip she bites that makes we want to mark her at that moment. I'll live up to the fact that she can help me get through my problems because that's what mates are for. I'll never let her go again... if she wakes up.
I hear the receptionist talking on the phone to Alina's parents. Fuck. It slipped my mind that I would have to be in the same room as them and I know that Alina's mom is.. hard to handle. My mom would gossip to other women that back in the day, Alina's mom was a trouble maker and didn't even want to be Luna at first. I also remember her saying that she doesn't even parent her children. But Alina turned out fine.
The doors in the front opened and Alina's dad ran to the receptionist, but her mom ran straight to me.. Brian and Hudson were trying to hold her back. I jumped up in defense as Mrs. Woods pointed a sharp finger as she stalked over to me. Her upper lip was curled.
"YOU did this to her!! Your lucky I don't chop your dick and balls off!! Oh wait, YOU DONT HAVE BALLS BECAUSE YOUR A SISSY ASS MAN!!" She screamed in my face and I took every blow.
"Mom!!" Brian yelled, holding her back and then forcing her to sit down. Brian glared at me.
We're enemies ever since I attacked his pack. But that was only because he cut off Allies with me and since he did that, I thought he was going to attack my pack so I did it first.
I'll admit.. I kidnapped Alina to make him even more infuriated. But i'd take It all back now.
Alina's mom broke down in hysterics, crying into Hudson's shoulder.
"How could she want to take her own life and leave us without any thought!" She cried.
"What did you do this time." Brian says to me. He was looking at me like we were about to fight or something. I opened my mouth to say anything but nothing came out.
"You've done so much shit to her, you probably can't even say them all right?" Brian hisses.
"I'm going to change, for her." I tell them hoarsely. Mrs. Woods head flings up and she stares at me.
"You can do that but I swear, you'll never be any son of mine. Our family will never accept you as one of ours." She forces out through her tears and I nodded sadly. I already knew that was going to happen. Alina may forgive me, but her family never will.
Mr. Woods sits down next to his mate and tried to calm her down. She does.. a little. Since Mr. Woods used to be the old Alpha, him and my dad were good friends.
"The doctors are saying that she's in a coma and it's unpredictable wether she'll ever wake up." Her dad says wearily and Alina's mom starts sobbing again.
Alina's in a coma. My wolf wants to cry out in pain and my heart starts hammering out my chest . I hold out my fingers to see them shaking.
"Brian and Hudson will you take your mother home please." Mr. Wood says. Alina's mom starts to protest.
"No Toby, I need to be here for my baby!"
"Delayla, what you need to do is go home and relax.. for Alina. I'll call you if anything happens."
Alina's mom sniffles as Hudson and Brian help her out. Both of them throwing me one last glare before they leave.
Now it's just me and Alina's father.
He stares at me, but not in any sort of way. No, it's like he's trying to.. look through me. When he finally speaks, I breath.
"I knew your father very well boy, and I know he didn't raise you to be this way."
My eyes lower as he mentions my father. My parents died when I was 13. That's how I took the Alpha position at a young age.
"I know what you do."
He's referring to me dealing, and smoking I guess. How does he know?
"And I also know, that your acting out. And if your parents were still alive, you wouldn't be caught up in all of this." He says wisely.
"No sir."
"But now you have someone in your life who will love you even more then your parents did."
Alina. He was so right.
"Thank you." I say honestly and he nods.
After what seems like hours, a nurse steps out Alina's room.
"Now accepting visitors." She says.
Alina's dad shoots up and goes inside her room. Once he left, it was only a matter of time before it was my turn.
I go up to the door but the nurse stops me.
"Are you family..?" She asks me and I shake my head no.
"I'm her boyfriend."
The nurse looks around nervously.
"We're not supposed to let anyone other than family at this time but I guess I could squeeze you in."
"Thank you so much."
"Make it quick please." She says as I slip into Alina's room.
And there she was. Alina laid in the hospital bed, wearing the traditional gown and strapped to a bunch of iv's. Her heart monitor was next to her. She looked... dead or heavily asleep. When I was in the waiting room, I read a story of someone who was in a coma. The guy could hear everything and everyone that was around him even though he couldn't do anything back. I wanted to try it. I pulled up a stool and sat beside her bed. My fingers played with her short dark hair.
"Hey there Sweetheart." I start off awkwardly and don't even know if I can continue. I find myself choking up and just letting it all out.
"I know I've messed up and if you can hear me, you probably don't want to." I chuckle then continue.
"But I'm sorry for everything, and I know that can't help make things up but I'm going to try to make it up to you for the rest of my life. Your the only being that I can truly love in this whole world and I'm so damn lucky. "
Something was holding me back from saying it but I didn't even care anymore and I pray to god that she heard me when I said,
"I love you Alina Woods."
Just like in the books and movies, I was expecting to have her eyes flutter open, have her smile and wake up. But it didn't happen.
I kissed her cheek and decided that before I left, to sing her a lullaby. I've never showed or told anyone that I could sing except my mom. My mom loved my singing. I started singing a song from one direction that I've been hearing on the radio lately.
Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bear this in mine it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me. I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth.. but if I do, it's you oh it's you they add up to. And I'm in love with you.. and all your little things.
I got up and looked back at my sleeping beauty. To bad a kiss won't wake her up this time.
I wanted to throw in a quick update for y'all since lots of people were requesting for Chandler's P.o.v
Hope you enjoyed ;)
Oh and I'm not 13 anymore! Officially a 14 year old now!
Instagram - Gabbyw00d
Xoxo, Gabby

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