Chapter- 14

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Conor didn't say anything the whole ride back. I guess you could say that he was in shock.
Now hear me out, we love humans but in the "werewolf world", having a human mate is very rare and difficult. Humans don't believe in werewolf's, so imagine how hard it will be to tell Cat that he is one, plus he is designed for her and he's the only true love she'll ever have. Cat will probably think he's crazy but since she has no clue about the whole rejection thing, she won't reject him. On another note, the whole bond gets completely messed up. Sure she'll feel a strong attraction to him, but she won't feel the need to have to be around him like he'll feel, and also when it comes to an offspring, it's always unpredictable. The baby could be fully human or werewolf. So that's why werewolf's who find out their mate is a human, aren't to thrilled.
But at least it's better then having your mate reject you...
When I arrived at home, I was surprised that my brothers were there. Their always off doing their own things, that I barely get to see them anymore. Hudson and Brian were now currently arguing about something and as soon as I walked in, the conversation had stopped. Cautiously, I put my things down and walked past them, throwing a hey over my shoulder.
"How's everything lately?" Brian asked me. To refresh your memory, Brian is our new Alpha of the pack after my dad stepped down, and Hudson is the beta.
I had a feeling he was hinting about Chandler. Maybe I shouldn't have told them.. but then again they prob. would have killed him for what he did to our pack if I hadn't.
"Great." I say sarcastically and Hudson reaches out to mess with my new short hair.
"You look older now."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
Hudson shrugs and instantly I feel aggravated with them so I start heading to my room..
"Wait Alina, we came to talk to you about something important!"
I huff and turn back around. If they say anything about my hair I swear.
"We've finally got this place back up again, all the houses are rebuilt and we're safe now.. your safe now Alina." Hudson says and I look at him like he just sprouted 2 heads.
What are they talking about?
"I have no clue what you guys are saying."
Both of them look at me sympathetically. Okay now this was getting weird...
"It's the reason why you haven't accepted Chandler's rejection yet, Right?!"
Suddenly, I feel my face becoming very warm. They think the reason why I haven't accepted Chandler's rejection is because I'm scared of him?
"No, it's not!!" My voice was unusually squeaky. My brothers shared a glance with each other.
"Then why haven't you yet.."
The hell like I know! I still have yet to figure that part yet. There's still a part of me that knows I need to move but somehow I can't, and I have no clue why.
I love him, I came to the conclusion, but I wasn't in love with him. I didn't love the things he did, or how he acted. But I know that if he wanted me, I would come running to him in a heartbeat.
"It's not your business. I'd rather see a shrink then talk about my love life to the both of you." I say and start walking away once more.
"Come on Alina-!"
"I'm going to study!!" I yell at them and then slam my door.
All night long I kept taking the pills In order for me to get more work done. When I finally realized that it was almost 12, I snuggled into my bed. I forgot to close my window, but I honestly didn't feel like getting back up so I kept it open. No matter how hard I tried to fall asleep, I couldn't. I didn't know the pills would kick in this much..
Eventually, I gave up trying to sleep so I just lay'd there staring blankly at the wall ahead of me. At that second, I heard a small noise coming from outside my window. It was probably just a tree or squirrel I told myself but then the thing grunted, and I heard its feet land in my room.
Squirrels don't have big, load feet...
My heart started hammering in my chest.
The thing started walking in my room and I realized it was a person. Oh god, someone's in my room.. I REPEAT, SOMEONE IS IN MY ROOM!!
I went into panic mode and I realized that it was best for me to just pretend to be sleeping. I shut my eyes and tried to control my heartbeat which was going at an un normal pace. What if this person wants to hurt me?! I was right, I am going to die alone!!
I heard the person walk closer but suddenly I felt calm. Do the pills make you have sudden mood changes also?!
The bed dipped slightly as he sat on my bed. I'm guessing its a he from the amount of weight on my bed.
What if I get raped... I should feel like crying right now but I feel so damn at ease with this situation. What the hell is going on with me.
His hand grazed my arm and I felt it. I couldn't believe.. I felt the tingles I get from Chandler. The guy is Chandler. Why is he in my room?
His finger brushed gently through a piece of my hair and I still pretended to be asleep. I knew that if he wasn't gone soon, my cover will be blown because I'm about to catch a heart attack.
Chandler's face hovered over mine. His breaths hit my cheek, inches away. Then his soft lips touched my skin, and left a burning sensation when they pulled away. Just that small kiss sent me driven for more. To pull him close and kiss him exactly on those lips.
That's exactly why he needed to stop.
-and he did, at that moment. Chandler pulled away from me and got off my bed, walking back towards my window.
I knew why he payed me a visit. His wolf was starting to take over. It's probably driving his wolf crazy to not even be around me at all.
Chandler was climbing out my window when I did something dumb. So dumb.
I opened my mouth.
"You can't keep fighting it.. the feelings." I whisper and Chandler stops, hanging halfway out my window.
He didn't seem surprised that I was awake the whole time. In fact, he didn't even turn around to look at me. He must've known.
"It's hard to control."
"Well you need to control it so I can.. move on." My voice was harsh towards the end of my sentence. Chandler didn't say anything for a few minutes. We held each others gaze, the moonlight reflecting his shadow.
"Goodnight Alina." Was all he said as he climbed out my window. I wondered how he even got over those new gates that were set up around our territory.
I tried to go to sleep, I really did, but my eyes couldn't even close so I stared at the moon out my window the whole night until the moon was gone and the sun came up. Even then, I still wasn't tired. I can't believe I didn't sleep all night.
My alarm clock rang, and I ran over to it. It was 6:30, and Chrissy should be coming to pick me up soon. I also made a mental note so see how Conor was doing when I get to school.
I walked in my bathroom to get ready and I nearly screamed. My reflection in the mirror was horrifying. I had dark bags under my tired eyes, My short hair looked greasy and I cursed myself for forgetting to take a shower last night.
Last night.
The memories of Chandler sneaking into my room, fulfilled my head and instantly I tried to shut them out.
My eyes darted from the shower, to my reflection three times and I decided I didn't have any time to take a shower. I put my oily hair into a bun, which didn't help much, and threw on A t-shirt, jeans and converse. Checking the time again, I also couldn't put any makeup on.
Fuck it.
I took some more pills before getting into Chrissy's car. She stared at me, her nose scrunched.
"You look like a zombie." She comments.
I was going to come back with something about the hickey on her neck, but I kept my mouth shut and shrugged instead. I really wasn't in the mood today to fuss with anyone.
The rest of my day consisted of taking more pills and getting criticized by everyone on how I looked. The only thing that made me smile today was the fact that I got an A on my math test today. Looks like the pills are working after all.
Conor didn't come to school today or return any of my calls. This made me anxious. I wonder if he told Cat that he was a werewolf...
"You missy, are going out tonight." Chrissy tells me. I laugh sarcastically and she picks up my arm with her index finger and thumb, holding it out
"Come on, you look.. dead." She shakes my arm hastily.
"Exhausted." I correct her, "And I'm not going anywhere."
"I promise there will be no makeovers, or making anybody jealous... let's just have fun!!"
"You deserve it Alina." She adds and I think about this. I did need to have some fun...
"Okay fine." I mumble. Chrissy squeals, along with a hand clap and the car swerves.
"I'll pick you up at 7!"
Once at home, I take a quick shower and change into jean shorts and a sweatshirt. I debated on wether I should bring the pills but I did anyways. When I get into Chrissy's car again, she sighed.
"You could have at least put some effort into your outfit."
I snuggle into the sleeves of my sweatshirt.
"Nah I'm good."
No surprise, this party looked like the last ones except there was a huge lake on one side of the house, and on the other a bonfire where most the people were standing. Chrissy and I went by the bonfire. When she spotted Jax, she instantly cuddled in his lap, shivering from the chilly wind. I grinned at her mockingly.
I was glad I didn't put much effort into my outfit.
Chandler was across me from the fire when I sat down. I ignored him and some people started talking to me. I talked back, making a few jokes and laughing at there's. The whole time though, I felt Chandlers eyes on me.
When the fire was starting to go out and people were going back inside, Chandler came walking towards me. I wanted to escape but I was frozen in place. What did he want now?!
"Um, can I talk to you?" He says and like the love struck puppy I was, I nodded my head and followed him.
"What is it Chandler because I don't have time anymore to hear your-"
"Will you just hear me out, please." He begged me and now I became curious. Since when did Chandler Jones say please?
"I.. I know my feelings for you Alina, and I can't hide them anymore. What I'm trying to say is, I think we could give this a chance. Us I mean."
Was this some sick prank on me?, I thought but the look in his eyes let me know that it was true of what he said. I wanted to scream yes, he finally wants me! But there was still something stuck in my head.
"Will you stop smoking, dealing and everything else.. or at least try to?" I ask Chandler.
There's a conflicted look on his face and I already knew the answer before he even opened his mouth.
"You know I can't do that."
"Well then you should know that I can't be with someone who does that." I try to reason with him.
This time, I was the one rejecting... him?
Chandler gets suddenly angry at me for no apparent reason.
"Yeah whatever.. forget about anything I told you okay." Chandler stalks inside, slamming a screen door behind him in my face. I stare blankly at what just happened.
After a while I go inside too. Maybe we can work out a compromise or something. I stopped the nearest person next to me.
"Hey do you know where Chandler is?" I asked a drunk guy. He grinned at me creepily and stumbled when he pointed to a hall.
"Think he walked down there."
I went down the hall. Why would he come down here? I knocked on one door. No one said anything but I heard some noise. I opened the door and wished I hadn't. I gasped at the sight of Chandler under the covers with another girl.. naked. His head whipped back at the sound of me coming in, but I was already out the door. Tears stinging my eyes. I heard him calling my name. I went through everyone and ran outside by the lake.
I was sick of this feeling. My heart hurting so much, I wish it would just.. stop completely. This will probably keep happening to me for the rest of my life. Chandler lures me in.. and then screws everything up. Screws with every feeling I have. And I'm tired of it. Done.
The door slams and Chandler's trying to catch up with me. I run to the lake and throw myself down by the shore of it. The water skims my shorts. Without thinking, I pull out all the pills I have shakily. By now I'm in hysterics. I stare at the pills through my tears.
I just want everything to go away!
"Alina don't!" Chandler yells as he runs to me.
I close my eyes
And shove all of them in my mouth, and swallow.
Chandler now drops to the ground in front of me, a smile comes on my face as I stare at him.. slowly fading out.
"Someone call 911!" He screams and then starts to pick me up, murmuring things in my ear.
"Stay with me Alina."
The last thing I remembered before loosing conscious was me saying,
"But I don't want to."
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! Sorry for the long wait everyone!!
Wait do y'all think about chap. 14 hugh?
I'm so close to 1 million reads omg!! ily guys
Instagram - Gabbyw00d
Xoxo, gabby

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