Chapter 29

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Chandler ran his fingers gently, up and down my arms. He was probably talking to me also but I was too caught up in the fact that the dance was tomorrow night.

Tomorrow freaking night.

Honestly I was glad Derek's shenanigans were coming to an end. That dead rat, wasn't not a delight. Especially when I had to clean it up to hide it from Chandler.

But I'm tired of hiding things from Chandler.

He's my mate. I should tell him everything. Usually the typical Luna's don't tell their mate anything when they're about to be taken and I won't let that happen to me.

"Chandler?" I ask, sitting up so we're both facing each other.

"Yes my love?"

The words played at my lips but they couldn't come out.

"There's something I haven't told you and I don't want you to be mad okay?" Chandler perks up at this.

"Alright Alina..." He trails off. The crease in between his eyebrows starts to form.

"Do you know Derek from school?"

"Alina, please don't tell me you've cheated on me."

"No, just listen!" I hiss impatiently. I took a deep breath as I started speaking again.

"It all started when Derek told me to buy a red dress for the dance and if I didn't then he would hurt you."

I tried to ignore Chandler's very angry facial expression that was now coming on his face.

"And when I almost didn't, he showed up in the haunted house threatening me once again and then yesterday he came in the house and left a dead rat in the tub, referring that that was going to be me since I spied on him when he was selling drugs." I continued, not even taking a breath in between.

"I think he's your boss Chandler, the one you never met when you sold drugs." I pressed on, "And now he's getting revenge because you left and I think he's going to do something to one of us tomorrow night."

I gave time for Chandler to process this all and he looked like he was doing just so. There was a mixture of emotions on his face. Anger, sorrow, etc.

"Damn it Alina, why didn't you tell me earlier?!" He heaves and I notice his hands clench.

"You would've locked me up for safety and I don't want to be locked up, I want to fight right next to you." I plead.

Chandler jumps off the couch and starts pacing the floor with his hands on his head.

"This is why I can't have you as my mate Alina, my past choices are going to get you killed!" He exclaims and I stalk over to him, standing all mighty just as he is.

"I don't care what you've done before, what matters is that I'm here now and I'm staying so get that out of you head." I take his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me, "and we'll take Derek down together."

I kiss Chandler roughly for a split second before he pulls away.

"Then we better start thinking of our game plan."

An hour later we sat in Chandler's office with few members of the elders, the beta and some of Chandler's best fighters.

None of them liked the fact that I stood in this room.

"So the reason why he made her wear a red dress is so he can easily see her to kidnap her." Ideas of how Derek was going to make his move, start to fill up the crowded room but I knew better.

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