Chapter- 18

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My eyes opened and it took a few minutes for my vision to focus. The blank hospital walls surrounded me and I realized that I was back! I was Alive.
I opened my mouth to call for a nurse but nothing came out. My throat was too dry, a burning sensation roared in the inside and I desperately needed water.
"Help!" I croaked, sounding like a 70 yr old whose smoked all her life.
It was then when I noticed there was a bottle of water on my night stand which was about 3 feet away from me. I stretched out my arms, reaching for the water that was almost in my grasp. I was aware that the wire's and machines that were attached to my body, moved with me.
Almost there... and -
I fell out my bed, the machines crashing down, One on top of me. I grunted in frustration. Of course this would happen to me. It took that for a doctor and nurse to finally come rushing in. After they registered the fact that I was awake, then they helped me.
"She's alive?" The nurse asked in disbelief.
"No, I'm a zombie." I retorted and she gave me a stern look.
"I'll inform the parents." The doctor said rushing out once I was situated.
"Can you hand me that water." I said hoarsely to the nurse. She had on an id that said ' Ruby Joseph'. Ruby was the type of women to look buff and always have a scowl on her face.
"I'm sorry dear, I can't understand you." She says smugly.
"Bitch!" I hiss and her eyes bulge out her head.
"Excuse me-"
"Oh now you can understand?" I say sweetly.
Suddenly the door opens and in walks in my large family, ruby marching out. They all smother me in hugs and kisses while my mom sobs about how blessed we are.
When everyone is settled from our reunion, Brian says something.
"I called Chandler, and he's on his way."
My mom didn't sound to pleased of this.
"No he's not. He's the reason why we're here." She says with hatred. I had to remember what Bea said.
"No mom, I'm the reason we're here. I decided to take my life." I say and the room gets awkwardly quiet.
"Please don't ever try to do it again Alina, promise us." My dad says.
"I promise." I say full heartily.
The door opens again and in comes Chandler. My heart drops as soon as I see him. Was it possible for someone to look this good? I did notice though, the bruise on his jaw. His face was coated with so many emotions, I couldn't help but smile a little. My family slipped out the room and it was just me and Chandler.
"I'm so sorry Alina, I'm a jerk.. no bigger than that but You probably hate me. Heck, I hate me.." He rambled nervously.
"I do hate you.. but I forgive you." I murmur lightly, catching him off guard. He looks at me crazy.
"Wait what?" Chandler asks in disbelief.
"I forgive you, but I don't trust you at all. You can earn that." I tell him.
"I will."
"That means no games, no cheating, no drugs.." I say and he nods instantly.
"I'll stop but it'll be hard for me to just stop with the drugs-"
"Let me help you." I say eagerly and Chandler takes my hand.
Just that small gesture meant a lot to me without him even saying anything.
"Alright." He whispers, kissing it gently.
Once again, the door swings open and in comes Chrissy, Conor trailing behind her with a girl beside him. Chandler jumps up as soon as she rushes to me.
"I fucking hate and love you Alina." She says angrily and I can't help but chuckle.
"Don't ever scare me like that again." Chrissy says more seriously now.
"I won't, sorry." I apologize and Conor makes his way over.
"Hey gorgeous." He says smiling and Chandler mumbles something under his breath.
"Hi Conor!"
"Ugh remember my mate, Cat?" He says all happy and drags Cat to me. She shakes my hand.
"It's Catherine." She says sweetly.
Last time I saw Conor's mate, she was a human, and still is. I wonder how she took the news. Conor seemed to have read my thoughts.
"I explained everything and at first it was rough but we're getting there." He wraps an arm around her and I smile.
"Good, I'm happy for you two." I say honestly and Cat looks relieved.
He must have told her about us also...
Ruby opens the door and snarls at all my company.
"Everyone needs to leave because we have to run tests." She mumbles and everyone tells me goodbye before they go.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." Chandler tells me as Ruby closes the door in his face.
And he was. My last few days in the hospital, Chandler was always by my side keeping me company. We mostly just talked and he tried so hard to make me happy. I can't explain how relieved I was on the day I was released from the hospital. My mom was there to pick me up.
"You know you don't have to be with him. Just because your mates doesn't mean you have to be together." Mom tells me in the car.
"We're not together." I say but the look she gave me told me she doesn't believe me.
As soon as we pulled up in our pack territory, I was literally jumping out my seat. I'm home! Never thought I would miss this place so much. I kind of expected balloons and people to be outside my house to great me, but then I remembered that I was coming home from trying to kill myself. The elders probably shunned me along with other religious people in our pack.
Honestly, I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of myself...
Mom gave me a little pat on my back as we got out. She must have seen something on my face.
"Everything will be fine." She assured me and I nodded, but wasn't convinced.
I practically sprinted to my bedroom. I missed the cozy feeling of an actual room. Is it weird that I collapsed onto my carpet floor and fell asleep?
"ALINA DINNER IS READY FOR THE LAST TIME!!" My mom yelled and I woke up.
It took quiet a while for me to actually get off the floor. Sleepily, I missed a step on the stairs and my walk staggered.
"Sorry, I was sleeping." I mumbled and slid into the dining room seat. I could feel my phone in my pocket and I took it out, placing it in my lap.
My dad stared at me while I was eating, making me feel uncomfortable.
"Alina, your mom and I have something to tell you." He says and my heart starts hammering.
This wasn't good.
A. Their going to bring up something about what happened.
B. ^ or Chandler.
C. Or my moms pregnant.
Hopefully it's not C.
"So, we've been thinking of.. sending you to therapy." Mom spills and I drop my fork.
"You want to send me to a shrink?! I'm not crazy!" I try to tell them but they both look at me sympathetically.
My mom makes a grab for my hand but I snatch it away. She looks hurt.
"It's what's best for you right now."
"You have no clue what's best for me." I mumble.
I looked down in my lap to see that I had a text message, I opened it curiously.
"Put away the phone." Dad says sternly.
Quickly, I take a peek at it to see whose it's from.. Unknown.
'Meet me tonight at the playground. I need to see you'
It might be anonymous, but I know exactly who it's from.
I know I haven't updated in a while guys! So so sorry but I had exams and I just finished school! Anyways I'm back on schedule and I'm so excited for this therapy thing... can you predict what will happen ;)
PLEASE READ~ A lot of people think that I already have pre made chapters written and I just update on a certain day WHICH IS NOT TRUE!! I update when ever I'm done writing a chapter so please don't ask "when are you going to update?" Because I honestly don't know.
Oh and hear me out. For the last few chapters, I've been trying to do a Q&A for my youtube channel, so y'all can get to know me better, but like no one asked lololol. So if I have a good number of questions on this update (please connect it to this text), I'll try to update the next chapter a little faster. (( I'm not bribing!, I'm updating either way but just a little faster))
SoCiAl MeDia :
Instagram- Gabbyw00d

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