Chapter- 8.

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It was the best sleep I ever had in my life. It was peaceful and relaxing.. all because Chandler was right next to me.
"Your heat will be gone tomorrow." He said getting up. I noticed the hint of thankfulness in his voice.
"I have things to do today.. I'll be back soon." He said rushed, putting on his shoes. My eyes were on his instantly, pleading.
"Alina, you'll do fine okay." He says hastily. My breathing faltered.
No, everything would not be fine. Chandler left the room without a goodbye or anything.
Yes, the old Chandler was back and I was glad I would be a free woman tomorrow.
I sat up in the bed with a heavy grunt. It was like all the weight of a truck was on my shoulders, now that Chandler was gone and a burning sensation raced through my body. It made me wonder what actually went on under my skin during heat.
"Owe." I grumbled as I set my feet on the floor.
What was I doing? Where was I going?
My feet carried me away to the door. I wanted out. But the rest of my body was protesting by aching.
My hand touched the door knob slightly, and pulled back as if it were on fire.
I had to stay in this room or... or what? I could defend for myself, I concluded. I opened the door and my feet shuffled down the carpeted hallway. I balanced myself with the walls on both my sides because I felt light headed.
Heat made me feel like I wanted to die. I might be exaggerating but still. It felt like every symptom you could have in the world, was being thrown at you. I relaxed a little. It would be gone by tomorrow, I reassured myself.
I heard a slurping noise from down the hall. Chandler's office? I thought he was out? I heard murmuring and a low giggle. Anxiously, I opened the door.
Chandler had a red head on his lap. They pulled apart instantly from their make out session. If a heart could slowly, painfully collapse, mine did.
Tears stung my eyes as I slammed the door shut and walked as fast as I could away.
He never had things to do today other then suck someone's face off. He could have made me feel better, help me stop suffering from my pain. But no, he chose to leave me so I can hurt. It's all his fault.
All Chandler does is mess shit up. Mess with other girls, my family, my feelings... If there could be a such thing as the 'worst mate ever', it would be him. Nothing in a million years could make up for what he's putting me through.
I whimpered as my thighs had a stinging sensation from trying to run. I rushed outside fast. The guys who were outside's attention snapped on mine instantly. They looked like wild beast as they stopped whatever they were doing and made their way towards me with a crazed look in their eyes.
If I don't leave quick, I was going to be mated wether I liked it or not.
"Conor!!!" I whaled. I ran/limped to his lawn and his door swung open. He looked confused at first, but when he saw the large amount of guys trailing close behind me, he understood.
He let me in his house and locked the doors.
"Alina, why did you come here?!" Conor almost but yelled. His back was facing me. My eyebrows furrowed. What was he talking about?
"I had to-!" I cried. He didn't want me here?
"No, Your not getting it!" He huffed. Conor whipped around, facing me with the same wild eyes the other guys had.
Oh.. now I got it.
"Did you really think I would be any better?!" He was trying to control his wolf, I could tell.
I started backing away, to the stairs.
"I wasn't really thinking at all." I tried to reason stubbornly with him.
"Whatever Alina, Lock yourself upstairs!" He says frustrated.
I didn't hesitate as I turned and ran up the stairs. I found a guest room and locked myself in.
I sat at the edge of the bed and buried my head in my hands. What was I going to do?
My stomach growled at my next thought.
.. Or eat tonight?
Surely, Conor wasn't going to allow himself to come upstairs. I searched around the room frantically for anything. The drawers were empty, nothing in the bathroom.. *tap * tap*
My head popped up from under the bed and I looked around for that noise. What was that?
It was coming from the window.. I leapt to the window and saw a branch hitting it from the wind. On the branch were barries. They were a dark color but I couldn't tell if they were good or not.
I knew I should have been in Girl Scouts...
I picked them off anyways and rinsed them off in the bathroom sink. It looked about fine. I peered at them in my hands before putting some in my mouth. I chewed delightfully. Nothing was wrong. I went back to the bed and layed down, thinking of a plan. I could leave tomorrow. Get Conor to secretly drive me to my pack. Chandler shouldn't care anyways. I have no clue why he even brought me here in the first place.
I woke up with a sudden jolt in my body. Instantly I was up. I spread my hands out and moved my legs, giving a hysterical laugh. NO MORE HEAT!!!
I jumped out the bed, passing a mirror and quickly putting up my nappy hair in a bun. I unlocked my door and went downstairs. Conor was in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. I slid into a counter chair and watched him. He turned around and jumped when he saw me.
"God Alina, you scared me!" He murmured with a smile.
"Oh sorry, is my hair that bad?" I joked.
"How do you like your eggs?"
"Scrambled." I answered and turned on the tv across from me.
"So someone's over heat.." Conor stated.
"Thank god, I was miserable!" I complained. Conor looked at me funny.
"What happened yesterday? Why did you come running to me?"
I swallowed a lump that rose in my throat. I took my eyes off the tv and stared at Conor as he set down my plate.
"Chandler ugh.. he found someone else to make him happy." I said. I didn't mean to sound so sad but I probably did since Conor rapped me up in his arms.
"I'm sorry Alina. He shouldn't be putting you through this." He murmured against my hair.
"I wish you were my mate.." I sighed.
Conor instantly pulled apart at that and stared at me.
"Please don't day that."
"Why not? It's true!" I said feeling embarrassed.
"Your making it harder for me Alina, What do you think will happen when I find my own mate?"
That hit me like a ton of bricks. I never really considered that thought..
"Then you will be with her." I said weakly. Conor shook his had.
"But what if I love you more then her?" His eyes looked into mine. I wanted to kiss him at that very second. But we had to end whatever we had for his mate's sake.
"That's impossible Conor. I may have a rough relationship with Chandler, but I know my feelings for him. Their very strong, even if I don't want them to be." I said honestly, know turning to my food and eating.
Conor didn't say anything which told me that I was right. He would choose his mate over me, and she would be a very lucky girl. I would envy her.
"I need you to bring me home." I said breaking the silence. Conor's hand went through his hair and then settled on his hips.
"I don't know Alina.."
"We could do it secretly. Chandler already thinks I ran away!" I begged him.
"Okay fine, but we leave soon before people start getting up."
I hesitated but kissed his cheek anyways.
"Thank you!" I cried.
After we ate we both got in Conor's car and I had to duck down until we were passed everyone. When the coast was clear, I finally sat up and stared out the window.
"Hey cheer up, will you!" Conor nudged my arm and grinned at me. I rolled my eyes.
In my life there was nothing to be happy about.
Conor turned up the volume on his radio. Brittany spears was on.
"HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!" Conor belched out singing. My large amount of giggles turned into dying of laughter.
"I must confess! I still believe!" I sung load.
"Still believe!" Conor did the background high voice and I head water in my eyes from laughing so much.
One thing was for sure, Conor knew how to cheer up a girl real good.
We pulled into my territory and he turned down the volume. A pair of new metal gates were all around the pack. Inside the gates were houses that were burnt, trash all over the place and people scattered.
"Oh my god.." I breathed deeply.
Two guards known as Tim and Mike, Both mates, approached the car.
"It's okay Guys, this is a friend bringing me home." I told them. Their grip on a very big gun did not change but they did open the gates.
"Thank you again." I said getting out.
We both said our goodbyes and Conor left.
Mike and Tim let me in and closed the new gates behind us. I walked slowly, staring wide eyed at the place I grew up in, was shattered and burned. Anger boiled up inside me and I clenched my fist. All because of Chandler...
"Alina?!!?" I heard Hudson yell from the house. I noticed that our house barely had a scratch on it.. and then across the street was Chrissy's house. My blood ran cold at the sight of where it used to be. It was gone. Poor Chrissy...
Hudson ran to me and smothered me in a hug. I smiled and hugged him tightly back. It must've been a week that I was gone but it felt like years.
"How did you-?!"
"I'll explain later." I told him and we both walked in my house.There were people from my pack(mostly women and children) who were huddled in my living room eating soup?
They must have lost their houses. A certain blonde popped up from one of the blankets and crushed me in a hug. I buried my face in Chrissy's hair and squeezed her. She pulled apart after a while and stared at me with concern.
"My god Alina, I thought something horrible happened to you!" She cried and I shook my head.
"Nothing matters about me right now, how's the pack?" I asked. Chrissy motioned to the people in my living room.
"Their houses had damage from the fire and are getting re built. You probably saw that mine was completely gone so your mom is letting me stay in your room." She said sadly.
"Where's Jax?" I wondered.
"Helping out. Brian had ordered all guys to help." She said. At least she has Jax to lean on..
"What the hell?! Are my eyes tricking me, is that you alina?" I heard a familiar voice screech coming from the kitchen. My mom nearly knocked me down with a hug.
"Yes mom..." I whined with a small smile. Something came in her head and she pulled apart and examined.
"Did he hurt you? God forbid-!" She started saying anxiously.
"Mom, I'm fine!!" I told her. She looked weary but her eyes lit up and she hugged me once more.
"I'm so glad your home!"
"Me too." I mumbled.
But now that I was here, I really didn't feel glad. There was nothing to look forward to..
Once my mom was gone, Chrissy took me by my arm and dragged me upstairs to my room. She locked the door behind us.
"Alina?" Chrissy had a questioning look in her eyes. I bit my lip nervously.
"Do you know why he took you?"
"No, It was probably to mess with our pack, add more stress."I said honestly.
"He's possessive over me though, and I have no clue why because he still sleeps with girls and is the one who rejected me!" I rambled.
Chrissy sat down on my floor in thought.
"Is there a possibility that he's bi-polar?" She said jokingly. I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe he's not sure what he wants yet you know." Chrissy concluded.
"So your saying...?"
"I'm saying that maybe he wants you, but he's not ready yet to drop his old life and settle down."
I stared at Chrissy ridiculously who had a smug look on her face. For the first time in her life, she sounded smart.
"I know what your thinking, but that's not my only great idea!"
Oh god...
"How about we show him that your not ready either and two could play that game!" Chrissy shot up and grabbed my hands in hers, looking thrilled.
My mood dropped. But I was ready. Maybe I was ready to settle down.
Sooo IM BACK BIIIITXHES!!! *accidentally types the wrong letters but sticks with it*
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Vote if you did :)
My goal to 3k on my ig is almost complete😊 thanks you guys ily.
If you want to make me a cover for this story, my kik is - Gaabbywood
Don't be offended if I don't put it up bc I have a lot of other people making some..
BUT OHMYGOD I just finished reading the book "Flowers in the attic" and watched the movie and it was perfect👌. Best book ever and I recommend it to mature readers.
Question - What do you think the plot twist will be ;() ?
Instagram- Gabbyw00d
Kik- Gaabbywood
Xoxo, Gabby
(I used to put my real name (( Gabrielle)) at the end of my chapters but egh)

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