Chapter- 3

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There was a pounding sensation going on in my head. Slowly getting up, I grabbed my head as pain rushed through it. I groaned and looked around. I was on the floor in my living room. All the trash and people from last night were gone. I don't even remember cleaning up...
"Morning sleeping beauty!" Hudson said grabbing a water out the fridge. I got up and started making cereal.
"More like sleeping ugly.. You look a mess." Brian said.
"A hung over mess.."
"Will you two shut up already!" I whispered yelled because if I really did yell, my head would explode.
"Only if you tell us what happened last night.."
I sat up straighter, confused but alarmed at the same time.
"I don't know what your talking about." I said honestly, looking them both in the eye. Brian's eyebrow raised.
"Nothing?" He questioned. I was getting irritated now.
"Why don't you fill me in."
"Well, that guy Chandler for one..." Hudson started. My pulse went crazy and it suddenly got extremely hot. Was I sweating?!
"What about him?" I tried to sound casual but successfully failed.
"He attacked the guy you were dancing with. Said something about a mate."
Why would he attack Connor!!
Brian shrugged but I think Hudson could see threw me. He was always the smart one.
Should I tell them? It wouldn't hurt.. And hey, maybe I could get a guy's perspective on why he would dump me.
"You wouldn't know anything about this mate of his Hugh?" Hudson questioned and I knew that he figured it out.
"I'm his mate." I rushed out. Brian had a look of surprise but Hudson had a smug look.
"I knew it!" He said. They both hugged me.
"Our little sis is growing up. She has a mate now!" Brian said. My mood suddenly dropped.
"Well technically not.." I trailed off.
"What do you mean technically?" Hudson asked.
I started messing with my thumbs and but my lip. Instantly I stopped. It was something I did when I was nervous.
I could feel the tears almost shallow to the surface but I wouldn't allow it. I wasn't going to cry over a boy..
"He rejected me." My voice was hoarse and a tear accidentally slipped. I watched as both Brian and Hudsons faces twisted into a look of anger.
"He did not.."
"I'm gonna smash his face in!" They both mumbled.
"It's fine. I'm over him." I said to them but it kind of sounded like I was actually trying to convince my self.
"Why would he reject you?" Hudson asked.
"Well, I was hoping ya'll would know something." I said quietly.
"He's a player, a partier. Maybe he's just not ready to settle down with his bad boy life style." Brian said. He sounded like the smart one this time.
I considered this. Maybe he was right.
"I guess.."
My eyes averted to the clock on the wall. 1:30! I was supposed to meet with
Conor for our project! Shit.
I got up and grabbed my sweater and boots. My hair looked okay in the bun it was in.
"Hey, where you going?"
"Yeah, we were just about to discuss plans to kill Chandler!" Hudson joked. I smiled, almost out the door.
"I forgot I had somewhere to be!"
Somewhere threw the blur last night, I remember my birthday present was a car. It was a cute little bug ( Mom knows I love them).
I quickly started it and started driving fast. Conor lived in the White Moon'z pack but that wasn't far. I think his house was actually behind the old post office.
I accidentally ran a red light and minutes later a cop car rounded the corner on my little bug's tail.
"Craaaaap!" I grumbled. The lights went off and the sound was blaring. I pulled over on the curb and tapped my fingers on the wheel, waiting. The cop came up to my window and I rolled it down. It was big Jim, one of my dad's closet friends.
"Why who do we have here... Alina?!" He asked surprised. I smiled innocently.
"That would be me, Big Jim."
Big Jim leaned in my window.
"I'll let you slide this time, just because you've got no record from before.." He said. Instantly I was relieved.
"Thanks so much!" I said as he backed away.
"Okay kiddo, oh and tell your old pop I said hey."
"Yes sir. Bye!" I said before making my way to Conor's. I turned after the post office and skipped a few houses until I thought I found it. I got out the car. The house was huge. I mean, about the size as mine. I knocked on the doors. It took a while but someone finally answered.
It was Chandler. And he was half naked.
My heart started racing and my mouth watered at the sight of him in boxers and no shirt. He smirked at me and then I knew he caught me checking him out. Great!
I bit my lip hard.
"What are you doing here?.. If your here to beg for me to-"
"Ah no. This isn't Conor's house?" I asked. He crossed his muscular arms and I thought I heard a growl?
"No." He huffed. Suddenly, two very skinny arms were rapped around his chest from behind and a girl with bleach blonde hair rested her chin on his shoulder. I wanted to set her on fire when I noticed that she was half naked also..
"Chandler's busy right now. Come on, let's go.." She purred in his ear. He looked annoyed but I was pissed off.
Last night he said that I couldn't be with anyone, but here he is, with another girl. Figures.
I turned on my heal and started towards my car.
I turned to Chandler. I looked like a mad women. I was jealous and possessive. I can't help that. I didn't want him sleeping with other girls! I felt like someone was stabbing my heart endlessly.
"House is that way." He pointed to one a few houses down.
"What are you going to do any ways?.." He questioned. There was something in his eyes. Something mad and wild.
I grinned at him.
"Same thing your doing!" I lied happily. I got in my car as he started coming towards me. Why was he so jealous when he rejected me! Quickly I drove off, leaving the blonde to comfort him.
This time, Conor opened the door at the next house I tried. I gasped as I examined his face. His eye was bruised almost black and his lip was cut.
"Listen.. I really think we shouldn't work together anymore..." He started to close the door on me. I let myself in and shut the door behind me.
"What the hell happened?" I shrieked. I couldn't hep but feel really bad. And I think I know exactly who did it..
"Alina you need to go!" Conor said again.
"Tell me who did this!"
I didn't know why I felt so angry that Chandler would do this to someone I barely knew. But I was furious.
"Chandler.." Conor said embarrassed. I shook my head in concern.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Conor!" my voice raised and the pounding in my head came back. Wonderful.
"Because I was dancing with you.. like that." He didn't look at me when he said it. I couldn't believe Chandler would do this for me dancing with him. I shouldn't have told him what I did earlier...
"This is all my fault.." I groaned. I felt light headed. Conor held my elbow.
"It's not your fault. I wanted to do that.." He said shyly. I smiled at him.
"I wanted to too."
Wanted to make Chandler jealous...
Conor laughed nervously.
"This isn't going to happen again."I murmured. I lightly touched the bruise around his eye. He winced and my heart dropped.
"I should have known he was your mate..." He mumbled. I paused, shocked.
"What? How do you even-"
"It was kind of obvious. I think the whole school might know."
I leaned up against the wall for support. The whole school knew!! How embarrassing! They know that Chandler rejected me. I'm going to be an outcast now or something.
"Hey, don't be sad. It's his lost anyways." Conor said, his hand grazed to my lower back. It was some what comforting. I nodded and gave him a hopeful smile.
"Let's just work on this stupid project.."
This chapter was boring but I wanted to update really quick to say something.
Soo.. I had this dream the other night and when I woke up I had to write it down about what happened. When I started looking over it, I realized that this could be another good story( even though it's not ware wolf)
Please go check it out and tell me if you like the idea of it so far. It's called ' Someone I'm not'
A lot of people's comments make me smile when I'm having a bad day so thanks everyone ! Love you guys.
I'm out of school and now on break so that means I'll have a lot of writing time! yayyy! I'm still thinking of how to not make this story basic.
Ig - Gabbyw00d
, Gabby

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