Chapter- 6

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PLEASE READ WHAT I SAY AT THE VERY END! Thanks :) btw all of it
I didn't care what Chandler said. I was going to call my family.
I finally left the room and started downstairs. Alcohol drifted in the air and I crinkled my nose. How could someone live like this?
My eyes scanned all through the living room and kitchen but there were no phones. A little old women suddenly came in, entering the kitchen and then dug through endless pots and pans.
She must be a cook or something.
"Excuse me?"
She turned around slowly, taking her time. Why would she move so much being very fragile? I suddenly pitied her.
"Yes?" She answered.
"Do you happen to know where a phone would be in this house?" I looked anxiously around in case Chandler would suddenly appear.
The lines in this woman's forehead doubled as her eyebrows furrowed. She was debating on wether or not to tell me. After a minute she finally came to a conclusion.
"Alpha's office." She responded and left in a hurry.
Where would his office be? I went upstairs and started rounding corners, looking through every room. I stopped at one that looked to be a office. On the Connor of a desk was a house phone! I felt joy as I ran to the phone. I closed the door carefully and started typing my house number.
After the third time someone picked up.
"Hello?" Answered a weary voice. It was Hudson.
"Hudson it's me, Alina." Suddenly he was alert now.
"Alina?! Your okay, your hurt?" I could hear my parents voices in the background.
"I'm fine, what about the pack?" I could hear my heartbeat waiting for what he would say.
"No ones dead... but it's bad. Really bad. Were trying to recover." Hudson sounded strained and my heart was going to leap out my chest. I wanted to help! I needed to be home! Water was building up in my eyes and then started rushing down to my cheeks till my vision was blurred.
"We're going to come get you soon." Hudson said, his voice was determined and it made me smile a bit.
"No,The pack needs time to recover. Once everyone is fine, then you come alright?" I tried to convince him but it was hard to even convince myself. But I needed to think about the pack. People are hurt and I don't want to risk any more lives by getting me.
"Are you sure-?"
"Positive. Now, tell mom, dad and Brian I love them okay?"
I heard footsteps outside the door and the knob turning.
"I have to go."
I hung up fast and whipped my face with my sleeves. It was Chandler who came in.
"Oh, I was just looking for you! Thought you'd be in here.." I faked.
He looked strangely at me. He was seeing if I was lying or not.
"Well what do you want!" He snapped at me and sat down at a big desk chair.
It took everything of me to not say anything mean back. I had to bite my tongue. Hard.
"I Um, wanted to know if I could go for a run... Please?" I pleaded and it was completely true. My wolf was aching to be let out.
"You do know that I have guards everywhere around the border in case you try anything..." He says and I almost huffed.
"I know, I won't. I promise." I tried to make my voice sound sincere and I think it worked because he looked conflicted with himself. Finally, he looked up at me.
"Alright. But try anything, and you won't see daylight for a very long time." He threatened.
My eye was legit twitching with annoyance as I left the room but I was grinning as I walked outside. I needed to let my wolf out. Now. I went behind the house, taking off my clothes fast and then shifted. My wolf was a honey color, in the sunlight it looked bronze. I was a pretty good size also and I was faster then most girls, having alpha blood in my genes. I sprinted off into the woods and ran with joy. My bones were relieved. The wind blew through my fur with delight and I stopped at a stream up a head. I dipped one paw in and my whole reflection changed, when the water settled down again, there was another reflection. Not mine.
My head shot up sharply to the person across the stream. It was Conor.
My eyebrows raised at the sight of him. He held out my clothes in his hand. My eyes darted to my panties that peeked from under my shorts and I took my clothes in my mouth quickly.
"I need to talk to you." He said. I started walking to the nearest tree when I saw him watching me. I barked, getting his attention.
I spun around in a 360 circle. His head tilted to the side as if confused. I almost laughed at how much he looked like a dog just now.
"Oh, Got it!" Conor blushed a slight pink and turned around.
I went behind the tree to shift and got dressed. I walked back to him and sat down by the stream, dipping my feet in the cold water.
"Following me?" I asked slyly.
"Ugh, I wanted to talk to you about last night actually..." He says nervously and I hold up my hand signaling to stop.
Conor shut up instantly.
"I know, you had to. I understand." I said. I slowly made circles into the water with my index finger. It once again messed with my reflection.
"I just want you to know that I didn't like any of it, and that I'm sorry." He said. A small forgiving smile pressed on my lips and I sighed.
"Well I don't know Conor.. can I forgive you?" I teased him grinning. Conor had a smirk playing on his lips. He inched a little closer to me.
"Well, I do hope you forgive me.. for this!"
In a second, Conor was holding me up, and over the stream!
My eyes widened as I stared at the chilling water.
"NO! CONOR DONT YOU DARE-!!" I screamed as I was tossed in. The water hit my body causing a massive splash. I came plummeting up and gasped for air. The water was even more freezing and I could feel goosebumps slowly making their way all over my body.
"You retard!" I laugh-yelled at Conor who was laughing so hard.
He took of his shirt, which showed a smooth lean chest. It wasn't packed with abs but it was a sight to stare at. Conor jumped in beside me, splashing water all over my face.
He didn't come up though and I started to get anxious.. But werewolves could hold their breaths long.
"Conor?!" I said into the water.
Suddenly, a hand rapped around my ankle and it was pulling me down. I shrieked and when I almost went under, I held my breath.
A body was soon pressed against mine under the water that now was warming up to me. I opened my eyes to see Conor. There was something in me. A drive maybe, to finish what we started the other day.
I pulled him closer, and his arms wove around my waist. His bare torso was against mine and I couldn't believe I was enjoying every minute of this. Soon, our heads made their way to the surface and as Conor took a breath, I smashed my lips on to his.
Conor was shocked at first, but our lips locked together in harmony. The softness of his lips, the taste of his mouth, the warmth that spread through my body.. I loved it. Every single second.
It might not ever be as good as Chandler's, but it was as perfect as it would get for me.
We pulled apart and I noticed how flushed Conor looked. It was adorable. He was grinning from ear to ear, as if he won the lottery and I knew he felt it to.
"We should get going.." I say and Conor hops out first, then leans over to give me a hand. I gladly accept and he pulls me up.
Don't think I didn't notice the muscles that flexed in his arm as he did so. ;)
Conor handed me his dry shirt and I put it over my soaking wet clothes that clung to my body.
We started walking back. Neither of us saying anything but were both grinning. We emerged from the woods and I froze.
Chandler stood only feet away talking to some guys. The guys attention turned to us and the Chandler did so. Panic rised in my chest as Chandler started to look angry. I couldn't blame him.
I was with Conor, both of us drenched not to mention he had no shirt on and he could probable smell him all over me.
Well.. this is great.
Mhhh. Steamy session with Conor!
What side are YOU on? #teamconor (those who think he's better for alina) #teamchandler (those who still have hope)
So sorry I took so long to update but I honestly could never find the time!! Hope you liked it even if it was short :)
Instagram - Gabbyw00d
Thank you guys so much! Ily, Gabby

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