Gaming! Part2: Mammon x Reader🍋

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LMAO GUYS i just read my "Gaming!" Story again and I saw ALOT of mistakes 😂 I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My grammar of now is probably bad too so don't expect a lot either lol.
This is part 2 of "Gaming!: Mammon x Reader" if you missed it, go read it!.
This contains NFSW and bad language.
Comments and votings are really appreciated!! And of course reading helps too!! Thank you all for reading my stories!! :,,D I never thought I would get more than 100 views :")
Pls comment any grammar mistakes that make you feel unconfortable!! It will help my future stories!! (Or so I hope)
The next day, you woke up and did your morning routine. After that, you went outside to eat breakfast and met the brothers.
You sat next to Mammon, made eye contact with Mammon and smirked, thinking of a plan to be the top one this time. Mammon just blushed and looked away, eating his breakfast. When everyone finished, Mammon was about to get up and leave, but you grabbed his feet with both of your feet to prevent him from escaping. He looked at your legs and gulped, sitting on his chair again. "What's wrong Mammon? Are you planning to do something stupid again?" Lucifer said as he sipped his cup of tea. "I bet he is going to sneak on my room again!" Levi said glaring at Mammon. "But that won't happen ever again! Thanks to my safe, cute, and precious lock! made by the devs of Ruri-chan!~ and I bet Ruri-chan will protect my door from filthy, scummbag, money stealer demons like Mammon!" Levi said as he imagined Ruri-chan protecting his door. "Y-yeah.. what ever.. but I think I'll stay here for a while" Mammon said as he tried to act natural, but failed as always. "Mammon, you're acting strange! You better not be planning on stealing anything from me!" Asmo said as he grabbed his purse and hugged it to protect it. "Just don't sell the fridge or the food please, anything else is fine" Beel said when he finished gulping a big chunk of meat. "Mammon, you should probably go to RAD now" Lucifer said. "Ok then, is not like I'm planning on stealing Diavolo's expensive looking pen!" Mammon said as a plan to stay with you a little longer as he got up and acted as if he was going to RAD. "Oops.." Mammon said as he covered his mouth. "MAAAAMMOOOOONNN?!?" Lucifer said as he got up from his seat and smiled at Mammon. "Not Diavolo from all people, you know Luzzzifer is gay for him" Belphie said as he smirked and looked at Lucifer. "First of all, don't call me "Luzzzifer". Second of all, how many times do I have to tell you all that I am NOT gay?" Lucifer said as he massaged his nose bridge annoyed. "If he's not gay, then maybe he's bisexual" Belphie said shrugging to annoy Lucifer and Asmo laughed. "ENOUGH WITH ALL OF YOU! GO TO RAD. NOW." Lucifer said as he pointed the exit door. "But my meat-" Beel said but Lucifer cutted him out. "O.U.T." Lucifer said as he glared Beel. Beel whined. After that, everyone got up and left. "Oh, not you though, Mammon. You'll stay here with MC, she'll make sure you don't do anything bad, or stupid" Lucifer said as he patted your shoulder with one hand, and Mammon's with another hand. "Right, MC?" Lucifer said as he smiled at you with a dark aura. "Yes of course, haha!.. anything for you Lucifer!" You said as you puffed out your chest. "Good. If anything goes wrong.. I'll have to punish both of you" Lucifer whispered to both of you, not in a kinky way though. "Now, I shall go to an important meeting with Diavolo. Have a nice evening" Lucifer said as he waived his hand, walking away. "Now.. where were we?~" you said as you carrased Mammon's thigh. Mammon gulped as he looked at your hand doing it's movements around his thigh. "Shall we play some games?~" you asked. "S-sure.." Mammon said as he looked away blushing. You smirked and then smaked his chest, expecting him to shiver and blush. "Ow! Why didya smack me?!" Mammon said as he rubbed his chest. "Omg I'm so sorry! I thought you would enjoy that!" You said as you tried not to laugh of embarrassment. You rubbed his chest and then licked it, making him shake and moan. "So you like licks huh?~" you said. "Tch.. not like I love them of anythin'" Mammon said as he looked away to cover his blush. You kept licking him until he accepted it. "Ok, ok! M-may be.. I-I do love them.." Mammon said as he covered his face with his hands. "Good job! You have unlocked the "Saying the truth!" Achievement!" You said as you took his hand and went to the twins bedroom. "W-why are we here?" Mammon asked. "To unlock another achievement, dumb dumb!" You said as you pushed him on Belphie's bed. "W-what are you-" Mammon said but didn't finish his words as he saw you flash your ass infront of his face. "W-when did you crawl on top of me that fast?!" Mammon muttered. "I have my ways.. now, c'mon kitty boy! Lick your owner's pussy!" You said. "F-fine.." Mammon said as he blushed and grabbed both of your ass cheeks to spread them. As he spread them, he looked at your entrance for a second and then started licking. You moaned and pushed your body deeper. Mammon groaned and started inserting his fingers inside your entrance, making you roll your eyes and drip some saliva on the bed purposely. "Shit! Not on Belphie's bed!" Mammon said as he saw you drip saliva. "Good! Ngh!~ now you may stop-" You said but Mammon interrupted you. "But I don't want to stop.." Mammon said as he looked at you with puppy eyes. You awed but pulled out. "A-as I was saying, Good! You got the "a good brother doesn't do sex on another brother's bed!" Achievement and the "puppy eyes" achievement!" You said. "You just made that up, didn't ya?" Mammon said as he looked at you smirking. "Uh... anyways! Let's go to the next one! Shall we?" You asked as you holded his hand again and went outside. "Where are we going now?" Mammon asked. "You'll see tiger boy" you replied. "First, you call me "kitty boy", and now you call me "tiger boy"?" Mammon said pouting. "Maybe I'll call you beast boy when we get to the destination and please me" you said as you looked at him with lustful eyes. Mammon shivered and gulped as he saw your eyes and looked away to cover his blush. "Tch.. w-what ever.." Mammon said. "Do you want me to take away your "Saying the truth!" Achievement?" You asked. "What do I even get from collecting achievements!" Mammon asked crossing his arms and pouted. "Maybe I'll let you be greedy with my body and let you do whatever you want" you replied. You opened your bedroom door and motioned Mammon to go inside first, Mammon looked around your room sceptically, but entered inside eventually. You locked the door as soon as Mammon entered and turned off the lights. "M-Mc w-what are you doing?! N-not that I'm scared or anythin'!" Mammon said as he was shivering. "Sure, say that again later when I put you blindfolders" you said as you grabbed your blindfolder that was nearby and placed it on Mammon's eyes. "But I already can't even see a thing with the lights off!" Mammon said. "You did the same thing too! So I'm doing it too! And besides, our eyes will eventually adjust and get comfortable with the darkness, so you'll be able to see if I don't put you the blindfolds" you said. You started taking Mammon's clothes off and Mammon flinched as you touched his bare chest. "E-eek!" Mammon squeaked. "That was actually pretty cute~ do it again" you whispered on Mammon's ear as you were rubbing your body on Mammon's naked back. Mammon shivered and squeaked once again as he felt the shivers on his spine. "Good boy!~" you said and later bit his ear, which made him have a boner and moan. "Moan more for me Mammon~ I want to hear your cute little yelps" You whispered. Mammon didn't reply as the embarrasment he felt was making him go deaf slowly. You sighed and later unzipped his pants, making Mammon wake up from dreamland. "W-what are you!-" "shhh~ it's going to be ok, you want all the achievements don't you?" You said as you circled around his clothed dick. Mammon gasped for air as he felt your delicate fingers and got even a bigger boner. "Oh damn, I think this guy really wants the achievements" you said as you continued to strip him. "Good! You have unlocked the "Get naked for master!" Achievement!" You said as you clapped your hands. "That sounds embarrasing.." Mammon said. "Now, I'm going to ask you how many fingers I have, but don't worry, you'll have hints. If you get them all right, I'll give you your reward" you said. "This better be fair, k?.." Mammon said. "Of course! Now, tell me how many fingers I have" you said as you touched his member with two fingers. "Eep! T-two.." Mammon said. "Correct!" You said. "Now, many fingers do I have now?" You asked as you slided one finger from his bottom to his tip of the member. "Eep! O-one!" Mammon said as his member went up. "Correct! Now, last question.. what is this?" You asked and licked his tip in circles. "A-ahh!~ y-your toungue!~" Mammon said as precum already came. You smiled at it and licked it to clean it, but as soon as you did, more precum came. "S-shit!~" Mammon moaned. "I see you're very sensitive over here Mammon~" you said as you circled around his tip with your finger tips. "J-just pleasure me!" Mammon whined. "Magic words?" You asked. "P-please?..." Mammon said. "Good boy!" You said and later inserted your whole mouth. "Nhg!~ MC can I s-see?~" Mammon asked. "Hmm.. No❤" you replied and sucked his member even deeper. "I-I want to see your face though!" Mammon said. "Hmm ok then, I shall remove the torture mask" you said and took it off. Mammon rubbed his eyes to adjust his eye sight and then looked at you up and down. "You have unlocked the "convincing the master!" Achievement!" You said. "How many achievements are there anyways?" Mammon asked. "That's for me to decide later" You said. "No fair!" Mammon said as he crossed his arms. "A sad face doesn't suit you sweety~ I want to see you smile~" you said as you then positioned yourself on his member without entering. "E-ep!" Mammon yelped, squeezing his eyes shut blushing. You slowly entered his member, which made you moan long but low at the same time. "MC!~ p-please be gentle!" Mammon said. "I should be the one saying that!" You said as you saw his member go deeper inside you. You both rolled your eyes to your backs and breathed fastly. "W-well I-I'm moving! O-ok?.." You said. Mammon just nodded and looked at you with pleasure, his eyes full of tears of how good it felt. You started moving slowly and felt pain at first, but it later turned into pleasure, making your breath uneven. "Shit MC! I think I'm cumming!" Mammon moaned loudly. "MAMMONNN WHAT WAS THAT?!" Someone said outside. "OH SHIT NOT NOW!" Mammon groaned.
Mammon started moving even faster inside you, which made you cover your mouth to hide your moans, but they where unstoppable. "Shit!" Mammon screamed as he pushed his member once more and came inside you, later pulling out. As he pulled out, cum dripped on the bed and Mammon layed besides you trying to catch his breath. "I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION" The voice screamed outside. "Oh shit, it's Lucifer" Mammon whispered. Mammon dressed himself quickly and opened the door. "Oy Lucifer what's your problem?!" Mammon said. "What's MY problem?! What's YOUR problem?! You can't just go around and fuck anyone!" Lucifer said as he looked at you catching your breath naked. "U-um actually it wasn't my idea-" "I don't want to hear it Mammon, you're going to be hanging on the ceiling". Lucifer said aa he dragged Mammon with him. "MC! H-helpppp! Yelp!" Mammon begged.

The End.
I hope you all enjoyed ;)
Good nighty night!..

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