Exams!: Levi x MC🍋

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Warnings: NFSW, bad language and Spoilers!! (From lesson 29-30)(I CANT FREAKIN PASS THE BATTLES MENNNN IM TOO POOR AND WEAK-) (I'm sadly on lesson 30 (beggining)).
Please let me know any grammar mistakes that makes any of you bothered!! It will improve my future writings! (Or so I hope..)
Guys! I reached 1k reads!.. it may be so low for some of you guys but it's a lot for me, thank you all so much for the supports and reads!! I love you all so much!! wth!! 😢
It was a few days before Valentine's Day and Levi was freaking out that you might have already picked someone to go on a date. Levi always tried to make a conversation about it with you, but he couldn't bring the right words until someone had to interrupt him and ask you about going on a date with you. Levi always looked paniked when it happened but you always avoided the question or changed the subject, which made him relieved. "B-but what if s-she rejects ME like the others!!.. I'll be a complete failiure, an embarrassment, a noob!!" Levi thought when he was alone on his room one day. But suddenly, his phone rang and when he realized it was you, he started paniking and talking to himself on what to do. "O-ok Leviathan! M-maybe sh-she's just trying to talk about something VERY important! T-that's the ONLY reason!.. r-right?..AHHH I NEED TO FREAKIN CALM DOWNN" Levi said to himself still not responding your call. He cleared his throat and finally answered your phone call. "H-hello M-MC.. d-did you want s-something?.." Levi said anxiously. "Oh! Hello Levi, it took you some time to pick up, were you busy? If you were, i'm very sorry, but Satan said he wanted us to go study on the library with him." You said. "O-oh.." Levi said sounding more calmed yet disapointed. "Huh? Are you ok Levi? Did you want me to say something else?.." you asked. "A-ah! N-no! I-I'll be right there!" Levi said finishing the call. "Huh?" You thought as he finished the call quickly. "Maybe he forgot about our meeting" You said. "Probably" Satan said. "OH MY DIAVOLOOO, I tot 4got about it! How dumb can I be! Of course M-MC will NEVER a-ask out a nerd, otaku, shut in like me! Wahh..!" Levi said to himself crying fakely in his bed. Few minutes later, Levi came in and you 3 started the study session.
*A few hours later*
"Now you try to seduce me, MC" Satan said looking at you smirking. You looked at him confident and then posed like a cute cat. "Meow!~♡" you then said looking at Satan. Satan blushed super hard making him look like a tomatoe and looked away from you saying "y-you passed". "W-WOAHH!! THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!"Levi said later to himself. But when Levi saw you kitty pose in another perpective (back of you), he accidentaly saw your undergarments, making him blush really hard and a little nose bleed came out of his nose. Levi realized that, and quickly cleaned his nose with his sleeve and hid his sleeve to his back smiling awkwardly. Days passed and it was finally Valentine's Day and the exams day. You looked quite not in the good mood that day but still tried to make every situation better. "M-MC.. y-you're really awsome.." Levi said lowly to himself admiring you. When it was time to do your exams, you had to pick a parter and you chose Levi. "R-really?! Y-you're choosing m-m-me!!???" Levi said shocked. You smiled and nodded at him. Levi blushed and nodded. You later grabbed his hand saying the spell. "OMG, MC IS GRABBING MY HAND I CAN FEEL HER HAND AND HER WARMTH IN MY HANDDD!! I-IS THIS A DREAMM!?" Levi said paniking at your light touch. You just giggled and interlocked your fingers with his. "AHHH!! NOW YOU'RE INTERLOCKING FINGERS WITH MEE! I READ A LOT ABOUT THIS ONLINE, IT SAID THAT IT MEANT THAT YOU WANTED TO TAKE STEPS TO THE NEXT LEVEL, OR THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ME, OR-" Levi said and then he colapsed on the floor not finishing his sentence. You looked at him smiling but concerned at the same time. You later took him to the nursery, but strangely the nurse wasn't around. So you waited and sat besides Levi and stared at him, admiring every detail of his face. Then you realized you were so close to his face and blushed. You then decided to kiss his kissable looking lips, and as soon as you were about to kiss his lips, you heard footsteps comming towards the room you were. You quickly peaked his lips and acted as if nothing happened. When the door opened, the nurse that entered started asking you questions about the incident. The nuse later told you that he needed to rest here but then told you that she was busy with some stuff, so she told you to take care of him at his house. A few moments later, you managed to carry Levi's body to his room and he was now resting on his bed. He later started sweating and started groaning. You paniked and went to the kitchen to bring some wet towels. As you left, Levi woke up and realized that he was on his room. "Phew.. so MC holding my hand WAS a dream.." Levi said whiping his forehead. He later heard footsteps coming towards his room and he quickly acted as if he was sleeping. He later saw you coming towards him with a bowl of wet towels. You later started patting the sweat from his face, and then realized that he had some sweat on his neck too. So you slowly whiped his neck, making his boner grow and making him breathe heavily. You realized he was awake but played along to his "game" and started whipe his neck lower. "Oh my, looks like Levi is really hot! But there are no windows and I don't want to turn on the ac because it's "broken"! What do I do?~" you said as realistic as you could. You later started unbottoning his shirt, leaving him naked on the chest. You later started whiping his chest with the towel and later his nipples. Levi started closing his eyes even more shut, trying his best not to groan. "I was hoping Levi would ask me out today.. but I guess he won't.. oh well.. I guess I'll go with Mammon.." you said smirking. "Gh!.. GYAHHH!! I can't keep acting!! I will NOT let you go out with anyone!! Specially THE scumbag Mammon!!" Levi said as he hugged your chest, buring his face on your breasts without noticing. You blushed as he started talking in your chest and then you started to pat his hair, making him calm down. Levi later realized he was on your breasts and pulled away blushing. "I-I'm truly sorry for putting m-my face o-on your... c-chest!" Levi said paniking more. You giggled and started to crawl on top of him. "It's ok Levi, I don't mind you touching my body.." you said, later unbottoning your breast area clothing, exposing your breasts infront of his face. "A-am I dreaming?! I must be!" Levi said covering his eyes blushing. You grabbed one of his hands and putted it on one of your breasts, making you moan lightly. Levi blushed harder but uncovered his eyes. "M-may I?..." Levi said blushing. You giggled and nodded as a yes. Levi later started playing with your nipples shyly but it still made you moan slightly. Hearing your moans gave Levi more courage to be braver, so he later started bitting and sucking your nipples, and pinching and circling your other nipple with his other hand. You moaned as he was now starting to enjoy the moment. He later took his pants off, and your clothes off too. After that, he positioned himself in your entrance and looked at you for permision. You later nodded and he slowly inserted himself in, making both of you moan loudly. As he was moving inside you slowly, breathing fastly, he looked at you, making him grow even harder. You were rolling your eyes to your back, feeling a lot of pleasure by his length. When he started to feel more needy and desperate, he started moving faster inside you, making you moan constantly and loudly. Later both of your movements became sloppier and you both came at the same time moaning loudly.
Lucifer later knocked on Levi's room and said "In the future please check if i'm in the house.." and walked away sighing. "O-oops.." Levi lastly said embarrased blushing hard.
The end ♡

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