Being a cat!: Satan x Cat Reader💗

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WARNINGS: there's swearing, Satan feels horny just for a second and MC is a stray cat that lives in the human world.
Please comment any grammar errors that disturb any of you! It will help my future stories! (Or so I hope)
Comments and votings are super appreciated!! And thank you all for 1.2K reads!! Imma cry 😢.
You were walking on the streets with hunger, some time later, you collapsed on the hard floor. You already knew this would come to you, and soon. You hopelessly closed your eyes and let the tears fall on your cheeks, letting out a meow before your death. But that's when you heard footsteps coming to your way. You slightly opened your eyes with all the energy you had and saw a beautiful blonde guy with green eyes kneeling in front of you, looking at you worried. You tried to meow again, but no sound came through your throat. The guy took something from his pocket and gently putted it on the floor. It was like a miracle, like an angel coming to save you, what the guy gave you were cat treats. You tried to move your head towards the food, but your head fell on the hard ground again. You again cried a meow but the kind guy putted some on your mouth and you ate it. "What if what I ate was poison?.. I'm screwed.." you thought to yourself. Then soon enough, the guy slowly moved his hand towards your head and you hissed. The guy understood your warning and waited with you on the floor. Some time passed, and the guy again tried to pet your head, this time, you let him pet your head. There was something about this guy that made you trust him. His warm hands made you purr and the guy carefully carried you on his warm arms saying "Don't worry little one, I'll save you from the misery you don't deserve" smiling at you warmly. You purred and slept on his warm embrace. Some time passed but you stopped feeling his warm arms around you, so you woke up and started looking for him, meowing as hard as you could. Later, a door opened and another guy appeared, the guy had black hair and red eyes. As he looked at you, and sighed annoyed, the guy massaged his nose bridge and called out to someone. "Satan!, what is this shit?" The black haired guy shouted. Later, you heard footsteps coming towards you and the kind blonde guy with green eyes appeared. "Oh so you have woken up little one~" Satan said smiling. "I asked, what is this shit?" The black haired guy said angry. "Um.. a cat?" Satan said, trying not to laugh at his own words. The black haired guy just sighed annoyed and said "I can see that, Satan, but what I meant was, what IS this cat doing HERE?". "Calm down Lucifer, it was going to die if I wasn't reading outside and heard its voice calling for help" Satan said to Lucifer hugging you. "Don't worry little one, I'll protect you from anyone" Satan added, stroking your head and then gently scratched your ears as you purred. "Satan, I already told you many times, we are NOT taking care of a cat, I am tired of taking care of all of you, and you want to add another one?! In your dreams! And if I see that cat in Devildom, you're going to have some serious problems" Lucifer said as he cracked his knuckles and left. "W-what?! So they're not humans?! Is that why they look so hot?.." you thought to yourself. "Sorry about that, he was Lucifer, the oldest brother from my brothers, I'm Satan, the 5th brother from the 7th brothers from the Devil" Satan said as he caressed your fluffy body. "So he is a demon huh?... a hot one..." you said as you fell for him and slept on his embrace again. The next morning you woke up, and saw Satan still on the same place as yesterday, but asleep. You watched him sleep, admiring every detail of his face. (Author: Totally not creepy,,) and as he woke up, he streched himself yawning and then looked at you sleepy smiling saying "good morning little one~ did you sleep good yesterday?". You couldn't talk but you answered with a happy meow, which made him happy. But his face later became gloomy and sad. "In 3 days I'll have to leave the human world.. I won't be able to see you for a long time, and when I come back,you probably wont be alive anymore.." he said looking at you sadly. Your ears went to your back and you looked at the floor sad, not knowing what to do or say. "So let's enjoy this last moments together! I hope you like reading!" He said trying to cheer up the mood. You meowed happily and followed him every store and place he went to. You both went to cat cafes, libraries that allowed animals, parks, and many more places that both of you could go and enjoy. The days passed by and it was the day Satan had to go to Devildom. You looked at him sadly and hugged his leg, not letting him go. He sighed and looked at you smiling sadly. "I'll miss you, little one.." as he let a tear from his eye roll down on his cheek and peaked you up and let you down. Before he left, he gave you a collar that had a fish on it.
"I enjoyed the moments we spent together". Satan lastly said and left, looking  at you back in every step he made.

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