Being a Succubus!: Diavolo x Barbatos x Succubus Reader!🍋

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Suggestion by @KanaLexi
(I agree, Barbatos and Diavolo ffs are very rare to find these days 😤)
To @KanaLexi:
(Plus, I wanted to make a story of Simeon with any other character, so I made your suggestion into a new one (this one).. I hope you're ok with that 👉👈)
Warning!: Contains NSFW content, MC is a succubus*, and contains bad words!
succubus*: female spirit demons that take/drain energy by having sex. They are able to make the men think/dream of pleasurable stuff.
Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable by any grammar mistakes!!
Votes, comments and putting on reading lists are very much appreciated!! 😢
Today's my birthday so,, yall better vote this story as my birthday gift,, HAHHSUDBSJSI ok no,, i'm sorry..
You were passing by a random street from Devildom and your eyes got attracted by the new restaurant that opened today. You viewed the reviews on Devilgram and appearantly, many demons liked it, so you decided to try it. As soon as you entered, the vibe wasn't the vibe you expected it to be, the vibe was more like a barn or a club. You still didn't care and sat on a chair that was besides you. The waiter attended you as soon as you sat down and gave you a scanning code for you to scan it and get the menu. You ordered the food and started scolling through Devilgram again. Some minutes passed by and you heard someone calling your name. "Hey MC! Didn't expect you to be here!" Diavolo said as he walked towards you, with his butler besides him. You looked up and greeted them. "May I join your table?" Diavolo asked. "Sure! You may join us too, Barbatos" you offered as you motioned Barbatos to sit down besides Diavolo. "So.. why did you decide to come all the way here, Lord Diavolo?" You asked, trying not to make the situation awkward. "Oh well I heard that this place was fantastic, so I just had to go and see it for myself" Diavolo said as he grinned at you. "Oh, and please, just call me Diavolo" Diavolo added. "My lord, what would you like to order?" Barbatos asked as the waitress came again. "Hmm what did you order, MC?" Diavolo asked as he scrolled down the menu that was on his phone. "O-Oh.. I don't know if I will like it or if you will like it but.. I ordered the Devil Succubus pasta with frog legs" you answered. "Hmm I would like to try it too, that one please~" Diavolo said as he pointed the order to the waitress. The waitress nodded, took some notes for the extra food that they ordered and finally left. "I hope you don't turn into one though, that'll be funny, haha!" Diavolo joked. "Turn into what?.." you asked. "Into a Succubus of course! But I'm sure that won't happen, because many restaurants name their food with the word Succubus, but don't ever turn you into one. So I'm sure you'll be ok" Diavolo said as he patted your shoulder to calm you down. You sighed in relief and continued to chat with Diavolo and Barbatos until your orders finally came. "Well, bon appetit!" Diavolo said as he strated to dig in. "My lord, please be careful and chew your food slowly" Barbatos said as he started cutting Diavolo's pasta with a knife elegantly. You laughed as you saw Barbatos taking care of Diavolo and started to dig in too. Some time passed and all of you finished eating. "Excuse me please, I'm going to use the ladies for a minute.." you said as you got up to leave. "Sure! We'll be waiting for you". Diavolo said as he nodded and started talking with his butler as you headed out. As you were inside the bathroom, you felt dizzy and felt like throwing up, but you didn't as you didn't want to smell and deal with the vomit. So you washed your face and looked at the mirror just in case if anything was unfixed. You went outside and drank some water after talking to Diavolo and Barbatos for some minutes. "MC, I didn't want to say this but.. you looked kind of sick when you returned from the ladies, is everything ok?.." Diavolo asked. "I agree, you look very pale" Barbatos added. "Huh? Do I?" You said as you looked at yourself in your phone, but everything looked pretty normal to you. As you looked at Diavolo's and Barbatos eyes, you felt heat inside you and thought of pleasant things. As you thought of them, they looked at you very shocked but later pleasured as seconds passed, their lustful eyes looking at yours. You realized the situation and shook your head to wake up, and they later followed you back. "U-um.. well.. I better get going" you said sounding anxious. "Oh yes! We had a lot of fun, let's meet up again soon!~" Diavolo said as he walked away, but Barbatos came towards you and whispered in your ear "and the sooner.. the better" and blew some hot air on your ear, later walking away. You shivered as the air finally rang your body and later squeaked. That night, you tried to sleep but Diavolo and Barbatos faces kept appearing on your mind, which made you blush everytime. When you finally slept, you dreamt of a pleasuring night about Diavolo and Barbatos.
"Hmnmm?.. huh?.." you said as you rubbed your eye.
"MC, I told you to wake up but you didn't listen to me-" Lucifer said but later saw your bed sheets all wet. (Authors note: Lucifer broke the door- totally unnecessary..)
You lowered your head towards your sheets slowly and later screamed. "A-AH!! W-what happened here?!" You scramed, later covering your mouth. "That's the same question I have MC.. now.. tell me with who you slept with last night" Lucifer said as he crossed his arms, looking at you dissapointed. "I-I d-didn't!" You muttered. "Oh I see then.." Lucifer said and came closer to you. "Then.. were you thining of someone while pleasuring yourself? hm?~" Lucifer whispered in your ear and later bit it. "W-what the fuck?! G-get off of me!" You screamed as you pushed his chest. But as soon as you pushed him, you felt very weak and colapsed on the floor. The next thing you saw was Diavolo sitting next to you, drinking tea with Barbatos. "Mghh.. w-what happened?" You asked as you looked around. "Oh I see you woke up, MC" Diavolo said as he smiled at you. "You're currently in my lord's bed right now, maddam" Barbatos said. "Ah.. right.. wait- what?!" You said as you realized you were on THE Lord's bed. "No need to panic MC, I just gave you some energy" Diavolo said. "We found out that you became a succubus, but only for 3 days" Barbatos added. "T-then does that mean that... D-diavolo-" "Oh nonononono MC, don't worry, I didn't give you energy by pleasuring you.. I simply used my magic" Diavolo interrupted. "A-ah.." you said sounding kind of dissapointed. "But we enjoyed having you by our side, isn't that correct, Barbatos?" "Yes, my lord" Barbatos responded to Diavolo. "Well, now that you woke up, you must leave now, I'm afraid to say.." Barbatos said. "Oh yeah, no worries" you said as you stood up and left. That night, you told everyone the news and the brothers started to fight about who will be your energy feeder. What's happening here again?" Lucifer said as he massaged his nose bridge. "M-MC is a fuckin' succubus! This just feels like that one episode I am watching!" Levi said. "I am MC's first! So yall better back off! Yall know I am responsible of her! Grr!" Mammon said as he hugged you tightly. "I bet she won't feel comfortable with you all.. MC you will be able to not only stay with me, but with Beel too" Belphie said smirking. "What does a succubus do anyway?" Beel asked Belphie, but Belphie just shook his head. "Hey hey! You guys are really forgetting who am I?! Hello?! I am the demon of lust! So MC is better with me, I'll give her all the energy she needs~♡" Asmo said later winking at you. "If you all don't mind, I have read a lot of information about succubus AND humans, so I think I will know better what's best for MC" Satan said. "Enough all of you!, MC is going to do it with me as I am the oldest brother and the responsible of MC, what if something happens to her while you beasts do something to her? What will I tell Diavolo?" Lucifer said as he grabbed your arm to take you to his room. "Omg you guys! Stop it already! You don't get to choose, but I am thank you very much! I am going to choose someone who really respects my opinions, and that will be the royals" you said angrily. Everyone was silent for a moment but later nodded. "If that's who you really want to do it with.. I respect that.." Satan said. "Just telling you that that so called "lord" will not be worth it and that he's a much more of a scumbag than Mammon" Belphie said as he went to his room. "H-hey! What did ya say?!" Mammon said as he followed Belphie. And with that everyone left you alone, so you went to Diavolo's place. "Hello MC, a pleasure to meet you again. Did something happen?" Barbatos asked. "Ah.. yes actually.." you said as you shaked. "Please come inside" Barbatos said as he let you in. "So.. I decided that I wanted to gain energy from Diavolo.. as he's the most powerful demon" you lied. "Hm.. indeed, let's go talk on my lords room, shall we?" Barbatos said. You nodded and in some seconds later you arraived to his room. "My lord, MC came to tell you that she chose you in order to gain energy" Barbatos said as he bowed. You blushed at how it sounded, but it was the truth. "Hm?~ is that so?.. I thought the brothers would've been lucky and spend the night with you.. but instead.. from all the other options you had, you chose me.. I must be lucky!" Diavolo said as he smiled at you like a kid who just got the best christmas gift. "My lord, I shall go and make some desserts, it will take me a while though" Barbatos said. "Oh come on Barbatos, I know you're just trying to give us some privacy, why don't you join us?" Diavolo said as he wrapped his arm on Barbatos shoulder. "I-I don't think I'm allowed to do so.. M-my lord" Barbatos said. "Barbatos, I really wouldn't mind you joining us.." you said shyly. Barbatos thought for a moment but later nodded with a sweat on his forehead. "Haha! Very well then! We shall enjoy this night!" Diavolo said as he squished both you and Barbatos together in a hug. "D-Diavolo.. May I ask a question?" You asked. "Yes! Anything I shall answer!" "Is it true that you have..a b-big chest?" You asked blushing madly. (Authors note: I BELIEVE ON DIAVOLO TIDDIES SUPPREMACYY-)

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