Nursing you!: Lucifer x Reader💗🍋

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Warnings!: NSFW content, MC gets hurt, MC is kind of a nerd, and bad language!!
Crap, another Lucifer one.. I'm so sorry!!! I have a lot of unfinished stories.. I'll try to write them all and post them!!..
Thank you all for reading my stories!! I really appreciate it!! if you like my content, pls vote on all the stories you've read and if so far you're enjoying everything, it will make me happy if you saved it on your reading list! Comments are very appreciated too!!
If any of you notice any grammar mistakes that bother you, pls let me know in the comments!!
It was another RAD morning, and it was GYM time, the demon coach told everyone to play any sports you wanted, and of course, you chose your favorite sport (choose any kind of sport that is not related to water and sex) (and if you don't like sports like me then choose any other random sport lol). The demon brothers (less Lucifer) were watching you play as they waited for their team's turn. Some time passed and you hurted your knees somehow. You kneeled down, rubbing your knees in pain, and later blowing on it. Mammon jumped out of his seat and started screaming loudly "Who the fuck hurt my fuckin' human?!". "Mammon chill-" you tried to say but you got lifted up by a strong muscular guy, it was Beel. "MC.. are you ok? How did you get hurt?" Beel said. As you stared at Beel, you later realized that every brother was around you, looking at you concerned (less Mammon, he was pulling everyone's collars and screaming at them). Satan stared at your knees and looked at them worried. "We should probably take her to the infirmary.. this guys look pretty bad" Satan said as he patted Beel's arm to let Beel know that he should carry you to the infirmary. Beel nodded and started carrying you to the infermary, the brothers (less Mammon) started following you and Beel. Asmo was the last one to leave, so he was about to close the GYM door until Mammon realized that everyone was not here and followed you back, making it on time as Asmo looked at Mammon annoyed and lastly closed the door once Mammon was with the rest of the brothers. When you all arrived, the nurse told you to rest here for the day and told you not to go anywhere. "But I have classes to attend.." you said. "MC.. I'm sure the teachers would understand.. you are the exchange student after all" Satan said, caressing your hand. "Yo! Hands off of my human!" Mammon said as he slapped Satan's hands. "I-I agree! W-well, not the part about that MC's yours but h-hands off! She might get a bookworm infection just because of you, Satan!" Levi said. "But I'm not the only nerd here am I, Levi?" Satan said smiling at Levi. "You guys stop.. this loud noise will probably affect MC even more.. let's just give her some space.." Belphie said as he rubbed his eye. Everyone nodded and glanced at you once more, after that, the nurse got annoyed and kicked them all out. You sighed as you layed on the bed, waiting for the classes to end. Time passed and it was finally the end of classes. The nurse was about to call one of the brothers out to help you get up and walk to The House of Lamentation, but the door bursted open, just to see everyone trying to pick you up. You eventually made it home and rested on your room. Some time passed and someone knocked on your door, you shouted a "come in!" (Authors note: come in or cum in? JSJDJ ok no- I'll stop-) after that, Lucifer came in with a worried face and came towards you. "I heard you got hurt pretty badly.. are you ok?" Lucifer said as he sat on your bed, caressing your hands. "I'm fine, thank you very much" you said as you pushed away his hands gently from yours to let Lucifer know not to worry about you. "Let me see your wounds" Lucifer said. "I don't have any other choice, do I?" You said. Lucifer moved his head as a "no", so you pulled the blanket that was covering your knees. After you showed him your knees, he looked at them even more conserned, which made you feel uncomfortable. "You're staying here for 4 days, understood?" Lucifer finally said something as soon as he stopped inspecting your knees. "But I need to go to school!" You said crossing your arms. "No buts, I'll let Diavolo know about this, so don't worry, and I'll take care of you until you're completly cured, understood?" Lucifer said. "Yes dad.." you said annoyed. "And don't ever call me dad, if you're trying to give me a good nickname, try daddy." Lucifer said as he smirked, got up and left your room. You blushed and screamed on your blankets and hitted your blankets saying "w-what did he say?! D-daddy?!" After he left your room. Some time passed and Lucifer came back with some cups and some jars of coffee and tea just in case you didn't like one of them. As he asked you what you wanted to drink, you answered him and he poured you a cup, later giving it to you. "So.. who hitted you?" Lucifer said, later sipping his coffee. "No one hitted me.. I think.." you said not sounding sure. "I'm going to check the cameras later to check who it was just in case if it was a someone.." Lucifer said, later putting away his cup. "Ok, thank you Lucifer, but I'm going to shower now.. I smell" You said, later sniffing yourself. "Would you like me to help you take a shower?" Lucifer asked. "N-no?! Wtf?!" You said. "I'm asking you to leave" you said crossing your arms. "I am not leaving, what if you get hurt again while taking a shower?" Lucifer said. "Geez you're not a babysitter are you?, fine, if you're not leaving, at least don't enter the bathroom with me, ok?" You said as you were taking your necessary clothing with you. "If that's what my princess wants." Lucifer said as he took another sip of his coffee. "Yeah, whatever.." you said as you slowly and carefully got in the bathroom. Some minutes passed and when you were showering, you hesitated on scrubbing your knees but did it anyways, you groaned in pain but you kept scrubbing your knees, and this time it made you scream lightly. "A-ahh!" You groaned. Lucifer later rushed in the bathroom looking at your naked body, later blushing. He later shook his head and ran towards you. "Is everything ok MC?" Lucifer asked looking at you worried. "Y-yeah I-I'm fine! Now g-get out!" You screamed, later covering your breasts and pussy. He blushed, closing his eyes and sighed. "Fine, just call me if you need me.." Lucifer said as he walked out of the bathroom. You blushed hardly and got up, but as soon as you did, you groaned loudly and fell on the floor. "Awee.." you said as you scrubbed your butt with your hand. You heard a knock on the door and Lucifer asked "Do you need help?". "I-I think I do.. I can't get up.." you said blushing as the door opened. Lucifer sighed as he saw you on the floor. He later grabbed a towel and dryed you up, after that, he lightly tapped your wounds with the towel, making you cringe. As he finished, he carried you and layed you on bed carefully, not wanting you to get hurt again. "Look at you, you now have a bruise on your butt now.." Lucifer said as he massaged his nose bridge. He later went for a med kit and treated your wounds (Authors note: smAck tHat AsS). As he was treating your knee wounds, he couldn't stop glancing your cavern, he later looked away blushing as he noticed that you noticed him watching. When he finished treating your wounds, he kissed you on the top of your knee wounds, not touching the wounds. As he did that, you felt as if he was kissing near your entrance, which turned you on and wetted the blankets. When Lucifer got up, he noticed your wetness and smirked. "You're already wet for me, aren't you?~" Lucifer said, later kneeling infront of your entrance and gazing at it. You gulped and crossed your legs, making your wounds touch together, which made you groan in pain. "You should be more careful darling, I now forbid you to cross your legs~" Lucifer said, later openning your legs, making you blush harder. "L-lucifer.. I-I think my pussy hurts.. c-could you k-kiss it like you did to my knees t-to make the pain go away?.." You said as you closed your eyes and spread your legs even wider. "Hmm.. very well.." Lucifer said as he later putted his face near your entrance and smirked, later kissing it and touching it with his tongue, he later peeked your pussy with a kiss and pulled his face away from your pussy. "That will do." Lucifer said smirking, knowing that you didn't just want a kiss on your pussy. You pouted and looked at him needy. "That's what you asked for princess, if you want me to do something else for you, you should use your pretty words" Lucifer said, his smile getting wider. "L-lucifer p-please.." you said as you spread your legs again. "Hm?~ please what?" Lucifer said, looking at your entrance, biting his lower lip. "Please pleasure me!~" you begged. "That's more like it" Lucifer said, later inserting his tongue inside your pussy again, which made you moan in pleasure. "I'll need an answer from you MC, do you love me?" Lucifer asked you, stopping his movements. "J-just shut up a-and pleasure me!~" you said begging. Lucifer shook his head and pulled out from your pussy even further. "I want an answer sweetheart.." Lucifer said, looking at you seriously. You gulped and hesitated, but you later answered him. "I-I... I do.." you said lowly. "Hm? What was that?~ I couldn't hear you darling~" Lucifer said as he putted his hand on his ear. "👂🖐️". "T-that I d-do!.. Fuckin' deaf man.." you said, mumbling the last sentence. "I could hear that MC.." Lucifer said. "Oh so you can hear that but not the confession?" You said crossing your arms. "MC.. you're acting rude.. should I stop pleasing you?" Lucifer said. "What ever! I don't think you will stop anyways.." you said pouting to cover your blush. "Then I shall stop" Lucifer said, later sitting down on the seat he was sitting before. "Oh shit.. is he not going to?.." you thought. "oh! I know!" You thought to yourself. You then spreaded your legs wide enough for Lucifer to see and you started inserting fingers inside you, moaning his name. "Mhmm!~ Lucifer you feel s-so good~" you moaned. Lucifer opened one eye as he was sipping his cup of coffee closing his eyes. Lucifer later chocked and blushed, later, closing his eyes again. "Oh so that's not working hm?.." you thought to yourself. You stopped your movements and stood up, still naked. "Lucifer, imma go visit Mammon for some minutes ok?" You said smirking. "You're not going like that honey" Lucifer said, later tossing you some clothes. "Ok!~ Imma go fuck your brother~" you said as you walked away from him. "If that's what my princess wants." He said again sipping his coffee. You got mad and pouted, crossing your arms as your plan didn't work. "If you want me to fuck you then you should use your words sweety." Lucifer said, later looking at you smirking. "S-stop smirking like that!" You said looking away from him blushing. "Then what else am I supposed to do, hmm?~" Lucifer said. "F-fuck me" you said blushing. "And just in case you didn't hear me again, I said f-fuck me" you said. Lucifer smiked and placed down his cup, later walking towards you and unbottoning his shirt. You blushed madly, so you covered your face from him. Lucifer later gently grabbed your hands, and pulled them apart from your face. "Show me your angelical face darling~ I want to see you" Lucifer said after he did that. He later got closer to your face, which made you blush even harder. When Lucifer was close enough, he started to rub his clothed member on your clothed entrace, making him moan lightly in your ear. He later bit your ear and started kissing it, making your knees weak. He later moved his movements lower to your neck and started to look for your spot. You later groaned as he was making your neck completly wet by his kisses. As you were weak, yours and his body started moving towards the closest wall, which made Lucifer later pin you. As he was pinning you, the movements became stronger and deeper as he had a little more of a balance and finally stopped pleasuring your neck. He licked his lips and later looked at you up and down, later biting his lower lip, looking at you with eyes full of lust. He later kissed your warm lips, carrying you in a bride style, deepening the kiss. He putted you on the bed carefully and he started unbuckling his belt and pants off. After his member was fully exposed, he came towards you and crawled on top of you. "I would've been teasing you right now, but since you're hurt on the knees, I'll have to wait for next time.." Lucifer said as he later positioned himself in your entrance. "T-there will be next time?!" You said. "Of course sweetheart" Lucifer said as he later dispositioned himself and came closer to your ear. "I know you'll bear my children" Lucifer whispered in your ear as he later pushed his fingers on your pussy, but not completly. You later moaned, making your back ark a little. Lucifer smirked and his member grew hard as he heard you moan. He later eagerly positioned himself on your entrance again and slowly inserted himself inside you groaning. "Mhmmm~ Let me know when you're used to my size~" Lucifer said as he tried not to move and moan. You nodded and started moaning lightly as you felt pleasured. After you got used to the size, you looked at him in the eyes and nodded. As soon as you nodded, Lucifer's eyes litted up and started moving his member inside you. "H-holly shit!~ I didn't know you were this needy!~" You moaned, later grabbing the sheets. Lucifer grabbed your ass and started moving faster, making you cover your mouth with one hand and grabbing the sheets with the other. "You feel very good, MC. I should have done this sooner~" Lucifer tried to say as he was busy and out of breath fucking you. "L-Lucifer! I-I'm going to cum!~" you moaned. Lucifer gave a few thrusts more and pulled out from you, as you came, gasping for air. "W-why did you pulled out?" You said breathless. "I don't want to make you pregnant now, maybe later but any more and I would've came on you." Lucifer said, trying to catch his breath. "Then, could I at least give you a blow job?" You said. "I would love that darling, trust me, but you're hurt in the knees, and I don't really think it's a great idea to do it in that condition." Lucifer said, smiling disappointed. He later dressed himself up and kissed you on the lips. "Good night sweetheart, I'll be cheking on you constantly" Lucifer as he later turned on a lamp and turned off the lights, later leaving the room.
It was the next day and Lucifer had already told Diavolo about your condition. When he came to your room again, he sat on your bed near you and smiled at you. "Did you rest well?" Lucifer said. "Yeah, I did, thank you very much. Did you get a good rest, Lucifer?" You said. "How could I after last night?~ I wanted more and more from you~ it was very hard to stop myself, but thankfully I did stop myself, otherwise your knees wouldn't be the only thing that will hurt" Lucifer said, later gazing at your pussy again. You blushed and looked away. Lucifer later started circuling his fingers on your clothed pussy saying "Shall we start again?~".
The end
I hope yall enjoyed!!
And again, I'm asking all of you to choose from these options!! Please comment in the comments what you guys will be more insterested on reading, otherwise I can't write the story!!:

Option 1:
1- Sim(e)on says!: Simeon x Diavolo x Reader🍋

Option 2:
2- Sim(e)on says!: Simeon x Lucifer x Reader🍋

Option 3:
3- Sim(e)on says!: Simeon x Reader🍋
(But this one will be a part 3 of "Stop it!: Simeon x Horny! Reader💗&🍋")(pt1 & pt2)
If any of you have more different characters in mind, let me know! And pls write why you chose that character!!
Ok, good night yall, I need my sleep,,

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