Chapter 6

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A/N: again, I'm sorry about the late uploads. I'm not as involved in this fandom as I used to be and weirdly enough, I have a life outside of this?? I'm doing what I can with all this, give me some grace!

Philip and I sat next to one another, each of us glancing the other for a mere moment before darting our eyes away. I tried desperately to ignore him and focus on my meal, or Mrs Jay across the table from me. Dolley was on my right side, whispering comedic comments every few moments. As the main course came into view for us all, I saw the pink meat surrounded with lush green vegetables. My tongue ran itself over my lips. I was excited to dig into the meal, I'd always fancied myself to be a bit of a carnivore.

The steak was placed before us and we prayed to God for a blessing.

George Washington smiled kindly across the table. He opened his mouth and spoke to the group, "How has everyone's evening panned out?"

My mouth was full of lettuce and I turned to glance at the man. He looked intelligent and kind. The years had taken their toll on him and the once vibrant man was weighed down with wrinkles and expressions of solemness. I assumed Martha helped choose his outfit as his clothes were perfectly placed in a way I could not do so well. Washington was never a man for fashion so I assumed someone assisted him. He looked tired, happy, but exhausted. I smiled at him with my mouth closed tightly to stop any food from escaping.

"It's quite splendid, Mr Washington." I said. "Your presence has been delightful!"

He grinned at me with a sort of pride in his eyes. John Jay nodded along before coughing into a hanker chief.

There was an awkwardness in the air. It felt as though I was in church again, feeling the summer sun cause sweat along my brow and a preacher speaking of how a woman must please a man in every way. As though sexism is what God called for. The thought alone made me uncomfortable. I glanced at the faces all around. Jefferson was sat next to his wife looking towards his food with a certain disdain about him. Hamilton kept looking towards Eliza Hamilton and George Washington. I saw him and Papa lock eyes for a moment. Neither gaze held their usual contempt. I smiled to myself, perhaps their feud is lessened.

"We are all aware of the events that spurred this evening." Madison began, "I'd like to discuss my thoughts and yours as well. Tonight we are going to rid ourselves of our titles, we will all simply be Mr or Ms."

He cleared his throat, I watched it bob up and down. I watched as he adjusted his seat uncomfortably, looking towards us with a blank stare. I watched as sweat began to drip drip drip down his face. I watched as he ran his finger along the side of his plate before focusing on the staring sets of eyes. I observed him.

"Now, from my knowledge, it's become evident that Mr Burr and Mr Jefferson were initially heated with one another. I don't know how this occurred, I just know Mr Hamilton here tried to dissolve this and this has lead to injury. Mr Jefferson, Mr Burr, how did this argument occur?"

"Mr Madison, Mr Jefferson and I were discussing slavery." Papa said, taking a long sip from his wine glass. "I mentioned I would eradicate it given the chance, Jefferson felt the contrary."

Jefferson's lips puckered together and he stared in disdain at Papa. His chair creaked from his broken shin. The crutches cluttered to the floor and Mrs Jefferson quickly bent to grab them.

"Ah, a controversial topic gentlemen." George Washington said with a gentle and teasing tone. "There can never be an agreement on controversies, someone is always angry."

"Mr Washington, I appreciate your input though this really isn't your discussion. Please allow Mr Burr and I to hash this problem out." Jefferson snapped. His expression was sour.

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