Chapter 7

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A/N : so I don't get some ages correct here (mainly Joseph Alston) and I apologize for that but I'm too lazy to remedy it so carry on! Aha - ANOTHER BELATED UPDATE. Fans of this story must be going through hell and I sincerely apologize for my irregularity though cannot promise a future of normalcy.

I've never seen someone so energetic about even the mere prospect of dancing. As we walked towards the ballroom, Dolley Madison strung her arm through mine. The Hamilton's and Jays were farther ahead. I saw Papa talking to Mr Hamilton in a fairly calm manner, Hamilton reciprocated and I felt proud of them. The idea made me laugh slightly, I felt as though I was the mother of two quarreling children. Perhaps this was more true than I'd anticipated, though I'd lie if I said my attempts at finding symbolism within my life wasn't lacking.

"So Miss Burr, I've for some luncheons planned for the future." Dolley said happily, giving me a side eye.

"Is that so?"

"Indeed!" She continued, "and I've just met this lovely family who will bring their son to my luncheon next Wednesday. I believe his name was Joseph, Joseph Alston."

"Well that sounds delightful, I do hope the weather will permit an outing," I respond. My eyes become wary to Mrs Madison and the mention of a random young man.

"It shall be quite ready for us, my dear. I was wishing you de will attend? I'd love you to meet this Joseph Alston boy, he's around your age and apparently quite the looker."

I rolled my eyes at the spritely woman. Handsome he may or may not be, I have no intentions of meeting the boy. We arrived in the ballroom and people were shuffling about waiting for the magic to happen. "Dolley Madison are you inviting me to a luncheon for the sole purpose of setting me up?"

She giggled and neglected to answer my question. "He's a handsome young man, Theodosia. And his family is quite wealthy, he would be a decent selection for a husband."

"I appreciate the sympathy Dolley, but marriage isn't what I've intended for these few years. I wish to develop a career for myself outside of a man." My heart longed for someone to know what I meant. Papa respected my wishes and agreed, but I knew that I would be judged for not wanting a husband. At least not now.

"Of course a career can be helpful for a young lady, I just wish the career could be spent with a handsome and fortunate man?" The last part sounded like a question directed towards me.

There was nothing else to say but smile, nod, and agree to attend. "I would love to attend the luncheon though conversation with Mr Alston is no guarantee."

She simply smiled at me. Once the band started on their strings, she took James Madison by the arm and swung him round. He flustered before grabbing her waist and continuing forth! The dancing began with excited swoops and thuds of the instruments. Those who were not on the floor were clapping along with music and cheering on the dancers. I even let myself enjoy another small glass of wine as I witnessed the celebration!

I stood on those sidelines, clapping and taking in the scene. Everyone was smiling, it felt like we hadn't smiled in a while and there was not a single mouth drawn to a frown. There was thuds and dancing, bellies full of food and wine and minds fresh on the prospect of more pleasure. The smiles made me feel warm inside, though I could blame the alcohol. The evening had been a difficult one with some turmoil, though Madison had been correct in the music lightening our spirits.

"Come now! Let's dance!" Dolley pulled us together in a row, the whole crowd coming into a sweaty circle where we looked to one another with a giggle. The music was thrumming, tunes of merriment with each spin. The band was playing along with each movement of the body. Thumps onto the floor with our toes, strings with our hearts, all twisting to a perfect melody perfect for thirsting our bodies in and out of the group circle we manufactured. Mrs Hamilton was spinning gallantly, Eliza Monroe was blushing beside Philip Hamilton, and even my father was holding hands with Mrs Jay. There was nothing but happiness. Paintings of soldiers and nobility no one cared to know the names of were on the wall with long windows that touched the floors. Along the walls warm lights caused a sweat amongst us that was gladly accepted. It felt like a perfect summer's evening!

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