The Beginning

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On January 30, 1960, in Coke worth, England, two twins were born. Both beautiful little girls, with emerald green eyes and unruly flaming hair. Their parents were overjoyed, their mother already had the perfect names for the girls. "Well," said her husband, "what shall we call our little flowers?" The mother simply smiled down at the newest additions to their family. "Meet Lily and Rosemary Evan."


Approximately 8 years later, Lily and Rose were walking in their family garden, just wandering around. "Lily, do you want to see what I learned today?" Asked the younger and slightly smaller twin. "Of course, Rosy. I love learning new things from you." You see, Rosemary loved to learn, anything. She loved learning new languages and dances, she loved learning about new animals and about their new neighbors who always kept to themselves. But most of all she loved learning about her and her sister's mysterious ability. Their magic.

"I saw a leaf floating and when I thought really hard, it started floating towards me." As they arrived at the tree that was in the middle of the field behind their house, Rose put her hand out and a few leaves flew towards her. "Wow." Lily couldn't contain her smile, neither could Rose when she saw Lily's. "Well, what about you? Did you learn anything?" asked Rose. "No, not anything new. But I learned the flower trick you showed me." "Really?" Rose almost yelled, "Can I see it?" "Of course."

Lily picked up a flower that hasn't bloomed and showed it to Rose. Suddenly it sprouted and the younger twin couldn't contain her happiness. "You did it, Lily! I knew you could!" Lily's smile grew when she saw her twin's reaction. Even though Rose learned it first, she always acted like anything Lily did was amazing, and to her it was. "Freaks. I'm telling Mother." Both girls quickly turned to the noise of their older sister, Petunia. Lily stepped in front of Rose as she cowered back. As if the eldest Evans sister had struck her. But when Petunia tried to advance on Lily, Rose did not hesitate to put herself between her two sisters.

"What did you just call them?" asked the tree. No, not the tree. The boy in the tree. Rose instantly recognized the boy as one of the new neighbors, he always waved back at her when they walked past one another. "I'd advise you to leave before I show you a real freak." the boy said calmly. Petunia disappeared just as fast as she appeared. The twins looked at the stranger in shock. "Who are you?" asked a frightened Lily. "He's the new neighbor, though I don't understand why he was in a tree." giggled Rose. "Sorry if I frightened you, I was hiding from my father." the boy whispered as he started to back up. "Oh, you didn't frighten us," assured Rose. "We're only surprised is all," chimed Lily.

The children talked for a while before Lily finally asked, "so did you see us?" Rose was confused until she remembered what she and Lily were doing before their sister came. "Did I see you use magic? Yes, I did." He said it so calmly Rose had to remind herself that magic wasn't a normal thing for children in their town. "Will you tell?" asked Lily. The boy only smiled and walked back towards the tree. "Only if you do." The boy then picked up a leaf and sent it to Lily. Rose smiled, causing the other two to as well. "What's your name?" she asked, beaming at him. "Severus," the boy replied "Severus Snape." "Well Sev, it was lovely meeting you. I hope we become amazing friends," said Rose.

And they did. From that day on they always met at the tree and played. Sev told the girls everything he knew about the wizarding world, and they listened to his every word. When Severus received his Hogwarts letter, he instantly told the twins. And when they received theirs three weeks later, he was the first to know. They seemed inseparable, joined at the hip. They knew just about everything about one another.

But Severus always envied the connection the twins had, they were rarely apart. Forever stuck like glue, even though they were very different people. Lily was brave and unafraid to stand for what she believed in. Rose was patient and wouldn't hesitate to stand for those who couldn't stand for themselves. The girls had many differences, but just as many similarities. They were both kind and understanding. They didn't judge, especially when it came to things you couldn't control. They were exactly what he needed in his life, people who loved him and would protect him. They were a real family when he needed one and he was someone who understood them.

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