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Once they had all arrived at the castle, Rose put her things away and went to join the feast. The Sorting was one of the rare times that Rose had to sit with her House and couldn't sit by her sister, so Rose made her way to sit down at the table decorated in yellow. Everyone sat chatting with their housemates and waited for the first years to arrive. James and Sirius, who sat with their backs to the Hufflepuff table, quickly turned to speak to the girl about all the new things they would do that year.

As the boys went on and on about the pranks they would pull, without getting caught of course, Rose just smiled and waited till they stopped to listen to what she thought. Unlike most people, Rose enjoyed the boys harmless pranks, it was the bigger ones that she usually got onto them for. "Oh, Siri, I met your brother on the train. He's quite shy, isn't he?" Sirius stiffened at the mention of Regulus. Sure, he wanted them to meet, but he wanted to introduce them. Preferably after Regulus was sorted. Sirius wasn't sure if he wanted Regulus to be sorted into Slytherin or not, if he was then their parents wouldn't hate him like they hated Sirius, but what would that say about him?

"Yeah, he doesn't usually meet new people." Sirius tried to laugh off his nerves and hide any doubts he had about the situation. But, Rose could tell something was wrong, she always could. "What is it?" She asked, looking from Sirius to James, who was just as confused as she was by his reaction. "What if he's sorted into Slytherin?" Sirius finally voiced his worries knowing that Rose could make them go away like she usually did. "Then he's ambitious, resourceful, determined, and clever. He's not your parents and he's never going to be. Do you know why?" "Why?" Sirius asked Rose as James just smiled "Because he has us." James said, looking between Rose and Sirius. "Because he has us." Rose repeated, high fiving James and sending Sirius one last reassuring smile before the doors to the great hall opened and she made direct eye contact with Regulus.

When Regulus Black heard his name, he was nervous. He knew he wasn't brave enough for Gryffindor like Sirius and he definitely wasn't kind enough for Hufflepuff like Rose. That left Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but he knew he was resourceful and clever, you had to be to survive in the Black family. He just hoped that Sirius wouldn't hate him. He doubted that Rose could ever hate anyone and for that he was grateful. 'At least one person won't turn on me.'

When the name Black was called, all of the Gryffindor second years froze. Whether it was because he was Sirius' brother or because he was Rose's newest friend, they froze. Everyone knew that Rose had a unique connection to the Black heirs and they doubted the youngest would be any different. It was no question what house he was to be sorted into and everyone's thoughts were confirmed as the hat yelled 'SLYTHERIN' only a few seconds after it was placed on his head.

Everyone turned to see their reactions, well Sirius' reaction. As the Slytherin table stood to welcome their newest student, so did Rose and Sirius. Regulus looked away from Narcissa and looked for the pair of emerald green in hopes that they still reflected the care they held only minutes before. Rose gave Regulus a reassuring smile as they both turned to Sirius who was right behind her. When the two brothers made eye contact, Sirius looked a little lost. But, he still smiled at his little brother as Rose turned back to the younger boy again. There was no doubt in her mind that he would turn out just fine, as long as they were there for him.


After the welcome feast, Lily asked Rose if she wanted to have a sleep over in their dorm. Rose agreed and then set off to find the new Slytherin boy, just to check up on him. When she finally found him walking in a group towards the dungeons, she joined and decided to just get to know as many of the first years as she could. "Oh, Rosy, there you are." Narcissa said when she noticed the girl jogging to catch up with the group. "Hello Cissa, and hello first years." Rose replied, sending Regulus a warm smile as he tried to get closer to her.

"What's a Hufflepuff doing here?" a first year asked the Prefect's. "Rose here is a very special Hufflepuff." Rabastan Lestrange told the first years, only half joking. He knew Rose was actually special and he himself cared for the younger girl. But, when someone you barely know patched you up after your older brother visits, no questions asked, you tend to care for them at least a little. "Special?" another first year asked as all of them stared at her. "Anyways" Rose said, trying to change the subject, "I was just coming to see if Reggie was all right and to tell you goodnight. I'm staying in Gryffindor Tower with Lily and the girls."

Rabastan rolled his eyes at the first years who looked at her like she was mad. "Well, goodnight Rosy." Narcissa said as she hugged her and started to lead the first years towards their common room. Rose quickly hugged Rabastan so he couldn't avoid it like he usually did and bid him goodnight before turning to Regulus. "Goodnight Reg. I'll see you in the morning, alright?" She told him as she hugged him close. "Alright," was all he said as he hugged her back.

When Rose made it back to Gryffindor Tower, she was bombarded by the second year students and dragged to the couch as they surrounded her. "What is going on?" Rose asked as she giggled at her friend's actions. "We just want a story is all." Peter said, not ashamed to admit it like some of the others. "Yeah," Marlene said, laughing at Peter's bluntness. Rose smiled as some of the first years were guided into the common room by some of the older kids. Lily and James were on either side of Rose, the rest of the second years either next to them or sitting at Rose's feet like Peter.

"Long ago, in the city of London, there lived a family named Darling."

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