First Night and Early Morning

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When the feast was over Rose ran straight to Lily and hugged her, sending a smile to the two boys from the train. They smiled back then continued talking to the other boys. "You actually got in" Rose yelled in excitement. Lily only frowned, "but we're in different houses." she said while furrowing her eyebrows. "Well, we are our own people Lil's. We can't always be together." Lily looked at her and smiled, "I suppose your right."

The girls then went their separate ways, following their housemates to their common rooms. Lily set off to Gryffindor Tower, while Rose went to the basements. The Perfect showed them the password as they all entered the room. Rose couldn't help but smile at the yellow decorations and the hanging plants. The couches looked extremely comfy and were covered in pillows and fluffy blankets. Not to mention the giant tree, with hanging seats and hammocks in the branches, in the middle of the room. Anywhere the light touched, there were plants.

Rose looked around and ran straight to the window where she saw movement, the Perfect right behind her. "Are those Bowtruckle's?" Rose asked looking at the little creatures that resembled stick bugs. "Yes, they are," the Perfect replied surprised, "how did you know that?" "I've read about them" she replied still watching the creatures. Then one of them noticed her watching and reached out for her hand. Rose slowly lifted her hand letting the Bowtruckle cuddle into it before going back to its friends.  


The twins sat twisting and turning in their sleep, unable to rest. "What are you doing?" asked one of Lily's roommates, Marlene McKinnon. "I can't fall asleep," Lily whispered, "I have no idea where she is." "Your sister?" mumbled another girl, Alice Fortescue. "Yeah, I guess I'm just anxious," Lily said. The other girls in the room were already asleep so the three girls had to talk quietly.

Suddenly their door opened and in walked none other than Rose. "Oh, sorry. My Perfect got me permission to sleep in here with Lily, as long as the others were ok with it." Rose whispered to the Gryffindor's. "Of course," Alice said smiling, "I'm Alice and that's Marlene." "Thank you. I'm Rosemary, but you can call me Rose if you want" she said to the two new girls. "So, you're a Hufflepuff? How's the common room?" Marlene said curiously. "Oh, it's wonderful. There are lots of plants." Rose said walking towards her sister's bed.

The girl stayed up just talking and getting to know each other for another hour. They talked about family and what it was like growing up with or without magic. They talked about favorite colors and what they wanted to learn first. They talked until all the girls knew almost everything about one another. "Well, we start classes in the morning so we should probably go to sleep," Lily said when she saw Alice yawn. "Yeah, I guess" Marlene replied, causing Rose to giggle.

"Rose I can't fall asleep, do you think you can help me?" her sister asked. "Of course, do you want me to sing or read?" "Oh, can you read a muggle book?" Alice asked and Rose could see Marlene nodding in the dark. "Um.. sure. But you're awfully far away. Do you think we would get in trouble for moving the beds?" Rose asked the other girls. "I don't see why. We could always move them back in the morning" Lily answered. "Does anyone know the spell? So we don't wake those two." Marlene asked, pointing to the sleeping girls in the dorm. "I do" Rose answered before quickly casting the spell so that Marlene's bed was between Lily's and Alice's.

All four girls cuddled into each other, resting in their beds that they squished together. They all got conferrable under the covers, it was Lily on the far right, then Rose, Marlene, and finally Alice on the far left.  Rose pulled out the book she brought because she knew her sister would ask. She then laughed at the chances of this happening. She began reading, "Alice Kingsleigh started awake. Her heart was pounding..."


The four woke up the next morning to Mary McDonald and Dorcas Meadows shaking them. "Hurry up or you lot will miss breakfast," Dorcas told the girls. "Oh, and the Perfect brought you some Hufflepuff robes," Mary told Rose. Rose smiled at the two girls before they all continued to get ready.

The newfound friends walked down the stairs to find a group of four boys walking down the other stairs. "Ugh. It's those boys from the train." Lily grumbled to her sister, Rose just nodded and smiled towards the group as they passed. "That's Sirius Black. His entire family was put in Slytherin, well everyone but him." Alice explained. This caused Rose to worry, not because of the boy, but for him. He obviously hated the Slytherin house, did they extend from his family? "Well, he's not his family, so it's not fair to compare them," Rose said, loud enough that the group behind them heard her.

Sirius stopped dead in his tracks. This girl, who didn't even know him, somehow knew exactly what he needed to hear. "That's the girl who left us chocolate, isn't it?" James asked Sirius. "Chocolate? She just left you chocolate?" Remus said. "Yeah. Weird thing is, we were just being rude to her friend, then Evans dragged her out. Next thing we know there's chocolate on her train seat with a note saying she doesn't blame us" James explained. "That was nice of her" Peter commented. "Well she is wearing Hufflepuff robes" Sirius replied, still staring at the back of Rose's head. "Then why was she in Gryffindor Tower this morning?" James asked. Now all four boys were staring at the girl dressed in yellow. She just turned and smiled at them.

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