Time Flies

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Rose spent the first day of classes showing Regulus around and rushing the boys to classes. Over the next few weeks, she learned everything she could about the youngest Black. She spent her school days learning new things and studying with different groups. Her free days though, were spent exploring the castle with the boys or talking about everything with the girls, or just relaxing with Narcissa and Regulus.

Their second year consisted of pranks, sleepovers, stories, study sessions, and pushing each other into the Black Lake. One morning, after a full moon, three boys sat around a hospital bed. Remus woke up to his best mates asleep in chairs and Rose curled up at the foot of his bed. Rose had known of his 'furry little problem', as the boys had soon named it, since first year and the boys had put it together themselves only a few months into the year.

Eventually, second year came to a close and summer began for the students of Hogwarts. Over the summer, owls flew letters from house to house. Students met up and had sleepovers. Purebloods snuck into the Muggle village to meet their friends at local shops or used their cousins as a cover to sleep at their houses.

They attended a wedding of a Slytherin Pureblood and a Hufflepuff Muggleborn. Celebrated a happy life and the creation of a new one.

When they started their third year, they knew the castle better, knew each other better. Soon after the year started, Nymphadora Tonks was born. They spent their third year causing chaos and laughter. Earning the nickname the Marauders from an amused Minerva McGonagall. Four friends getting into trouble and the fifth dragging them out of it.

James made it as a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and tried to convince his friends to join him. Sirius landed in detention at least once a week for a different reason every time. Peter figured out how to get into the kitchens. Remus kept up the perfect student act while planning pranks that no one could prove they pulled. Eventually, Regulus found out how to get into the Hufflepuff common room and would regularly just show up when he couldn't find Rose. The others practically begged him to tell them how he did it.

Marlene punched a fourth year in the face after she heard him be rude to Lily. Lily made a first year cry because they spit on Marlene. Mary got detention for hexing a seventh year and Dorcas got detention for hexing the same seventh year when he hexed Mary back. Alice got detention for jinxing a second year for cursing out Rose. Rose got detention after she pranked the living daylights out of some second years who were making fun of Regulus. All five girls ended up in the Hospital Wing at the same time and nobody knows why. Though they think it was because of Marlene.

And that was all before Christmas.

Over the next year the friends became a family and completely turned Hogwarts on its head. Year after year, they created new ways to drive the Professors up the walls. In their fourth year, Sirius became the Gryffindor Beater after making a bet with James. Throughout the year, Rose did more research on how to become Animagi and snuck into the restricted section of the library. Regulus had become like a little brother to Rose and spent more and more time with her and Lily over the break. Narcissa and Lucius were always happy to cover for either boy when they were with the Evans family.

Rose met Bellatrix over Christmas break and, even though she was rude at first, became close with her, too. When Narcissa and Lucius got married that summer, Rose couldn't go due to their families. So, they met up before and after with a smaller group to celebrate.

When they got back after Christmas, James and Sirius got detention for pranking the older Slytherins while Peter was distracting the Professors. Remus had been 'in the library' and had gotten away with it. Regulus spent more time with Sirius and started gaining interest in Quidditch. Marlene and Mary had kissed at some point. Dorcas had also kissed Marlene just to try it. Then they all three played rock paper scissors and the winner kissed Rose. Alice started to develop feelings for Frank Longbottom. He was oblivious. Lily still denied all of James' advances and instead dated some Ravenclaw boy.

It was a mess, but a beautiful one. But, that was just their lives.

When fourth year ended, half of the girls were questioning their sexuality, half the boys were questioning how Remus got away with everything, and Rose was questioning what the bloody hell was going on. They spent most of the summer either at the Evans household or the Potters. Lily always disappeared when James came over and Petunia was never home. So, Rose spent a lot of time with Regulus and James, the closest thing she had to brothers.

James had grown quite protective over Rose and Regulus was always dependent on her for affection that he never got at home. Rose joked with Lily that if she married James then he would really be his sister. Lily started saying the same about her and Sirius. Rose stopped bringing up Lily marrying James.

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