August 28, 1971

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"Rosemary Grace Evans, if you do not get your lazy bum out of bed this instant, I will send you flying straight into the floor." Rose woke to her twin sister jumping up and down on her bed, yelling threats at her. "Ok, ok. I'm up, calm down, crazy lady," she mumbled before throwing a pillow at Lily. "If you don't wake up we'll be late." "Late to what exactly," the youngest Evans grumbled. "To meeting with Sev, duh." Lily rolled her eyes as her sister looked at her like she was crazy. "We're not meeting him till the 28th," Rose said confused. "It is the 28th," Lily replied. Rosemary bolted straight up and basically fell out of bed. "What? Why didn't you tell me? Lily, we're going to be late." Lily laughed at her sister while she finished getting dressed. "Just put on your dress and let's go."

About an hour later the sisters showed up to the Leaky Cauldron, 5 minutes late. "Oh great," pouted Rose, "he's left us." "No, he hasn't. He's right over there with his mum." Lily said, dragging Rose in the direction of their best friend. "There you two are. I thought you forgot for a second there," Severus said, laughing as the girls almost fell due to Rose's clumsiness. "Forget about our first trip to Diagon Alley with our best friend," joked Rose, "never." "Right, Rose only forgot what day it is today." Lily quickly said, earning her a jab in the ribs." Anyways," Rose said trying to change the subject. "shall we go get our school supplies now?" "Yes, yes we shall," replied Sev and Lily at the same time. This caused them all to break into fits of undying laughter.


The three 11-year-olds entered Diagon Alley and were immediately amazed. Lily and Rose walked hand in hand down the path from store to store. They first went to Madam Malkin's to get their robes then set off to the book store. When looking for their books Rose found 'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them' and instantly fell in love with the creatures and the author. It told her so much about so many magical creatures and she wanted to know more.

After getting their books they left to find their other supplies. Their last stop before getting their wands was the pet store. Rose wandered around the store looking for an animal that caught her eye when an all-black horned owl landed on her shoulder. "oh hello there," Rose calmly said while stroking the owl's feathers," who are you?" "Sorry dear, she's hard to control, though I've never seen her take to a stranger this fast." said one of the shop owners. "It's alright," Rose replied, "Is she for sale?" "Yes actually, but since she's so attached you can have her for free." the shop owner said with a smile. "Oh, I couldn't just take her. How about I look and see if another animal catches my eye then I'll get them both. So I don't feel like I'm taking her from you." Rose rushed out, unable to just take the owl on her shoulder. "Do as you wish, dear."

Rose continued to look around while trying to name the owl. "How about Midnight?" she asked the owl, "No, not that one. Oh, I know, Nyx. The goddess of the night." Nyx then hooted in approval as a ball of white went barreling past. "Oh, what in Merlin's name was that?" Suddenly the ball of white stopped and faced her. It was a small munchkin kitten with one blue and one green eye. The cat came up to Rose and rubbed against her leg. "Well Nyx, how do you feel about having a little brother?" Nyx just looked at the kitten and nudged it with her head. "Guess that's a yes."

Rose left the store after paying and began thinking of a name for the kitten when she found Sev and Lily waiting for her. "Oh, you got two pets?" asked Lily. "Yeah, you know I can't resist animals." Rose defended. "Well, what are their names?" Sev said. "Well the owl's name is Nyx but I haven't found the right name for him yet," Rose explained pointing to the kitten at her feet. "Nyx?, Lily asked, "As in the Goddess of Night?" "Yep, you know me so well," Rose answered. "Then why don't you name him Nox. It's her Roman name, isn't it?" Rose smiled at Lily's idea and instantly picked up the kitten. "Well then, how do you feel about the name Nox?" The kitten just seemed to look at Rose before Nyx hooted in agreement. "Well Nyx likes it," Sev said. They all shared a look before breaking into another laughing fit.

Once their laughing died down they headed to Ollivanders. "Hello first years, ready for your wands?" said the old man as he appeared right behind them. "Oh, hello Mr. Ollivander. How are you on this fine August day?" Rose asked with a smile. Ollivander couldn't help but think of the hat yelling out her house. "I am lovely. How are you three?" Ollivander replied with his own smile, making Roses grow. "Honestly can't wait till the 1st," Rose answered and the other two nodded their heads in agreement.

Rose was the last to get her wand that day, politely telling her sister and best friend that they should go first. "Here, try this one," Ollivander said while handing her a wand. Rose flicked the wand and she instantly knew it was the right one, it produced a stream of blue light that resembled the night sky. "Ah, yes. I knew that was the wand for you." said Ollivander. "but it took Lily 5 try's and Sev 8, why did it only take me one?" "What kind of wand is it?" Sev asked, completely ignoring Rose's question. "Its got a unicorn hair core, 13 and 3/4 an inch, quite flexible," he said. "And the wood?" Lily asked. "Acacia," a simple answer but Sev froze. "You're telling me she got the trickiest and most loyal wand anyone has heard of?" This confused both the girls. "From what I have seen it makes sense. She is kind and loyal, she's practically the perfect-" But before he could finish Lily asked what both girls were wondering. "What is going on?"

After they paid for their wands they left Ollivanders to go home. "You are welcome back anytime Rose." the older man said with a smile. "I will miss your kind words and loving smile in my shop. No one will ever not be able to smile when you do." This caused said girl to blush, unable to respond to the kind man's compliment. So she just smiled wider. The man went inside to write a letter to his old friend, Albus Dumbledore, about the girl who wandered into his shop. and how she reminded him of a certain founder of Hogwarts.

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