The Sorting

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Once the train arrived at the station everyone hurried off. Rose was slightly confused and had no idea where to go. "Lily, Sev, where do we-" she was cut off by a loud and booming voice yelling "Firs' years, right this way!" "Wow. That's one big guy." Rose heard someone behind her say. "Yeah. He's kind of scary" said his friend.  "Don't judge a book by its cover. Or a person by their size." Rose said over her shoulder. She looked back to see a boy with scars and a boy slightly behind him, she smiled at the two. She then set off to befriend the friendly half-giant.

"Is yous a firs' year?" asked the man that Rose was determined to befriend. "Yes, I am," she said with her signature smile. "Then best be gettin on the boat." the giant teddy bear replied. "Only if you answer one question." "No you can't go swimmin, or feed the squid, or-" this time she cut him off. "What's your name?" Rose asked, not knowing just how much it shocked him. "My name?" he repeated, trying to see if he heard her correctly. "Yeah. That's all it takes. If I'm going to trust you and get in that boat, I'm going to need your name." She would be lying if she said she wasn't satisfied with herself, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't dumbfounded. In all the years he spent escorting the first years from the train station to the castle by boat, he couldn't remember any of them asking his name, they all seemed to scare or too stuck up.

When Rose finally joined Lily and Sev in their boat she was wearing the biggest grin her face could handle. "So, what's their name and how did you get them to tell you it?" Lily asked. Rose just grinned wider, if possible, she loved that Lily could tell what had happened just by her smile. "His name is Hagrid and he's the man taking us on the boats. I told him if I was going to trust him I would need his name." Lily just smiled at how much her sister loved making people happier, and she was extremely good at it. "Did he say anything else?" Sev was suddenly interested in the conversation, "Yeah when I was walking away I could of swore he called me a-" A collection of 'Ooh's and 'Ah's cut her off. They all looked up, finally seeing Hogwarts, their home away from home. "It's beautiful," the twins said in unison.


All the first years were currently about to enter the Great Hall to be sorted into their houses. The way that the lady who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall explained it to them was that it was a sort of family. You spend your 7 years with people like you, in one of the four houses. This kind of confused Rose, why would you want all of the kids with similar personalities in the same room? For 7 years. Without an adult. Like they could easily do something really dumb because their logical friend is in a different house. Anyway, Rose was currently standing next to Lily, listening to the hat sing about the four founders and their four houses. Gryffindor for the brave, Slytherin for the cunning, Ravenclaw for the wise, and Hufflepuff for the loyal.

The first name that Rose recognized was Sirius Black's. The boy walked up to the stool with an air of confidence, but Rose could tell it was fake and he was terrified. When the hat was placed on his head it thought for a few seconds before screaming "GRYFFINDOR!" Rose clapped for him when she saw his smile, even though his eyes hid fear. The next person she knew, was her sister. She squeezed Lily's hand before she walked to the hat. It was placed on her head and once again shouted "GRYFFINDOR!" Rose felt nerves when her name was called, she knew her and Lily wouldn't be in the same house, simply because everyone kept saying it or hinting it.

As Rose walked to the stool she smiled at all the professors, waving at Hagrid who stood off to the side. McGonagall placed the hat on her head and she sighed. 'Ah! What do we have here.  Two twins who are so similar, yet so different.' the hat spoke to her! Quietly she asked, "what house do I belong to?" 'A heart like yours can only belong in one place' the hat said before yelling, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Rose sat at the Hufflepuff table as more names were called. Next was one of the boys from earlier, Remus Lupin, sorted into Gryffindor. His friend wasn't far behind him, Peter Pettigrew, after a hat stall, of about 5 minutes, he too was also sorted into Gryffindor. Then it was finally, James Potter, he walked to the hat like he knew what was going to happen. After barely touching his head, he too was sorted into Gryffindor. Then finally it was Sev's turn. When he went to the stool he made eye contact with Rose and Lily. Then the hat shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"

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