Chance Meeting

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The four girls entered the Great Hall giggling, not paying attention to where they were going. Then the girls ran into two older students. "Watch it!" yelled the boy, he seemed to be in his 6th year. "Oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright? I didn't harm you in any way?" the kind Hufflepuff asked. The boy's friend, who seemed about a year younger than him, looked at Rose as if she had done something unexpected.

It's then that Rose realized the other three girls had moved away from the two Slytherin students. "Do you know who we are?" the girl asked. "No, sorry. I'm a muggleborn first year, so I don't really know anyone." Roses response made both Marlene and Alice flinch, they knew exactly who these two students were. "I'm Narcissa, Narcissa Black," this however shocked everyone who had heard it. "Narcissa? Like Narcissus?" Rose asked, saying her name like it was gold.

"No one has ever made that connection," Narcissa told the girl, happy that she had been the first. "Oh I love Greek mythology," Rose beamed, "and if I was you I would fall in love with my reflection, too. You are absolutely gorgeous" Rose told the Slytherin without hesitation. The complement caused Narcissa to blush and her friend to clear his throat. "Oh this is Lucius Malfoy" the boy in question just stared at her.

"Oh be nice, Luc," Narcissa told her boyfriend. "She's muggleborn" he whispered to the girl. This caused Rose to look at him like he had hit her. 'Even in the wizarding world, I'm a freak' she thought. Well, that was until Narcissa yelled at him. Quickly, without fully thinking, Rose put herself between the two of them. "It's fine Cissy, I understand. Well I don't really, but I kind of do" the first-year said, taking Narcissa's hand in her own.

Neither of the Slytherin's knew what to do as the little Hufflepuff stood between them. "Why did you do that?" Lucius asked her. "Do what?" Rose countered, completely unaware of how she had subconsciously protected him. "You stepped between us." Narcissa explained, "and it looked like you were scared I would hit him" Narcissa looked down at the hand that still held hers.

"Oh, sorry," Rose said, removing her hand. Narcissa couldn't understand why but she wanted the girl to take it again. That's when she realized something, "what's your name?" "My name? It's Rosemary Evans, but if you want to you can call me Rose. I must be going now, my friends are waiting for me." In truth, the other three left to go sit down when they realized she was in no danger. The girl left to find her sister and their new friends.

When neither of the two Slytherin's could see her Lucius turned to Narcissa, "I like her" he told her honestly. "I do, too. But if either of our families found out that we favored a muggleborn-" "They won't," Lucius interrupted with a determined look, "we'll protect her. She's too kind for this world, she protected me even though I hadn't said a word to her, grabbed your hand without hesitation, I don't understand..." he trailed off. "Why you care for her?" Narcissa continued. He only nodded. "Me neither, but I do." 


The four girls sat at the Gryffindor table eating their breakfast when Professor McGonagall walked over. She handed each of them their class lists and then walked away. "Well, ok then," Marlene said, always seeming to make Rose laugh.

"Let me see that," Marlene told Rose, but before she could snatch it Alice already had it in her hands. "Look, look, we have Charms together, and Herbology," Alice exclaimed loudly. "What about flying?," Lily asked sheepishly, "I'm not very fond of the idea, but Rosy can't wait." At the sound of her name, Rose looked up at the other three girls, mouth full of grapes. All four girls stopped before Rose swallowed and they all burst out laughing.

"Anyways," Marlene said stealing the paper from Alice, "yes we do. And Potions on Tuesdays, but not on Thursdays. And Transfiguration on Mondays, but not Wednesdays." Lily took the paper from Marlene and looked it over. "How come everyone knows my classes but me?" Rose asked taking her paperback and getting up. "Where are you going?" Alice asked. "To talk to our Heads of House," Rose replied before walking towards the women.

"Hello, Professors," Rose said quietly. "Why hello dear" her Head of House replied, smiling. "What can we do for you?" McGonagall asked in a kind but serious voice. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night, with the dorms," Rose said slowly. McGonagall gave her a look, telling her to continue. "You see, Lily and I have never been that far apart at night and I think I speak for both of us when I say we are sorry for causing any trouble." Rose looked up at the two Professors waiting for a reply when McGonagall smiled.

 "It's alright, dear. It's normal, for twins with your powers anyway" Professor Sprout continued "It's called a twin bound, it makes it difficult for twins as close as you and your sister to be apart in times of stress." "Wow. That explains a lot." This caused both Professors to raise an eyebrow. "When Lily and I are in any type of distress, the other always knows. And they know how to find the other." Rose told them honestly. 

"In that case, I think you should both be able to get to the other." Sprout said. "In fact, I think you should both be allowed in each other's common rooms, and you should be allowed in all four." The last part surprised Rose the most. "All four? Are you sure?" Rose asked McGonagall. "I heard you telling the story of Alice in Wonderland to help the others sleep. You even melted the hearts of two Pureblood Slytherin's without trying. You have a gift for making people feel better. We, as in all four Heads and Dumbledore, think that all four houses need someone like that."

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