The Storm

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Rose was currently sitting on Marlene's bed, reading another book about magical creatures, when she heard it. Thunder. A few seconds later Marlene came out of the bathroom looking slightly panicked. "Did you hear that?" she asked, fear laced into her voice. "Its just thunder, Mar. Nothing to worry about." Right after the words left her mouth, they heard it again. Marlene squeaked and ran to Rose as the door opened and the other girls ran in. "Rose," Lilly shouted as she buried her face in Rose's hair. Alice had her arms wrapped around Rose's left, while Dorcas was on her right. Marlene and Mary both had their heads in her lap. Rose honestly didn't understand how they were all surrounding her, or why.

You see, Rose loved the rain, and she loved storms. She found the noise of the rain hitting the roof relaxing and liked to watch the lighting light up the sky. So she never understood how someone could fear it. She just wanted to curl up in  ball and read a book, or maybe fall asleep to the sound of the rain against the window.

"Are you all afraid?" she asked the five Gryffindor's. All five girls seemed to nod their heads as they hid their faces further into the Hufflepuff's clothes. "Well then," Rose started before pausing to think of a solution. "Lets all go to the Commons and sit by the fireplace. Maybe that and a story will calm you down." All the other girls did was nod and start to walk out of their dorm.

As the six girls made their way to one of the couches, Rose charmed a few chairs to scoot closer to them. It was then that she spotted Remus reading a book in a window seal. "The boys to loud, Rem?" Rose jokingly asked her new friend. "No," he replied with a sweet smile, "just wanted to read without James or Sirius throwing a pillow at me." Rose and Remus simply chuckled before a loud boom filled the quiet place.

All five girls shouted her name as four boys came crashing down the stairs. "Oi, Remus." Shouted a fearful James. "Do you hear that?" asked a boy Rose had heard them call Frank. "Its just thunder," Remus explained calmly, "nothing to worry about." "But its frightening," Peter replied. "I cant fall asleep," Sirius told his friend, but Rose saw a hint of fear in his eye too.

"Well," Rose stated gaining their attention. "I'm about to read to the girls if you'd like to join." All five boys looked at the girl and smiled. "That would be lovely," Remus replied, leading the other boys to where the girls sat. As the boys sat around, mostly on the floor or in a chair, Rose began to think of a story she could tell.

"Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was a farmers wife...." Rose told the story of The Wizard of Oz, reciting most of it from memory. She told the story as, one by one, the Gryffindor's fell asleep. Unaware of the listening ears of the older students, who also found the first year Hufflepuff's story to be calming during the storm.

After she had finished the story, she started covering all of the sleeping students with blankets, including the older ones. Sirius and James watched the girl do this, waiting for her to notice them. "Oh, you're awake." Rose whispered when she caught the boys watching her. "Yeah, guess we just cant sleep," James said with a sad smile. "Perhaps you miss home?" Rose asked, but only directed it towards James. "Or maybe nightmares?" she continued, but this time she was looking at Sirius.

Both boys just nodded and Rose smiled at their honesty. "Well I might know another way," they watched as she walked towards them, sitting between the two boys where Peter was before he rolled across the floor. Rose simply patted her lap, "lay down." The two boys looked between each other before doing what they were told. As they lay their heads in her lap she started to play with their hair and sing. 

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings.These are a few of my favorite things.Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.These are a few of my favorite things.Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.Silver-white winters that melt into springs.These are a few of my favorite things. When the dog bites,When the bee stings,When I'm feeling sad,I simply remember my favorite things,And then I don't feel so bad."

 Rose sang the song from one of her favorite movie, The Sound of Music. It was honestly one of the reasons she loved storms so much and she hoped it would calm the two boys down. She had slowed it down and sang it as more of a lullaby, not knowing if an up beat song was the best to sing to the sleepy Gryffindor's. By the time she was done with the song she simply smiled at the sleeping boys with their heads in her lap. Rose then leaned her back to rest next to Remus' leg and finally fell asleep.

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