Chapter 9: Misleading Ends

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"The most unlikeliest of places-" Shino began. "Yet my kikaichu are never wrong when reporting back to me. There is little evidence of Uchiha there. Maybe a scent or traces of chakra. As for if we'll find Takihiro or even Sasuke there- that I cannot confirm."

I frowned slightly. "Iwa is on the other side of our current location though. Are you sure about this, Aburame?"

"Did you not hear me earlier?" He repeated. "My kikaichu are never wrong."

I glanced at Kiba, who had given me a shrug. "If it means we can head back to Konoha after the bullcrap we've been through, I'm all for it. Let's just get this mission done and over with. I'm sorta missing everyone back home."

Tenten stood from her seat and stretched. "I guess that's my cue. I should head back to the Village and report my mission a success. You two do what you need to do."

I turned and shot a grin her way. "Oh- before you go. I'm sorry about before. The whole barging in thing. Honestly, I thought this place was completely empty. Thanks for, uh, saving me though-"

She gave a smile of her own along with the peace sign. "I guess that means you owe me, huh? I'll make sure to remind you when you return back to the village. Maybe you can buy me a new set of kunai or something."

How about a ring?, My mind sang, causing me to flush crimson once again.

"Fang," Kiba muttered.

I shook my head mindlessly and reached for the door. "Kami, it's starting to warm up in here. We should head outside or something."

"The premises are clear," Shino indicated. "Should we start heading to Iwagakure then? Its a good days travel, but I'm sure without any unnecessary falters, we can arrive no later than two days. That's a reasonable timeframe."

Kiba nodded and grinned to show his pearly white canines. "That sounds decent. Besides, if this Takihiro guy puts up a fight, he'll be no match for us three. I say Lady Tsunade made the right choice putting us together."

Shino sidestepped. "Well that, and use of Lady Hinata. I guess we can do with a stand-in for now."

I sweatdropped. "But I've always been a part of the team, Shino."

"Yes, of course," he replied back rather carefree. "Now, let's get back to your Ninken before you two have separation anxiety."


As I stared up at the full moon gleaming brightly amongst the glistening stars, certain thoughts started rummaging through my mind. Teaming up with Kiba was never an issue. As a matter of fact, being ordered not to go on team missions when I was still new to the squad made Kurenai-Sensei feel all the more bothered. It was the first team out of the group's class that had a four-man formation excluding the head leader. Back then, it was so much simpler. I had someone there with experience and a plan to follow suit, back-up plan drawn up in worst case scenarios. Now we rely on each other with based hunches and gut feelings hoping nothing turns south in the blink of an eye.

But all of that didn't matter when my cousin had my back. Even though he annoyed the hell out of me with the whole Tamaki situation, I had to admit- he was the only one I was willing to co-exist with when it came to following anyone else's orders but my own.

I still remember the day Kurenai-Sensei and I shared the news with the group.


"What?!" Kiba questioned. "What do you mean he isn't able to go?"

"Lady Tsunade instructed Fang and myself that he wasn't permitted to leave the Village for extensive missions," She reported. "We're not going to talk about the reasoning right now, but I still want you three to acknowledge him as the fourth member of our squad."

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