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I know Im publishing this after 8 chapter and probably shouldve done this before I even started the book - sweatdrop - but I just want to let everyone know that this isn't going to be the Narutoverse you're all familiar with. Let me get that out of the way right now. This is somewhat of an Alternate Universe. Somewhat. I'll be adding my friend's OCs in here as well, so if you dont recognize a certain name just refer to here, check out their profile and uhhhh yeah. You wont be confused anymore-

If this is going to result in less reads, I'm perfectly fine with that, but just know I'm putting everything I have into this book strictly to entertain the reader-

So for those of you who read, vote, comment and share and all that good jazz- thank you! I appreciate you guys.

OCs to be mentioned (6)

Fang Inuzuka (My OC) - Kiba Inuzuka's younger cousin. I know Fang and Kiba are the same thing. I didnt know it at first. I actually got the name Fang from the Maximum Ride series so- dont come after me.

Takihiro Uchiha ( JacktheSavageGod ) - A Mysterious visitor and mission target of Lady Tsunade.

Shane Kayaba (My OC) - The Antagonist

Miyoko Arisu (shurikens- ) -An Iwagakure Baddie

Keiko Uchiha ( -bbyuchiha ) - The resilient sister of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha.

Again, this is my fanfic. Authenticity is important to me but at the same time it's also just for fun dude. I dont need hate comments from shippers and the thousand other Uchiha Sisters. Keiko was the first OC I met and have become bestfriends with so I chose her. End of story lol


Glad to get that out of the way. Should you feel the need to commment hateful stuff, please dont. I'd really appreciate it.

-Your Author-


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