Chapter 14: A Date?...A DATE?!

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Seven O' Clock.

Seven O' Clock.

Seven O' Clock.

It had never occurred to me that unless this wasn't the plan for tonight, I practically wouldn't have had anything else to do. I sat in bed, counting down along with my watch as it had just reached six o'clock, and at that time, I was practically DREADING on wanting to make a first impression.

Well, a second first impression? Or perhaps a third? Technically we did spar, and then there was the target prac-


Why did that matter? I was having dinner with Tenten tonight! Nothing else could be just as important as that!

Zenomaru, who was lying on the wooden flooring, stood up and walked over to me, resting his muzzle on my lap. I ruffled his fur and chuckled to myself.

"She said yes, Z. Can you believe it? She actually said yes. I was such an idiot with how I asked her."

He let out a husky exhale through his nostril in retort.

"Oh, you think you could've done better?"

He groaned, flipping his head to the side of the bed.

"Just because everyone loves you doesn't mean Tenten would've said yes to you. Besides, how were you gonna pay the check? Hm? A rollover and heal?"

He just looked up at me.

"That's what I thought-"

"What happened with Tenten?"  Kiba's voice echoed in the hallway before he showed his familiar face in my doorway.

"HUH?!" Oh no- did he hear me?! No. There's no way he could've- Ah crap. Maybe he did!

"You said dinner with Tenten. Is there a meet-up somewhere?"

I racked my brain trying to find the right wording on how to get myself out of this one. "Dinner?! Uh- No! No, I said winner! Yeah, she uh, actually- well I challenged her to target practice. And she won. She won! She did win it, and that's how she became a winner."

....If interrogation ever had to question me about anything- Kami.

Kiba however?

"I see. Well that was pretty dumb of you. Everyone knows target practice is Tenten's specialty. Way to go on soiling the Inuzuka name, baka!"

I scoffed. "Me soiling?! Isn't that you with that Tamaki lady? Your giiiirlfriend! She's a CAT person for crying out loud."

Kiba rolled his eyes. "Obviously I can see that, but I'm not dating her cat, am I? No! Besides, why do you care? It's not like you've shown your best interests of her company."

I looked away. "I don't. It's whatever. Here I was thinking you were onto something with Inuzuka being great with women. But when I asked Sakura about all those times you claimed to be a chick magnet, she LAUGHED!"

He blew a gasket immediately. "OF COURSE SHE WOULD REACT THAT WAY!! THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO SAW ME WITH WOMEN WERE SHINO AND HINATA! BUT DONT GO ASKING THEM BECAUSE TECHNICALLY THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" He turned with his arms crossed over his chest. "That and it was a long time ago. Too long for them to probably even remember."

I shook my head and stood up off my bed. "So that's why you're so hung up on Tamaki. It makes sense now, her being your literal first."

Kiba made a fist and shook it at me. "Hey, shut your trap before I shut it for you. How about that?!"

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