Chapter 4: A Bond Between Friends

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Konohagakure was very lively around the early mornings. Zenomaru and I would usually stroll through the village to windowshop new items that merchants were showcasing and exotic foods delivered from other nations around the world.
One time, the new green chili tofu wrap was being given out for free taste testing, and Kiba swore up and down it was nothing like the wasabi-soaked ramen he made me for my birthday last year. I tried it out, and instantly regretted trusting his bad judgement, reaching for my water canteen that was strapped to my waist and chugging the whole gallon.

"Ohhh, don't be such a wimp! They're not that bad," he had said after.

"Gomen, Kiba," I argued. "But I can't handle spicy foods like you can!"

Kiba gave me an unsure glance, taking a wrap for himself and chomping nearly half of it away into the depths of his mouth.

I waited for him to say something as he ate, but he simply turned to me and forced a smile, tears trapped along the ends of his eyes. "See? No biggie. It's not as spicy as you're making it seem to be."

I huffed a puff of air at him, turning my back to him and continuing on through the village. "Maybe we can find a chocolate fountain somewhere to dip some sweets in."

Those were the days, but now, things were different. I realized we were growing up a little too quickly, and as much as I saw him like a brother, I knew I couldn't keep following him for much longer.

He had his own path to go down, whereas I was still searching for mine.

"Oi! Fang!" I heard a voice call out. Looking up, I recognized the pink-haired kunoichi from a few days ago, and gave her a heartfelt smile.

"Ohayo, Sakura!" I called out, Zenomaru making his way into her presence just to be pet. It really struck me as odd that he was nowhere near like how Akamaru was, but then again, I guess I was to blame for that. Unlike Kiba, I would let Zenomaru go out on his own if he ever wanted to get out of the house. It wasn't like I was comfortable from time to time without knowing where he went, but he wouldn't stay out long, and if I ever fell asleep, he'd wake me by licking the hell out of my face.

"Have any plans today?" She questioned, hands by her sides.
I remembered seeing them being placed on her stomach that one day, and right after Lord Seventh mentioned something to Sasuke about "settling down".

("So, you know?")

I returned my attention to her and placed my hands behind my head as I always saw my cousin doing.

"No, not today at least. I mean, besides training that is, but I usually take care of that later on in the day. Why?"

She smiled, leaning forward. "Would you like to accompany me at Ichiraku's ramen shop?"

Stepping back, I flustered with an answer. What was it all of a sudden that I had women coming up to me and asking for company? Nevermind the fact that it's only been two so far, and that I was probably just flattering myself, but still.

"Y-You're asking m-me?" I followed up, unsure if I heard her correctly.

She giggled lightly and reached out, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. "Come on! It's empty right now, and if we hurry, we could choose our own seats!"

Without much choice, I jogged alongside her, Zenomaru tagging along with his tongue flapping in the calm winds of the hidden leaf village.


We sat in silence for awhile. She stayed fixed on her first bowl for a good fifteen minutes, savoring the flavor of a string of noodles that she picked up with her chopsticks. I, on the other hand, was finishing up my fourth bowl and was already eyeing my fifth.

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