Chapter 10: Puzzle Pieces

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"Keiko Uchiha?" Shino questioned, flabbergasted. "Is that what you heard? That there's another?"

Kiba, unsure what to even say, looked around in confusion. "I'm beginning to think someone's performing like a reversal summoning of the Uchiha Massacre. Is that even a thing? Is that possible?? Where the hell are they coming from?"

I couldn't wrap my head around it either. First Takihiro and now Keiko. There was clear and proven evidence Sasuke was the Last of the Uchiha. Everyone knew that- even bordering nations had wrapped their heads around just how unique Sasuke was to his clan's name. Yet, there were two more of them?

"He's not an Uchiha.
That's why I'm looking for him."

"She seemed..genuine? Almost disgusted that Takihiro even existed. It was just a vibe I felt."

The Aburame shifted his posture uneasily. "And you met her again where?"

"Just a little ways outside Iwagakure. I have Miyoko as a witness. She saw her, too- even though she wasn't as pleased to have my assistance."

"Well, I think to grasp a better understanding of what exactly happened, we may need to go and confront Ms. Arisu about this."

Kiba sweatdropped. "Oh sure. I remember the last guy that did that nearly got his teeth kicked down his throat. Oh wait, he's standing right in front of us."

Shino simply shrugged. "Have a better idea, Inuzuka? It's necessary. Plus, Fang is just now telling us when he clearly could've woken us up when he had returned. I definitely would've been able to track this Keiko person and had her turned in to the ANBU for serious questioning."

I scoffed. "Please. You're just upset that you miss out on things just like you usually do. It's no shocker when it comes to major turning events, you're really nowhere to be found."

Kiba's eyes widened. "The mission to save Sasuke wasn't his fault! He was already gone before it was initiated."

The Aburame remained emotionless. "You think words can hurt me? It just would've been the smart thing to do and you know it. I tend to forget how absent-minded you are at times."


We made our way back to the bar where we first met Miyoko, but upon arriving, the bartender, Tanji, was simply wiping down the counter amongst an invisible crowd.

"Morning, gentlemen. It's nice to see you three again. Care for a drink?"

I shook my head for all threw of us and examined the place. "Your regular- Miyoko Arisu. Has she stopped by today?"

Tanji laughed. "Fellas, I just opened. Sure she's a frequent customer and all, but she's not a serious alcoholic. At least not from how she handles her drinks. Why do you ask?"

Shino stepped forward. "An incident happened last night involving her and my comrade here. I just want the record to be set straight."

Tanji raised a brow. "Incident? As in like..a hook-up?"

I felt my face burn up slightly. "What?!"

"No," Shino said lightly. "Not that kind of incident. It's more of an argument. Disagreement to say the least. We're not looking for any further altercation."

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