Chapter 2: The Forgotten Uchiha

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-Training Field-


I raised an arm up in defense, blocking Kiba's lunge. He spun around quickly and performed a roundhouse kick that I barely managed to catch, but just as it connected, he stood on his hands and used his other foot, planting it straight on my jaw.


Next, he flipped forward and threw a straight punch that would've landed on the base of my nose had he not stopped.

I stared at him wide-eyed before rolling them and swatting his fist away.

"Your reactions are still slow. You need to feel the next attack, Fang. You can't just guess it."

"Easy for you to say," I argued. "We're both jonin yet I feel like a kid trapped in this body." Zenomaru and Akamaru were resting near the same tree, but on opposite sides, their tails wagging as if cheering on their own partners.
I fixed my headband, making sure it was tied tightly. "Maybe I should train with Guy-sensei or something."

He gave his usual tooth-filled grin. "Oh sure. You'll be running miles around the village before you get any lessons from him." He took a swig of water from his canteen, then raised a hand. "Scratch that. You'll be running miles around the five great nations."

I sighed and walked over to him, snatching the canteen away and stealing a drink for myself. "We've been training for years on this and I feel like I haven't made any progress. I'm sorry, cousin, but this is for my benefit. What if I'm holding you back on your training because you're helping me with mine?"

Frowning at my actions, he took the container back from me and hooked it onto his waist. "We're family, man. You're an Inuzuka, and we Inuzuka never give up! Did I tell you about the time I almost became Hokage?"

Deadpanning, I looked away from him. "Uh, yeah. Sure. I think I remember."

"That's right. Yeah, Kakashi-Sensei was highly recommending me for the position after my heroics against Pain and the Akatsuki! I turned it down though knowing Lord Seventh was obviously more qualified after his contributions. He's the one who did most of the work anyway-"

"Ohayo, Kiba!" A feminine voice called out. I looked over my shoulder toward the entrance gate of the training field to see a midnight-blue haired and pale young woman wearing a light pink short-sleeve hoodie and tan leggings. I knew her all too well.

"Hm? Oh! Ohayo, Hinata!" My cousin called out.

I felt my face flush slightly. Of all the times I couldn't go on missions with them before, I knew I missed my opportunity to even try to get close to her. Kiba knew that, and would always tell me no matter what I attempted, she always had a one-track mind for Lord Seventh since before they were Genin, and now they were married.

"Fang?" I heard her fragile voice say.

"Hm? Oh! Gomen, Hinata-chan!" I placed my hands behind my head. "How are you today?"

"Um, great. I've actually come to announce from Naruto himself that Sasuke has returned to the village."

Kiba raised a brow. "Uh, okay. That's cool to know. Tell him hi for us."

Hinata, an expression of slight disbelief on her pale face, put her hands together in front of her. "Well, actually, everyone's on the way to the front gate of the village to see him off tomorrow. Naruto wanted me to tell each of his friends personally. That does include you and Fang here, Kiba."

Kiba shrugged. "Of course, I hear you. Now, come on, Fang. We should get back to your training."

I scratched the side of my head, making a quick decision before even thinking about it. "We're glad to hear that, Hinata! Thank you for going out of your way to share this information. I'm sure we'll see you there tomorrow?"

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