Chapter 5: To Be A Ninja

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I had exactly two days until the start of the mission, so Zenomaru and I trained crazily inside the Forest of Death for close to a whole 24 hours. With small breaks inbetween and an hour power nap, it was clear that I took what Lady Tsunade said to heart.
I still remembered the first honest conversation we held. It was on the roof of the Ninja Academy Center where Zenomaru was hiding with a peppermint-scented scarf solely used to practice my scent tracking.


"I'm glad you're still keeping up with your training. Most people post-war have taken it easy on themselves."

I couldn't really remember how she made her presence known without me noticing. It must've been the scarf stuffing my nose.

"Well, you know what they say. In order to protect those dearest to you, you need to become stronger than the person you were the day before."

She offered a genuine smile.
"People like Kiba?"

"Kiba," I stated. "Kurenai-Sensei, Lord Seventh. Hell, the whole village for that matter." I looked up at her with a confident attitude. "People who have guided our generation through. People like you."

Her eyes widened at my comment. "Me? Why me? I didn't do much."

"Don't be so modest. You're of the Three Legendary Sannin. It's important for you to know just how much the Hidden Leaf appreciates you."

She placed a hand on her hip. "Don't tell me what I already know, Inuzuka. I'm just saying it's different. What have I done for your sake that would make you feel like you'd need to protect me? Or appreciate me even?"

I pulled out a kunai and traced the blade slowly. "Sometimes you don't need to do anything to be appreciated by someone. Some people see a world of ghosts. Villagers and outsiders alike. Others see a certain person as their world. It just takes the right person to believe in that belief."

"Belief? Belief of what?"

"Of protecting those who aren't important as much to you as they are to someone else. You may not be as close to me as I'm claiming you to be, but you're someone else's world, and what kind of ninja would I be if I wasn't helping them protect their world?"

Placing the tool back in my pouch, I ruffled Zenomaru's fur and tossed him a treat. "If another war ended up happening, Lord Seventh would undoubtedly step forth and defend the people of the Hidden Leaf. People he doesn't even know, but I'm sure he understands that they're important to someone else. That's exactly how I feel." I gave her a thumbs up and smiled like an idiot. "You're someone's world, Lord Fifth. Therefore, you're important to me as well."


"Fang," I heard a deep and monotone voice call out just as I leaned against a tree taking another small break. I glanced around to see who it was, but the answer came quick as a small beetle landed on the bridge of my nose.

"Shino? Is that you?" I questioned, swatting the bug away.

"So, you noticed me, huh? Can't say I get that alot."

It was odd specifically because he was usually up at his own place grading tests and homework assignments for the students at the Ninja Academy. I really had no business with the guy.

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