Chapter 12: Teriyaki and a Twist

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In a couple days time, the group had eventually made it to the Hidden Rain Village- with absolutely nothing. Our theories of Takihiro showing up or present and obvious clues related to what we get we knew- in the wind.

"It's a little too wrong on my take," Shino muttered as we took a spot on a nearby roof of a residence building. "In the mean time, we can put our facts out here on display if we needed to. First off, it doesn't make sense for Takihiro to introduce himself to the majority of us when even he knows we're wary of the Uchiha Massacre. The fact that ANBU officers or the Counsel themselves hadn't made a scene in detaining him is baffling. It makes it seem like he actually is of the Uchiha bloodline."

"But we know he's not," I muttered after. "At least- that's what we're telling ourselves. Can we look at any possible scenarios where he could be one?"

"The only two logical answers are something we've went over before. Either there's a delusional scientist out there who had access to those eyes and created Takihiro to be some kind of human-made robot-" Kiba started.

"Or there really is someone reversing the Uchiha Massacre," Shino interrupted. "Once again pointing us back to the reanimation jutsu. But in order to do that- they would need some kind of DNA specimens to even get them to this point. Not just that- but according to Lord Second, the creator of said jutsu, he made sure reincarnated souls were greatly diminished in power compared to when they were alive. Even then- we all know reincarnated individuals are made that of dust and ash. The cracks amongst the surface are the clear indicator that they are apart of the jutsu- being brought back to life." He turned to look at Kiba and I. "But when he was introduced..."

"That wasn't the case," I finished. "Meaning he's been fully reincarnated as an Uchiha...or he's managed to steal the visual prowess from the clan's bloodline."

We took a second to ponder on the idea of either being true. I would glance down at the lifestyle of Amegakure and it's residents. Shinobi in rebreathers, common citizens going about their daily business like any other regular day. If Takihiro did happen to come into this village...would these people notice?

"So what do we do now?" Kiba questioned, sighing as he crouched low. "Now that we feel this is a dead end, it's back to square one. What could we make off this for Lady Tsunade?"

Shino didn't speak for a moment, then lowered his head. "We'll have to report back our findings. The trails gone cold, and not because we missed him. I don't think he ever stopped here to begin with now that we've been able to scope it out. Questioning locals wouldn't get us anywhere. If this Takihiro guy hears that we're onto him, he could potentially blow the entire mission out the waters."

I nodded. "I agree. For now, we return back to Konoha, let Lady Tsunade know what we found, and...wait?"

The bug-loving shinobi nodded. "Precisely, depending what Lady Fifth will want after. I can assume though they'll place this on a brief hold until we end up getting some more information. Until then, we've covered the base of it. Not coming far out here means the furthest he's gone is possibly Iwagakure for now. We'll have to predict the directions from there on what could've been his next move. Once we get the general idea for that-"

"We'll resume the mission," Kiba finished, smiling confidently. "Alllright!! That's what I'm talking about! Time to head back!"

<Time Skip>

"Hm. That seems like one tough job you got going on, kid. I'm glad all I have to do is serve bowls of noodles here at Ichiraku."

Teuchi served me yet another bowl of Teriyaki ramen, adding already to my two bowls from earlier.

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