Tʜɛ Bʟooɗ Quɛɛɲ

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What if Elsa actually killed Anna when she shot the ice into her heart? She did . . . it was snowing harder than it usually was in Arendale, and in the ice castle Elsa was weeping over Anna's body lying motionless on the floor. The doors flew open and Kristoff stumbled in. Elsa's heart wrenching sobs broke the silence and as she took in Kristoff's presence something inside of her snapped. Her sobs abruptly came to a stop as she mercilessly raised a razor sharp blade of ice and stabbed it repeatedly where Kristoff's heart was. For Elsa it didn't end there, in her grief-filled state she vowed to kill everyone that reminded her of Anna.

60 Years Later

It was the middle of a snowstorm as you walked down the sidewalk. You had left the house after a particularly bad episode with your parent - despite it being around 2 in the morning. They had been calling you ever since you left the house so you had turned your phone onto 'do not disturb'.

You released a long sigh as some stray snow flew past your head. Stuffing your quivering hands into your pockets you cursed yourself for not bringing a jacket when you had stormed out. You had said somethings things that weren't true but your pride was keeping you from going back and apologizing.

A passing car sped by you making you jump from the unexpected noise and closed your eyes in irritation. "This is stupid." You muttered kicking at the snow pooling around your feet. "Just get over yourself and apologize."

With a goal in mind you turned around and froze. Approximately ten feet in front you a girl was laying in the snow. Her shoulders were shaking vigorously and you heard what you assumed was crying.

"Hey," you took a hesitant step forward. "Are you okay?" You were always taught to never talk to strangers but you weren't going to abandon someone - especially in the middle of a snowstorm.

You didn't get a response from her so you continued on until you were about foot away from her. From this distance you realized that she wasn't crying - she was laughing. Why was she laughing?

You opened your mouth to speak but it quickly shut as you felt something wrap around your lower legs. You quickly looked down and saw what looked to be ice holding your feet hostage.

"You idiot." A menacing voice growled and your head quickly shot up to meet icy her blue eyes.

You wanted to scream but your voice caught in your throat as her icy fingers trailed over your voice box. You desperately tried to free your feet from the constricting restraints of the ice and she laughed. It wasn't a laugh of joy or humour; the laugh was taunting and cruel like you deserved what was coming.

"Look at you." She taunted. "You're out on the middle of the night without thinking of the consequences." Her fingers increased in pressure over your throat and her eyes turned dark. "Just like Anna. She would never think of the consequences. That's why she's dead you know - that's why I killed her. She provoked me, she wouldn't leave me alone like I wanted. She just kept pushing, wanting me to lift winter from the kingdom. I couldn't take it. I lashed out and now she's dead."

Blood was dripping from your throat where her nails dug in and you watched - paralyzed as something raised from the ground by her feet.

She laughed again. "Just like your going to be."

You barely comprehended when the ice struck your abdomen. The only indication it was there was the pain coursing through every fibre of your being. You choked on blood as the ice was brought out and stabbed viciously into your stomach once more.

The ice was repeatedly shoved into your abdomen until you felt numb. You could feel your breathing starting to slow as you slowly fell into unconsciousness.

A little girl was walking home from the park, the moon was shining brightly in the sky and she heard what sounded like crying coming from behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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